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35 answers

If you stay with him, you're risking STD's. Let's hope he doesn't give you something that can't be cured.

2006-12-01 07:04:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It depends, does he lie a lot to you? Has he cheated prior to this occurrence? Were you happy with your relationship and him before this happened? Will you be move on past this and give him a second chance without building up too much resentment for him and what he has done?

The answers to these questions should help you decide whether or not staying is a good idea. If he's a repeat offender or didn't make you happy, then obviously you should leave before things get worse. Again I offer the same advice if you don't think that you can get past this or that you will end up driving yourself mad with resentment and being unable to trust because if you can't that will only foreshadow worse things to come. If you stay under any of these circumstances, you really are just asking for it to happen again and being hurt.

However, if this is the first time he has ever done anything, you think that he is sincere in changing his ways, and that you can find the ability to forgive him (and really do so), then perhaps you guys have a chance to move on from this whole ordeal. I do think that something needs to be done though beyond his words to prove that this will not happen again (remember actions speak louder then words). Perhaps counseling or some way to prove that he is sincere...

Good luck to you but I do advise you to proceed with caution because you really need to think logically in regards to this one and sometimes in instances like these the heart takes control and forgives someone a little too easily who should be kicked to the side and forgotten.

Take Care:)

2006-12-01 07:15:23 · answer #2 · answered by serenity113001 6 · 0 0

Really, you have to ask? He cheats on you but wants to stay and you have to ask what to do? Of course he wants to stay with you. He wants his cake and he wants to eat it too. The only thing I can say if you are going to stay is figure out why he cheated in the first place. There is something that sent him to the other woman. It doesn't just happen. Happy people do not cheat! If he was completely happy with you, the relationship, and/or himself, why would he need someone else to sleep with???

2006-12-01 07:15:46 · answer #3 · answered by fedupwithu 2 · 0 0

it's kind of complicated. you first have to realize that we are all human and because of that we all make mistakes. i want you to think about the dynamics of your relationship and weigh out the pro's and cons and do what is the most beneficial for you long term. the worst thing to do is stay with him if you know in your heart he is not going to be faithful. you have to let him know that if he wants to be with you he has to step up to the plate and be a man else youre moving on. he needs to hear that from you and you need to be sincere when you tell him. if you don't and you just forgive him he is going to think it is ok to continue on cheating. i don't want you to do what i say do or what your mate say do i want you to pray about it and let god show youi the way. it is important that you put your head in your relationships and not your heart because when we act on our emotions alone we get burned every time. be encouraged and know that jesus loves you and if you get a chance read mathews 6:33. it states " seek ye first the kingdom of god, and he shall give you the desires of your heart." Trust in jesus he sastifies. i cheated on my wife and i asked everybody what i should do to get her back and everybody had something different to say it only confused me more. if you can try to keep other people out of your business as much as possible because misery loves company. this lady was so hurt that she listened to her friends and later cheated on me as a matter of fact she had made plans to start a new life without me. for sure i thought it was over. i knelt down and prayed and asked god to help me keep my family together me and my wife are happier now than we ever been before. Please listen to what i am saying and ask god to come into your life and direct your path. god bless you.

2006-12-01 07:32:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Leave, leave, leave,leave, leave, leave, leave.

Why even ask? Don't let a boy disrespect you and humiliate you like that. Never stay, never think about staying. Move on and away as quick as you can!

2006-12-01 07:10:50 · answer #5 · answered by Dr. Kat 5 · 0 0

You throw him out with the dish water.

IF he loved you, he wouldn't have cheated on you. Why would you want to keep him around if he can't even keep his fly zipped?

Leave him to his cheating ways. He's always going to be a cheater, no matter how much you want it to work.

2006-12-01 07:05:21 · answer #6 · answered by FaZizzle 7 · 1 0


2006-12-01 07:03:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Leave him, Why would you want to be with someone that cheats on you? Don't you think he will do it again?

2006-12-01 07:05:31 · answer #8 · answered by Merrily 3 · 1 0

You leave him silly. The only reason he wants to stay is so he can have the best of both worlds. Be smart, kick his *** out and find someone who loves only you.

2006-12-01 07:04:43 · answer #9 · answered by loser 4 · 1 0

well now we really can't tell u what to do...i would leave him....will u be able to trust him after he's cheated.....i don't think so...u will always have doubts if he's cheating or not...could u be in a relationship like that?

2006-12-01 07:09:09 · answer #10 · answered by prchik 5 · 0 0

Well depends on if I love the person. I am in a relationship that involves other people but not behind the other persons back. We explore things with other couples together. its mutaully agreed upon that there is no behind the back activities.

2006-12-01 07:05:57 · answer #11 · answered by pegasis 5 · 0 0

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