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I met someone on line and I really want to meet him. I wanted to here someones objective opnion. Every one I talk to I know and think its a bad idea.

2006-12-01 06:56:15 · 12 answers · asked by Frendly 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

It's not safe, but there are ways to protect yourself. Meet during daylight hours, in a busy public place such as a restaurant. Have several friends at a table nearby. Do not leave with him. Meet in this manner several times before you consider doing anything else.

2006-12-01 06:59:24 · answer #1 · answered by Kimberly H 3 · 0 0

its no worse than home in a bar or dance club, gym, event, or store etc people all over the world have issues. HOWEVER- there are people who prey on people to take advantage of your loneliness, innocense, situation of being seperated or not understood they just go to you to prey upon the vulnerable so be careful as its way far open source - here. People get killed and hurt or scammed. I remember reading the missouri one from yahoo pool this chik made freinds with this chik went to see4 her and cut her baby out of her took it. The lady had been diagnopsed with manic depression.. bi polar since she lost her baby so........ you have to call them see them on cam and 6 months isnt enuf either.. to know one. they all can scam and lie. What are your needs? reasons? ask your self long and hard. my friend go tmarried from someone she met on line. Meet in public preferably with another friend. OK? have someone call you during this time of meeting. Then again in your home town you can meet a sicko as well. so.. heads up be aware of why your meeting. There used to be pen pals way long ago same thing. They took a chance to meet someday but now it seems mroe open and common. Have a charge card preferably and just do a background check on line to make sure person hasn.t been aressted or at least ask where they work? trace the phone number to anywho.com an addy should come up if its a cell phone.

2006-12-01 07:06:16 · answer #2 · answered by gypsygirl731 6 · 0 0

Get one of your guy friends to go with you and meet in a place like a mall. Just make sure that your friend is fairly big or bring 2 friends. Have them standing around somewhere near by but not obviously close. Try meeting near a fountain and have your friends in a store near you. I did this for one of my friends 4 times. 2 of the guys that she met were really nice and she had liked but 2 were real assholes that I had to put down. Just make sure you meet the guy at least twice in this manner. Faking the first meeting is easy. The second meeting you might get a better view of his true self.

2006-12-01 07:02:09 · answer #3 · answered by Steveo 4 · 0 0

No its not a bad idea, and no its not safe to meet him ALONE!!! Meeting someone online is just like going up to a total stranger in a bar or club and wanting to hang out with them the next day.. Just go with a group of friends and tell him to bring a couple friends, that way you both feel more comfortable and safe...

2006-12-01 07:01:14 · answer #4 · answered by tayvrc2006 2 · 1 0

OK lets say he could be really nice but: If you read the papers and listen to the TV,this is the wrong thing to do. You hear too much about Kidnappings, Rapes, Murder. and you want to put yourself in this situation, If you do go ahead with this, make sure someone knows where you are going, and make your meeting in a public place,make sure your cell phone is charged.

2006-12-01 07:48:59 · answer #5 · answered by lennie 6 · 1 0

I am now living with the man i met on line, when he wanted to meet me i decided to meet him in a public place (a bus station)
we met twice in the same place, you must use your instinct on this matter, In my case it`s the best thing that i did, good luck,

Please contact me if you need any further help

2006-12-01 07:17:48 · answer #6 · answered by Tatty 3 · 0 0

I have met many people in person after online and it wasnt pretty bad. My brother married someone he met online.. so out of experience, its alright as long as you are careful. I say if you want to meet them ask them to wear a certain color shirt or something that will make them stand out and then after you get there check them out before you go up to him.. just to make sure it coincides with his verbal description and didnt lied.. if he looks different than described leave... then get to know him he might turn out alright but dont speed up the process to a relationship, just because you met him before its never the same in person than online... ok? Dont be alone with him.. for a couple of months always request to ride in diferent cars you need to be careful.. always avoid his phrases like "ill pick you up at.." cut him off and say "ill meet you at.." that way you have your own ride just in case.. Good Luck!

Remeber not to share personal info..

2006-12-01 07:01:56 · answer #7 · answered by ahuga 2 · 1 0

I guess, it all matters on how much you know about the person.
BE VERY CAREFUL and if you do decide to meet, take a person with you and meet in a very very public place, like Starbucks or something, ok Hope that helps

2006-12-01 07:00:34 · answer #8 · answered by six7foru 2 · 1 0

I agree with Mary. Definitely bring a friend. You never know these days. NBC has already aired like 5 or 6 episodes of that "To Catch A Predator" show where they catch these men preying on young girls online. All of them had the intention of sex. Always be weary.

2006-12-01 07:00:18 · answer #9 · answered by diidy 3 · 1 0

It is a bad idea if you are going to meet him alone. I would bring along a friend.

2006-12-01 06:57:53 · answer #10 · answered by Mary Smith 6 · 1 0

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