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10 answers

The best I can tell you is that if he has nothing to hide, he won't mind telling you things. If he starts being all secretive and you don't know where he is, do some investigating. You have nothing to hide from him, so he should have nothing to hide from you.

2006-12-01 06:30:59 · answer #1 · answered by ☆skyblue 7 · 0 0

Of course I blv he's loyal; otherwise i'd be gone O: When he checks out other girls....well, it really depends on him and her, now doesn't it? If he had always been someone who would look at another girl and compliment their looks, then perhaps that's just how he is. If he normally doesn't and out of the blue, begins checking another girl out, then you would worry O: However, if the girl's insecure about herself, then the guy should try/do his best to drop that habit. At the same time though, i have no delusion on how i look as a person. I'd personally look at women and think to myself 'Dang, she's gorgeous. Wish i had her looks.' I wouldn't be offended if my bf made a comment about how so and so looks. But if he continues it on for more than a line or two, then it gets annoying. The tone and situation also changes it as well. And eh, it's not only guys who do this. I find plenty of girls who check other guys out but then get all hissy when their men compliment other girls on their looks. And sometimes, it's just them being nice. If i notice that someone changed their look or did something i would compliment them, saying it looks nice on them. Or if i meet someone who has something on that i find cute or nice, i would tell them so. And if my bf did that too, i would not get so worked up about it.

2016-03-13 01:25:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are a few ways to tell...

First of all dont ask or use your friends...most of the time they are wrong and they will make you feell the worst...just ask my gf.

You can :
1) dont follow him but keep an eye out on him just to see how is is with other people. (this isnt the best btw)
2) How does he act with you? If he seems distant all the time..or is he avoids you then there maybe something wrong.
3) Just ask...most of the time he has a good reason...and you can always tel when a guy lies.
4) Follow your gut...not hurl i mean and watch it...i mean he seems like he doesnt want to be with you say something!

Good luck...I hope this helps you.

2006-12-01 06:29:58 · answer #3 · answered by Hideo Okino 2 · 0 0

that is the thing a relationship should be based on! if you have a feeling that he is cheating on you he propably is but talk to him and ask him out about the subject! you could look at his behaviour. If it changed alot after a week or so and he is avoiding you or do not contact you as much as usually there would be something wrong! make a plan

2006-12-01 06:29:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. if he doesn't mind if you pick up his cell phone at any time or look at the caller list or called list
2. if he doesn't mind if you see him on im or email. or if he gives you his email password.
3. if you basically know where he is and what he's doing most of the time, and you are right about it.

2006-12-01 06:27:03 · answer #5 · answered by Sufi 7 · 0 0

smell his cok when he comes home.....rub his balllls to see if there empty..... take a black light and shine it all over his clothes and underpants to see if there is any *** anywhere on him that wasnt from you playin with him.........of course those are tips if you want to take the sycho approache to find out....I know cause I had some sycho girlfreinds in my day

2006-12-01 06:29:17 · answer #6 · answered by jeffmarcelluspbl 1 · 0 0

if he's not highly committed in his faith, you need to question his loyalty..

if he loves God, much more than he loves you.. he will be loyal to you no matter what. :)

Occam's razor, "the simplest answer tends to be the right one"

other method? ask him to marry you..

2006-12-01 06:29:41 · answer #7 · answered by SciComp79 1 · 0 0

you won't...unless you hire a PI to follow him around, and is that really worth it??

2006-12-01 06:26:51 · answer #8 · answered by Niffer 6 · 0 0


ask him!


2006-12-01 06:26:48 · answer #9 · answered by Redneck ALMO 2 · 0 0

you dont..its all a matter of trust do u trust him and believe wat he is saying?

2006-12-01 06:25:35 · answer #10 · answered by im1hxclover 2 · 1 0

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