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they ask questions which will guarntee an answer that will upset them...why?

2006-12-01 06:17:31 · 31 answers · asked by mrgee32uk 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

31 answers

because they want men to fail. Gives them a sense of empowerment

2006-12-01 06:20:12 · answer #1 · answered by john d 2 · 1 1

Maybe she just wants to see how you'll react. Maybe she asks because she's insecure and needs your approval to feel better. When she asks something like that, try to answer in a way that is more about her and less about whatever she's asking. You may find that works better for you. Especially if you're paying her a compliment. Its hard to be mad at flattery.

For example:
Girl: Does this dress look okay?

*boy thinks the dress is ugly, but that she's pretty* So there are a few honest ways to answer this question and usually come out on top.
1) I think you look stunning. (try to say this as honestly as possible, remember you think she's pretty, just not the dress. say it as if she's asking what you think of how she looks.)
2) It doesn't do you justice, beautiful. (aw, isn't that sweet while not saying outright that you hate the dress)
3) I can honestly say that you are my favorite part of that outfit. (you don't like it, but she's still pretty)

A lot of times if a woman is asking about an outfit, she's worried how she looks. She. Not the dress. Not the shirt. Not whatever. Her. If its something else, some other question... consider what she's really asking you. But don't ever hesitate. Don't be nervous or self conscious that there is a wrong answer. If you are, you've likely already answered wrong. Remember, she's probably watching your reaction. So be calm. Smile. And answer smoothly.

Remember, be charming. If she asks if her butt is too big and you honestly don't think so, then tell her in a sweet way that you don't. Find another way of saying it than just 'no'. "no, honny" is very non comittal. Not very expressive of opinion. Its a passive answer. So she likely won't believe you really mean it cause you didn't express yourself agressively. Deep down, she likely wants to see if you think she's beautiful. Wants to gage your attraction to her. Only rarely will you find a woman that wants to hear "well, honny, you did gain five pounds, maybe you should hit the gym this week". You know her best, you know what kind of flirtatious behavior she enjoys. What makes her smile or giggle or blush. Use that to your advantage with these question. It'll make her feel better and you won't feel like there's a wrong answer.

Just a thought.

2006-12-01 06:44:18 · answer #2 · answered by DanniGirl 2 · 0 0

I advise that the better reduce for contributions be finished away with, and that the optimal payouts in retirement nevertheless stay as they are, adjusted for inflation. Social safe practices isn't a "provide away" application yet one which all of us make contributions to love a reductions plan, and should be shielded from different makes use of by the authorities. Do you agree or disagree and why? if you're so annoying about it then why no longer; first placed it decrease back into the non-public sector and make to were no can take out money from it for his or her personal interest, 2d pay decrease back each and every penny you've borrowed from both Social safe practices and Medicare, 0.33 take the unlawful immigrants off of it and those who come over right here yet by no ability paid a penny to it, and ultimately have it a similar for each human being; in different words authorities officials are to participate in it and in the adventure that they pick something extra they do it on their personal with out the tax payers funding it?yet, the monetary stytem feeding the imbalances had by no ability been truly replaced. They, a set of scholars, stated that each and every one costs of interest will be 3% or a lot less for each human being to develop into wealthy if wanted (that should be authentic also to taces). the perfect monetary subject will be, they suggested, even as there have been no costs of interest. Why no longer do this answer? the wealthy would nevertheless be wealthy. My question is: even as soial safe practices will develop right into a situation linked to federal debts, why no longer artwork with a balanced or benefit funds and spend no better than is provided in, as any family contributors has to attempt for? Why no longer ban all loobying presents with the intention to get guidelines that serve the rustic? God bless united statesa..

2016-11-30 00:39:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dunno. If I ask a question, I want to know the answer and I want to know the truth...If I ask my husband "Do these jeans make my a** look fat?" I want an honest yes or no...If the answer upsets me that's all right because I know it's the truth...perhaps the jeans aren't flattering to my body type, perhaps I should spend more time in the gym and less time at Sonny's-all-you-can-eat- Barbecue....Some women seem to ask questions hoping for one answer and are hurt and angry when they get another one...I would suggest always being honest with whomever you speak to, no matter what. It makes it easier in the long run...

2006-12-01 06:23:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Impossible questions? I'm assuming you mean "question with which no matter how you respond, you're screwed?

Simply, women think differently than men. Sometimes they do it intentionally because you're acting like a punk, sometimes they just ask something that's seemingly impossible to answer because they are feeling down about themselves (ie. do I look fat, or do these jeans make me look fat). the key is to think about your answer before responding. Though, if you take too much time, they'll be offended to. It's a tough thing to deal with, but no matter who you date, or marry, or whatever... you're going to have to learn to deal with it.

2006-12-01 06:26:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know, I've been told I can talk faster ask more questions than any woman they have ever seen. Just start talking about something else and then oh, man I gotta get out of her I was suppose to pick my girl up and I'm already late, nice seeing you.

2006-12-01 06:22:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well.... they could be testin u, to see how u would anwser them and yea sumtimes we ask qwestions that seem like they will upset us with the truth, sumtiems that mite be a time to lie but not if they hjave likew stuff in their teeth probably because they want to know ur opinion

2006-12-01 06:26:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we'd be upset even if we didn't ask the question and whether or not you answer it will upset us. See, women and men are on opposite sides of the scale. women have too much emotion, feeling, heart, and men--------------------have none. that's why you're such a d*ck. you don't know any better. you can't "feel" it. though if you could feel a d*ck, you'd be a woman, wouldn't you? or gay. oh, this has gotten way outta hand.

2006-12-01 06:21:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Maybe they want a reality check. Maybe they are instigators. Maybe they want an honest opinion, even if they are momentarily upset by it.

In any event, answer honestly even if it makes her upset. After all, she asked.

2006-12-01 06:20:28 · answer #9 · answered by Jess 2 · 1 0

Every question a women ask has a secret question behind it so pay attention to the second question.

2006-12-01 06:21:33 · answer #10 · answered by Sweet M 1 · 0 1

the only way a question asked by a woman is impossible is if u dont understand women or if you lie!!!!!!

2006-12-01 06:21:27 · answer #11 · answered by ***BUTTERFLY*** 5 · 0 0

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