Seriously girl, if he had a new girl the very next day, then he didn't really care for you that much to begin with. Mine did the same thing to me...we were together for 2 and cheated on me, and kicked me out and moved the girl he cheated with in the next day. I could tell that he was falling out of love with me. If he will believe his friend and drop you like that, then he was just looking for an excuse to get rid of you. Just move on, dont' worry about making him jealous.
2006-12-01 04:17:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like there is more to the breakup than a rumor. It sounds as if there was another problem that either you were unaware of or that you didn't tell us. You don't need to make him jealous you need to move on. One of the best ways to move on is to get involved is something else(not someone else). Join a club volunteer at your local senior center or charity, go out with your friends or family. The busier you are the easier it will be and you just might be pleasantly surprised to find you don't miss him or love him the way you thought you did. To quote an old adage "There are plenty of fish in the sea." I know you are in pain now but believe me it only gets better in time. The thing that has helped me in a breakup is a positive attitude and the fact that I know "What comes around goes around!" Keep your chin up and keep smiling that's all it takes to make him wonder why he left??
2006-12-01 04:26:01
answer #2
answered by SHERRI 4
First of all you really should just move on, and go out and have a good time. YOUR SINGLE!!! There are many other people out there, and even though it's going to be hard at first, you'll find someone better. Your boyfriend is being immature if he listened to someone else before he listened to you. Also, if he can go and talk to someone else the next day, then he's not worth wasting YOUR time. If you want him to think you dont care then just dont talk to him...if he says hey then say hey back, but don't show any interest on how he has been and stay strong! Have fun, show him you can have fun without him, and date around and find someone better!! GOOD LUCK! ;-)
2006-12-01 04:41:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Dont sweat it mama, he was probably ready to break out anyway if thats all it took to leave was a rumor. I'm ganna tell u right now guys aren't **** me included. I've been with my girl for two years and I've cheated on her, and I would do it again if a hot chick offered. Dont get me wrong i love her to death but I'm only a man. u feel me? Just do your own thang, get back at him by hooking up with the most attractive guy u can find and work him for everything he's got. Then parade him around your ex, and act like u and u new guy are so happy together, u know, make the chemistry look like magic? Trust me, he'll be blowing ur phone up trying to get back with you.
2006-12-01 04:21:09
answer #4
answered by c_wilson2k5 2
Forget him and move on. If he trusts some other girl over you, he's not worth it. Make him jealous by showing that you can live a good life without him. That you deserve better than him and won't stoop to his level and won't actively try to hurt him.
2006-12-01 04:17:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Forget about him! Someone who really loved you would have at least given you the benefit of the doubt and got your side of the story. There are plenty of better men, not boys, out there and one of them might just fall in love with you and vice versa. Take care
2006-12-01 04:18:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
UUMMMM how about move on? He did!!!! Now you're jealous cause he moved on and you're hurt and want revenge, but sweetie it ain't worth it. If he moved on that fast then he's the one who doesn't really care and if he doesn't care then he wont care if you don't care.... It's a waist of time to go through all that hard effort just to make him just ain't worth your time and neither is he. It's hard to move on...believe me I know but don't pick an old wound just let it heal. IT AIN'T WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
2006-12-01 04:37:49
answer #7
answered by Jontue 2
Don't Waste your Valuable time.
What is done is done, sad but very true.
Focus on making new friends...Male and female.
Should you former Bf reconsider his decision and come back to you, You will have the Last laugh, so to speak...By that time, I am sure will have more than one Male friends.
Good Luck
2006-12-01 04:21:47
answer #8
answered by Mav 6
You can NOT get over him AND plot to make him feel jealous. Its over, you need to move on. There is no guarantee that there is anything you can do to make him jealous anyway. Just leave it alone and move on.
2006-12-01 04:17:30
answer #9
answered by Mean Carleen 7
Don't do anything for awhile. You both sound immature to me. If he does't come back after a couple of weeks look for a new bf. Trying to punish an idiot would be small minded on your part.
2006-12-01 04:20:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous