CLS ابقاء شاشة الدوس خالية من الاوامر CLS
RD حذف مجلد RD
MD انشاء مجلد MD
DATE تعديل التاريخ DATE
TIME تعديل الوقت TIME
LABLE عرض وتعديل اسم الدرايف LABLE
VOL عرض اسم الدرايف VOL
VER لمعرفة اي اصدراة من الدوس تعمل بها VER
FORMAT C: او غيره حذف اي شئ يكون على الدرايف الواحد FORMAT
TYPE اسم الملف عرض الملفات النصية فقط TYPE
DEL اسم الملف حذف ملف معين DEL
REN اسم الملف اعادة تسمية ملف معين REN
COPY مسار الملف او المجلد نسخ مجلد معين او ملف محدد COPY
PROMPT تغيير شكل المؤشر PROMPT
XCOPY نسخ مجلد يحتوي على مجلدات فرعية بداخله XCOPY
DEFRAG الغاء تجزئة القرص DEFRAG
SCANDISK عمل فحص للهارديسك SCANDISK
SYS نقل ملفات النظام الى القرص المرن SYS
UNDELET استرجاع ملف حذفته من جهازك او حتى من سلة المحذوفات لكن
يشترط ان لا يمر اكثر من اسبوع كحد أقصى على مدة الحذف UNDELET
FIND اسم الملف او المجلد بحث FIND
DOSKEY لعمل حفظ للأوامر اللتي استعملتها DOSKEY
MASV فاحص للفيروسات MSAV
MSBACKUP لعمل نسخة احتياطية للجهاز MSBACKUP
MEM عرض بيان عن الذاكرة رام MEM
CHKDSK فحص الهارديسك CHKDSK
DISKCOP للمقارنة بين ديسكات ذات حجم متساوي DISKCOP
TREE عرض كل مايحتويه الدرايف الواحد TREE
CD للإنتقال من مجلد الى آخر CD
يعرض هذا الأمر محتويات القرص او الدليل
DIR/P <> DIR/W <> DIR/P/W <> DIR .الامتدار(EXE) .
للدخول و الخروج من المجلد
CD اسم المجلد(CD WINDOWS) <> CD.. <> CD\ .
لإنشاء مجلد
MD اسم المجلد( MD DRH ) .
لتغير اسم الملف او تغير اسم المجلد
REN اسم الملف او المجلد REN AHMED.TXT ALI.TXT
لنسخ ملف او نسخ مجلد
COPY اسم الملف او المجلد COPY OMAR.TXT A: <> COPY *.* A: <> COPY *.TXT A: <> COPY OMAR.* A: <>COPY. A:\ OMAR
لنسخ قرص مرن الى قرص مرن
لإنشاء ملف
لترتيب محتويات الذاكرة
لترتيب المفات على القرص الصلب
يعمل هذا الامر على تقسيم القرص الصلب
يهلم هذا الامر على تهيئة الجهاز ومسح البيانات
FORMAT محرك الاقراص (FORMAT C
هذا الامر يطبع الملفات من الدوس
كل هذا الاوامر تكتب عند محث الدوس
C:\ MD DRH <> C:\ COPY OMAR.TXT A:...........الخ
لمعرفه الوقت مع امكانيه التعديل
معرفه التاريخ مع امكانيه التعديل
عرض محتويات الإسطوانة الصلبة او المرنة
DIR/P عرض المحتويات صفحه صفحه
DIR/W عرض المحتويات بصورة مستعرضة
DIR/O عرض الفهارس اولاً ثم الملفات مع الترتيب
DIR/AD عرض الفهارس فقط
DIR/B عرض محتوى الاسطوانه الصلبه او المرنه بدون الحجم والتاريخ والوقت
DIR/L عرض محتوى الاسطوانه الصلبه بالحروف الصغيره
DIR/S عرض جميع الملفات والبحث عن ملف معين
DIR->PRN طباعة محتوى الاسطوانه على الورقة
DIR->ASH عرض الفهارس والملفات المخفيه
DIR-*.SYS عرض الملفات التي لها امتداد SYS
DIR-config.*f عرض ملفات config باي امتداد
DIR-C*.*A عرض الملفات التي تبدا بحرف ال C
DIR-??M*.*A عرض الملفات التي يكون الحرف الثالث لها M
VOL معرفة اسم الاسطوانة الصلبة او المرنة
CLS تنظيف الشاشة (اي مسح البيانات الموجوده)
VER معرفة نوع اصدار الدوس
DOSKEY أمر تخزين أوامر نظام الدوس
COPY-CON-(file name)f إنشاء ملف جديد
COPY-(file name)-CON أمر عرض محتوى الملف
COPY-(file name)-prn امر طباعة محتويات الملف
COPY امر نسخ الملفات
DEL أمر مسح ملف أو مجموعه ملفات
UNDELETE امر استرجاع الملفات التي تم حذفها
MEM معرفه حجم الذاكره
فرز وترتيب محتويات الملف
PROMPT تغيير شكل المحث
FIND بحث عن كلمه او عبارة داخل ملف
CD/Aاو CD..D الخروج من الدليل
SYS إعداد قرص نظام التشغيل
SCANDISK فحص الاسطوانه
FORMAT عمل تهيئة للإسطوانة
2006-12-01 02:47:02
answer #1
answered by micho 7
When IBM introduced the pc back around 1980 they contracted a guy by the name of Bill Gates to write the operating system for their IBM PCs (they ran at 4MHZ, had 640K memory, and about a 10MB hard drive). At that time IBM had dibs on the pc and the DOS program they paid Bill Gates to produce for them. The operating system was known as PC-DOS. However these PCs (because they were DOS) were not user friendly at all so the idea didn't catch on too fast and IBM eventually decided to give up on it and concentrate on their flagship midframe computers, the AS400.
It was then that a lot of people started building and selling clones of the IBM-PC (IBM compatable). These clone manufacturers again went to Bill Gates and he responded with pretty much the same DOS except now it was named MS-DOS (MS for Microsoft). Since there was now competition the race was on to make these things better, faster, and most important of all - usable. However these systems were still limited and DOS had it's limitations as well. For example it couldn't read anything over a 20MB hard drive. You had to partition it into 2-10MB drives.
It wasn't until MS-DOS 3.1 that the OS was able to read more than 20MB on the hard drive. It still was only utilizing the first 640KB for programs and the largest amount of memory you could use (1MB). The advent of the AT class computers (running a 286 processor) allowed access to 1MB and above on the memory. Gates responded with MS-DOS 4.0. Problem was there was no standard at the time and manufacturers would implement this in various ways making it difficult for software developers to keep track.
To remedy this the big 3 (Lotus, Intel, Microsoft) got together and created a standard known as LIM 4.0. This dictated that all PCs would access memory the same way. Gates responded to this with MS-DOS 5.0 which was the first OS made to implement that standard. Intel also released the x386 processor to implement this which became the footprint for the 486 and pentiums to follow.
During all of this Microsoft was already working on a operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI) that would replace the DOS OS. He would release this program in the late 80's as Microsoft Windows 2.0 And a star is born.
As a side note after the PCs began to take off in the early 1990s IBM (who wasn't doing as well as they expected with their AS400s) jumped back into the desktop pc game and came out with the IBM PS2 model. However by that time other clone manufacturers such as Dell, Compaq, HP, AST, etc. had established themselves and IBM was again on the tail end.
2006-12-01 11:14:32
answer #2
answered by Mike W 3
MS-DOS used to be called CP/M which stood for control program for micro-computers before Bill Gates bought for 50,000 dollars in 1980. At the time that was alot of moola. After Microsoft bought the rights CP/M was modified the code and changed the name to QDOS hence the OS revolution was born.
MS-DOS is not a multitasking environment. It ran in real-mode meaning that program that ran in MS-DOS got 100% CPUs attention. In Windows CPU cycles are shared between programs running.
2006-12-01 10:47:35
answer #3
answered by JTTech 3
Hopes this helps to give a little history and color to your paper.... from one of the books I have written on computer history. You are free to use...
When IBM decided to begin producing a desktop computer, called the PC, in 1981, they planned to use CP/M-86 for its Operating System (OS). However Digital Research, the owners of CP/M wanted $495.00 a PC for the use of their OS.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen had just founded a company called Micro-soft (they later drupped the "-"). The only major work they had done before this was to write the version of BASIC used on the Commodore 64 computers in the late 70's. They had a good reputation because of it.
IBM contacted Mirco-soft and ask them to write a new OS for their systems. As Micro-soft did not have a version of DOS, they purchased an existing software called 86-DOS from a company called Seatlle Computer Products. Written by Tim Paterson, it was essentially a 16-bit clone of CP/M. 86-DOS was more commonly known as Q-DOS or "Quick & Dirty Operating System" because of its compact size. Q-DOS consisted of only 4000 lines of assembler code.
It was not until July of 1981 that Microsoft finally became the owners of Q-DOS and was able to deliver it to IBM. It is reputed that IBM found over 300 bugs in the OS requiring a rewrite of most of the program. This was done at an incredible speed with both Microsoft and IBM collaborating on the work in order to allow IBM to reach their target date of introducing the PC to the public by mid-August. Microsoft and IBM would collaborate on all future versions of DOS up to version 5.0.
The resulting OS would became known as PC-DOS when used on an IBM computer. Microsoft would also market it as MS-DOS for use on a PC "clone." Compared to later versions of DOS, version 1 was very basic. The most notable difference was the absence of the ability to create subdirectories on a disk or hard drive. Everything was located in one directory, the root directory of the disk. Subdirectories were not supported until version 2.0 of DOS in 1983. MS-DOS would have numerous updates until it reached version 6.22 in 1993. It would be the main Operating System for all IBM-PC compatible machines until the appearance of Windows 95 in 1995. Microsoft estimates that in 1994 MS-DOS was running on over 100 million PCs world wide.
2006-12-01 10:51:35
answer #4
answered by dewcoons 7
Here is a site which has the timeline for DOS:
DOS history sites:
This site has some good screenshots of the old OS'es:
Other sites:
2006-12-01 10:51:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You can find complete history of DOS Here
2006-12-01 10:42:42
answer #6
answered by big_a_in 2
Mr Gates brought it for $100 i think
2006-12-01 10:41:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous