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Height: 5ft 4.5inches
Weight: 113lbs
Body Fat: 22%
Gender: Female

I lift weights 30-1hour a day and my food intake besides my compulsion with fatty foods with my snacks for the past couple of days involves something like this...

Breakfast- Cereal(Wheaties),Yogert,Water
Snack-- Grapes, 100 cal. teddy grams,water
Lunch-- 1 egg whites sandwhich(wheat bread), corn, chocolate milk(ovaltine),water
Snack--- blueberries,water, 1special k bar(they are good!)
Dinner-- 1 hamburger(wheat), chocolate milk(ovaltine), carrots
Snack- Cereal(wheaties),yogert and water.

I have no idea why though but I've been craving sweets lately. Like i'll take a small bite of peanut butter and end up takeing another 5spoonfulls. same thing for the chocolate pudding pie my mom made. What's going on with me?

Water amount daily: At least a gallon .

But on the weekends my excersize is usually only 20minutes.

2006-12-01 02:22:46 · 3 answers · asked by SweetCocoaAngel 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

You've asked this question before... I don't think you are going to get a different answer. Your weight is perfect, if not on the light side. You eat a well balanced diet with a lot of emphasis on wheats and such.

STOP searching for approval from nameless/faceless ppl online if you don't believe them! Seek a counselor or a nutritionist and they will tell you more of the same!

2006-12-01 02:26:37 · answer #1 · answered by Switch Angel 3 · 3 0

You're only 16? You need to stop worrying about all this. You sound very healthy, aside from your obsession with your weight. Exercise, eat well and enjoy life! You'll be fine.

2006-12-01 10:26:09 · answer #2 · answered by danielleb 3 · 3 0

Carbs are addicting you get a sugar high and then want more. I reduced my carbs to 50-75 per day and I eat mostly complex carbs with fiber and I do not crave sweets like I used to.

2006-12-01 10:25:50 · answer #3 · answered by steelrzs1 2 · 1 1

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