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I'm black with very thick hair, but it's soft. I decided to go natural to give my hair a break from perms. I never used to have this problem when straightening my hair. I can think of three factors.
1) I wore my hair wet and curly this summer. Could I just need to "retrain" my hair to be straight again?
2) I recently started working out; and I believe I am starting to sweat in my head, however sometimes it starts kinking up again overnight. And it IS wrapped.
3) I had an 80% peroxide dye put in my hair at a salon. I was told the color may have been too harsh and damaged my hair. Is that true? Will it be better once the color is grown out?
In the meantime, I need to know what to do. Thanks!

2006-12-01 00:06:25 · 4 answers · asked by soulnoir 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

I'm black with very thick hair, but it's soft. I decided to go natural to give my hair a break from perms. I never used to have this problem when straightening my hair. I can think of three factors.
1) I wore my hair wet and curly this summer. Could I just need to "retrain" my hair to be straight again?
2) I recently started working out; and I believe I am starting to sweat in my head, however sometimes it starts kinking up again overnight. And it IS wrapped.
3) I had an 80% peroxide dye put in my hair at a salon. I was told the color may have been too harsh and damaged my hair. Is that true? Will it be better once the color is grown out?
In the meantime, I need to know what to do. Thanks!

P.S. I'm using a CHI.

2006-12-01 00:16:44 · update #1

I don't think they get any better than CHI. It's a $175 flat-iron. I never had this problem using it before.

2006-12-01 01:43:00 · update #2

My hair reverts back when I get it done at a salon too.

2006-12-01 03:30:10 · update #3

4 answers

leave alone and remember Black is beautiful:)

2006-12-01 00:09:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Flat - ironing doesn't mean it will stay like that forever. Its just like a curling iron, The effects only last so long.. esp with cheaper flat irons.

So either do 1 of 2 things:
1. Get an expensive flat iron like a CHI, the effects will last longer
2. Get your hair professional straightened like a Japanese Straightening Treatment.

2006-12-01 08:09:58 · answer #2 · answered by Caitlin 5 · 0 0

I have the same problem when I flat iron my own hair. You should have your hair professionally pressed and/or flat ironed and it should last longer. However, if you are working out regularly, it might be best for you to opt for a natural hairstyle.

2006-12-01 10:47:48 · answer #3 · answered by clifsdi 2 · 1 0

you may have to invest more into a flat iron

2006-12-01 08:32:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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