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Isn't there an Italian neighborhood somewhere in Syracuse, NY or Rochester where they make GREAT CANNOLI. No, I don't want to make my own....It just sounds like too much trouble. I know I can get fabulous Cannoli in New York City but that's much too long a drive and in my area Wegman's cannoli simply doesn't cut it. Many thanks in advance for your suggestions.

2006-11-26 09:43:37 · 4 answers · asked by Sicilian Godmother 7 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

Sadly there are no Wholefood Markets in Central New York State. Right now they are all down in the Big Apple and in Long Island but I already know where to get the best cannoli in the city. I need to find a place much closer to where I live.

2006-11-26 12:26:47 · update #1

Hello Joan, I hope you get to see this comment. If you do, please edit your response. Thanks so much for the recipe. I really would prefer finding some great cannoli in the neighborhood, but if I am forced to make my own, well, i'll give it a try and report back here in the future. In the meantime, Have you tried your hand at making them using this recipe. How did they come out? Were you happy with the results?

2006-11-27 12:42:54 · update #2

4 answers

Hello again, Cannoli Junkie!
In response to your email, I located the address to Dominick's Restaurant. Here it is:

Dominick's Restaurant - (315) 471-4262 - 1370 Burnet Ave, Syracuse, NY

I wish you all the luck in your search for a comparable cannoli! Dominick's is not a pastry shop, but I hope it will be more satisfying for you than Wegman's, for goodness sakes, it has to be! Their baked goods are delicious!

Good luck, once again,
tatesgr ;.)

2006-11-29 14:39:30 · answer #1 · answered by tatesgr 2 · 0 0

or try this one
Italian Pastry Cannoli Shells

2 cups of flour
2 tablespoons of shortening
1 teaspoon of sugar
1/4 teaspoon of salt
3/4 cup of Marsala, Burgundy or Chablis wine

Combine flour, shortening, sugar and salt and wet gradually with the wine. Knead together with fingers until a hard dough is formed. Form into a ball, cover with a cloth and let stand for about an hour. Cut dough in half and roll 1/2 of the dough into a thin sheet about 1/4 inch thick or less and cut into a 4 inch square. Place a metal tube diagonally across each square from one point to another, wrapping dough around by overlapping the other two points, sealing the overlapping points with a little egg white. Meanwhile heat vegetable oil in a large deep pan for deep frying. Drop 1 or 2 tubes at a time into the hot oil and fry gently on all sides until dough acquires a golden brown color.

Cannoli Filling 1 - easy

2 pounds of Ricotta (must be dry)
Two 8 ounces of packages cream cheese
1 cup of confectioners sugar
2 teaspoons of cinnamon oil
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 ounces of miniature bittersweet chocolate morsels
Dash of orange flavoring

Beat cream cheese until very creamy. Beat Ricotta vigorously for 2 minutes. Blend the cheeses together and add sugar, cinnamon oil, vanilla and flavoring plus chocolate morsels. Cover and refrigerate for 1/2 hour at least before filling shells. Filling will keep at least 3 days in refrigerator.

2006-11-27 06:39:26 · answer #2 · answered by Joan C 3 · 0 0

I don't live in New York (I'm from the mid-west) but if you have a Whole Foods near you there, you could get some from them.

2006-11-26 09:56:59 · answer #3 · answered by LadySingsTheBlues 4 · 0 0

Sorry but ya godda go to NYC or fugedaboutit. LOL. Good luck in your search.

2006-11-27 04:19:46 · answer #4 · answered by muckrake 4 · 0 1

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