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2006-11-23 21:56:46 · 3 answers · asked by Liz J 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

Hoodia is a plant from Africa that the tribes men used to use when on hunting expeditions to suppress their appetites. It is an appetite suppressant but not a miracle pill that will just drop inches. All diet aides or pills need to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program. If you decide to use it make sure there is a certificate of authenticity included that the Hoodia is actually from Africa. Any other mock off will not work effectively. The certificate should be in the box, that the Hoodia is actually imported from Africa.

2006-11-24 04:41:34 · answer #1 · answered by TritanBear 6 · 1 0

Hoodia Gordonii

tried Hoodia Supreme by ,NaturesBenefit.com, which I purchased at Walgreen for $39.99 a bottle with 60 capsules.

I did some research at GNC and found that I could increase the dose if 2 capsules did not work. I increased the dose and it worked. I did need to eat but I did not overeat nor did I think of food all day which is what I wanted to get away from.

My first day I decreased my calories by 1500 and the next two days I was down to consuming 1500-2000 each day. I was normally eating 3000-3500 with heavy exercise.

However, I discontinued using it because I could not fall to sleep. I was up almost 24 straight hours with a headache by day 3.

I have been trying fad diets these last 6 weeks trying to lose for the Holiday and instead of losing, I put on 10 pounds. I lost 112 pounds by exercising and changing my eating to healthier choices. You would think I had learned by now but I didn't, so I will return to what works......exercise/healthy eating choices.

Best of luck !

2006-11-24 01:06:15 · answer #2 · answered by Sunflower 6 · 0 0

I tried 100% Hoodia and......
Hoodia has worked for me...and with no side effects.
Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program.

For all you doubters, here is the prior feedback for another Answers user who followed my advice:

Asker's Rating: *****
very good comment i lost 2 lbs in a week
i think i can almost get in my leather dress, i can hit the town in no time


#1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting!

#2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia & not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!!

#3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times.

#4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it!

Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa.
Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times.

You can read a good article about how it works at:


2006-11-27 07:42:09 · answer #3 · answered by annbest711 3 · 0 0

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