just wanted to let you know i am in the same boat as you are, except this is my first year of marriage. i am a very proud army wife who was completely disgusted by the lack of support from some morons on here. but, for every one negative comment, there were ten good ones. plenty of people support our troops so try not to focus on the negative feedback, those come from people who dont have a clue as to what it is to be American. It's so easy for them to jump on the "military bashing bandwagon" because they have to blame someone, and unfortunately it is always our military that gets the short end of the stick. I support ALL our soldiers, not just my husband, and i will continue to support them until they ALL come home. God bless you and your family, keep your head up!
2006-11-24 01:33:36
answer #1
answered by chris n amanda h 2
Yes I support our troops. People just sometimes get caught up in their Day to Day lives. I Have done one tour and will probably be going back. People seem to forget that we take an oath...... Leavenworth is not a Nice place. People seem to forget or don't care about How bad it was before we got there. There is Cartoon about Abu Gharib Prison. He saw the place where Saddam's sons tortured 100's of people or tried out chemicals on them. Then he said he saw the place where the G.I.'s took pictures of naked prisoners. Then he asks which is more famous.
George Washington had a very real problem keeping troops from going home during planting season. How wild is that? " Sorry Sir I have to go plant my Crops". Plus I think that we want everything Right Now. 1775 to 1783 8 years of people dying and killing. Yet everyone likes that War, probably because they don't don't have to sacrifice anything.
2006-11-23 19:16:36
answer #2
answered by jw0rk 1
I keep trying not to be cynical. I think most folks really do wish the troops well, but many are not willing to put their self-interests, politically speaking, on the back burner in order to make support of the troops a real priority. I have from the beginning been leary of the timing and many of the specifics of the execution of our wars in Iraq. (Not Bush the Elder's, of course--just the second war against Saddam and the nation-building war against the insurgents), and am in complete favor of continual re-evaluation and modification, which the White House and Pentagon, of course, do. The name-calling and political opportunism I see on TV and the net every day, though, are in the poorest of taste and though I hope well-intentioned can't be good for the troops.
2006-11-23 19:29:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
That really depends on what you mean by "patriotic". You can be incredibly patriotic and love your country with your whole heart, BUT that means that you care what happens to it, doesn't it? So if a government does things which hurt your country, but you support it because you think that is what you have to do to be patriotic, I think the whole point is lost. Sometimes the MOST patriotic people do not agree with their government all the time. Taking action to try to stop your country from doing things you feel harm it is the most courageous and patriotic thing you can do. In this case, unfortunately, Bush has made it sound as if you don't support the troops unless you support him.......which is absolute rubbish, of course. I doubt it there are many people who don't support the individual soldiers who are fighting. That doesn't mean they support the policy which sent them there. There is a HUGE difference, which gets obscured by politics, often. As for the stickers being made in China ~ so are lots of things we consider "American Pie" ~~~ it is the sentiment expressed on the sticker which is important, not where the sticker itself was made. And as I said, those two stickers DON'T mean the same thing!
2016-05-22 21:47:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
PMW for the last six years, two deployments, 3rd is around the bend, autistic 4 year old, SIDysfunction 2 year old, a couple of crazy cats, and we're still kickin'!
God Bless all the men and women over there! They give up lives of their own for years at a time in the name of their country!
I had to add this for Dave down there. The question was not inreguards to support of the cause of conflict... it was question of supporting or not supporting the men and women out there who didn't not choose to be where they are yet are there none the less.
2006-11-23 18:44:54
answer #5
answered by Tracy C 1
Yes I do and God bless you!!! I am a PMW...hubby was USAF for six years and left unexpectedly two weeks after we were married 12 years ago. It is very brave not only what your spouse has chosen to do but your decision as well to be a loving partner and support here at home. I was one signature away from the military when I was in ROTC in college but decided against it. Again, I wish you all the support love and congratulations on doing a great job her and your husband abroad!
2006-11-23 18:51:57
answer #6
answered by osunurse1 3
I support our military. my son is a U.S. Marine now deployed to Iraq for the third time. So I completely understand when you talk of your feelings of pride.
I hear all the nonsense coming from these groups of protesters
who really don't have a firm grasp on what is taking place and I get the impression that its not so much their desire to stop the loss of American lives who are involved in active combat situations so much as it is their fear that if this continues much longer they may find their comfortable little lives that your husband my son are fighting to protect suddenly threatened when our country calls on them to serve. and that scares the hell out of them. the difference between these people and your husband my son is that if called to fight these protesters will be heading to the four corners of the globe to get out of fighting.
when my son and your husband saw what had taken place they stood up and said I'll go. thats why I support our Military because they have answered the call and have proven themselves worthy of my support. I hope your kids are reunited with their father soon.
2006-11-24 08:15:25
answer #7
answered by mark_grvr 3
Hell yeah, I'd say the majority of US supports our valiant troops. They on ground level have to put up with so much b/s like the media doing it's dirty work zooming in on what they want to convey to the public. The the reporter who published in the papers over there a secret move listing names our troops were engaged in. Now thats reporting at its lowest. Trying to talk to the children at a checkpoint when one child blows up in front of them restricting that tactic. Is there a website for sending gifts to soldiers we don't personally know for Christmas, oh I'll find out. God bless you & all our troops & allies.
2006-11-23 19:16:37
answer #8
answered by spareo1 4
Everyone who answered support the troops except me. I support the ones in Afghanistan.
I'm sorry that any of them are dying in Iraq, but I do not approve of them being in Iraq at all. I will not support a war I disapprove of
2006-11-24 11:05:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My job supports our troops both past and present. 95% of my employees are combat vets. I have a guy just getting back from Iraq that I will shake his hand and thank him for doing his job as a U.S. Soldier. If I even hear of someone in my work place I will kick them out of this Casino because of them bad mouthing my security officers that are vets. I won't tolerate it and they can exercise their freedom of speech on the coner and off my workplaces propery.
2006-11-23 22:11:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous