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2006-11-23 10:11:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

2 answers

Absolutely yes. Depression responds very well to correct treatment. This may or may not include medication.

Correct treatment is cognitive behavioral done by a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. A Licensed Clinical Psychologist is someone with a PhD in Clinical Psychology or a Doctor of Psychology who has taken your state's licensure exam and now has the right to use this legally protected term. These (and only these) are the people qualified to do therapy. Most others who are definitely not qualified, use various unprotected terms like therapist or psychotherapist. These people can't help you and may make you worse out of sheer ignorance. Go to the correct professional to get treated. They will use treatments proven through experimental research to help people like you (with a high efficacy rate I might add). Medication should be managed by a Psychiatrist (not a primary care doctor). A Psychiatrist is an MD who specializes in the treatment of mental illness, mostly through medication. Treatment with these types of medications require alot of specialized knowledge in order to be done correctly. Although a primary care MD (ie your family doctor) is well within his scope to treat you with these, he really doesn't have the training or experience to do this effectively. If you have serious depression like you would if you experience anhedonia, you really need the help of both a Psychiatrist and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. The two together can help you.

2006-11-23 10:24:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


hope this helps ..I think there are links to other suffers on it

2006-11-23 10:15:50 · answer #2 · answered by pineforestkim 3 · 0 0

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