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I only touch spelt bread.I am very strict even not to eat holemeal brown bread,i feel already much better.how long dose it take for the body to clean himself from white flower.etc`?am i going in the right way?will i see a big reduction on my weight too?can i please have good tips what to eat and be healthy?many thanks GOD BLESS!

2006-11-23 03:28:44 · 8 answers · asked by Michael69 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

8 answers

Cutting back on carbs is a very good first step!

However, keep in mind that you can still be over on calories so make sure to pick lower fat meats & poultry. Cut back on salad dressing & sauces. Skip anything sweet, sugar is carbs.

Several Kimkins Diet members are from the UK and Netherlands. They're always posting tips on good food buys for your local stores.

Good job taking the first step toward weight loss! Find a good support group to help motivate you.

2006-11-23 03:32:50 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 2

Yes, he eats way too much white bread. This could lead to obesity and weight gain as well as diabetes. I agree also with the comment that even if he were to eat whole grain bread, it would still be too much. 6-11 servings is the correct amount. I also think it is healthier to have variation in the type of grains one consumes, not simply one kind of bread. The problem with white bread is that it breaks down too quickly into sugars. This leads to quick metabolization, and thus one is hungry quicker leading to more consumption. It also leads to weight gain as a result as excess calories and sugars end up being stored as fat. He would be a lot more healthy if he switched to whole grain bread. Whole grain bread incidentally contains more protein as well. It's his health though. We spend so much money each year on health care. People end up getting the help they need when it is too late and it is a lot more costly by then. It's when it's too late that they start to learn about nutrition and proper diet and exercise, when they could've just made some simple basic changes that would lead them to feel better and live healthier. Alas!

2016-05-22 22:57:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd be careful as it seems as though your cutting out all carbohydrates, this is what we use for energy. There are other ways to go about a good diet but if uthink about Mr Atkins and the Atkins diet, he cut out all carbs and ate only meat. Meat is full of cholesterol so i'd basically cut that out. Fish is best. Eat salads etc but do try and eat some carbs as you might find you become more tired than usual with no energy. You dont have to eat large amounts of carbs as what u dont burn off will turn to fat or lactic acid but the human body does need some.
I thought Mr Atkins died from his own non-carb diet?

2006-11-23 03:44:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am 36 and follow a yeast free diet to combat the symptons of endometriosis. I felt better within days and after two weeks I felt completly clear of white flour. Now if i eat white bread i get cramps.
You can substitute most products with things from your supermarket.
'Free From' pasta at sainsburys and 'Orgran' from Tesco.
There is special flour, gravy thickeners, falfels, tortillas, bread, sauces etc. The range gets bigger every month it seems.
AND THE BEST PART IS THE WEIGHT LOSS!! I lost a stone in the first month alone and I eat a full and balanced diet.
There are lots of websites with recipe ideas out there.
Good luck.

2006-11-23 03:41:23 · answer #4 · answered by bottomburps 4 · 0 2

read tips on weight loss and exercise programs to help you more on this site

2006-11-23 03:45:43 · answer #5 · answered by yummy _ 3 · 0 1

i hope you manage to live to your 41 stop worrying about what to eat enjoy yourself exercise and eat what you want in moderation that is the key

2006-11-23 03:32:54 · answer #6 · answered by armaghmadman 2 · 0 2

basicly you are eating sensibly. eat lots of fruit and veg, you will lose weight and feel better. just cut out junk and processed food.

2006-11-23 03:37:28 · answer #7 · answered by grumpcookie 6 · 0 2

Do you think you have a wheat intolerence ? Please see a doctor.

2006-11-23 03:31:35 · answer #8 · answered by Scotty 7 · 0 2

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