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I am thinking about being a vegetarian (becuases meat tastes bad) But i was wondering if i was, could i still eat fish? Because i LOVE fish, and it would hurt very bad if I had to give that up, LOL! :) So thanks!!

2006-11-20 14:05:41 · 34 answers · asked by megal 3 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

I really appreciate your help?opinions!!!!!
Thank You sooo much!

2006-11-20 14:14:44 · update #1

34 answers

Poor Girl! She's not force feeding anyone meat, she just wants to know if she can be considered a vegetarian and still eat fish. Calm down people. I called myself a pesco-vegetarian because, yes the only form of meat I ate was fish. I did it as a beginning stage on my way to stop eating meat entirely. I read literature on meat and all that goes on before it gets on my plate, and it disgusted me. I tried very hard, and for 3 months had no meat, not even fish, but then I started getting sick, and dizzy. I was taking supplements that books on being a vegetarian said I should, and I decided it wasn't for me. I have great respect for people that are vegetarian through and through, but don't understand why some think they're above everyone else. There are a lot of vegetarians out there who are complaining about meat eating, and then go and wear leather shoes or use product that contain animal byproducts. If not eating meat at all isn't for you, then eat fish, or what ever else you want, but listen to your body, it will tell you what you need.

2006-11-20 21:40:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Stereotyped labels besides. Pesco-Vegetarians may be those eating fish. A vegetarian who eats diary products is a lacto-vegetarian. A vegetarian who eats eggs is an ovo-vegetarian. So, a vegetarian who eats a number of those is an Ovo-Lacto-Pesco-Vegetarian. A vegetarian who does not devour any animal products is a vegan. As to why, nicely you may bear in mind that being a vegetarian isn't very virtually no longer eating meat, yet eating the 'end result and roots' interior the main outstanding stability, in any different case can get ill. So, according to hazard the guy isn't doing that, subsequently supplementing the nutrition with fish (and different seafood). Fish is the main healthful meat.

2016-12-10 12:47:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I very much believe that someone who eats fish is *not* vegetarian. Fish are animals, that you are killing to eat! I was so offended when I ordered something and asked if it was vegetarian and was told yes --- only to soon learn it had seafood in it!

Furthermore, I think it's much worse than eating meat because environmentally, many of the world fish populations are at severe risk due to over-fishing. For example, there are over 90% fewer tuna in the sea than there were 50 years ago.

Next - it seems like you are not planning to change your diet --- You already avoid meat because you don't like the taste... I think you are just looking for a badge of honor for not liking meat.

What are your reasons for wanting to become vegetarian? If you are concerned about the environment or not killing animals --- you **should** give up fish to call yourself vegetarian. If you just don't like meat, say that.

I have a friend who calls himself vegetarian -- but he eats bacon!

I personally am ~kind of~ like you ---- I don't really like meat and am pseudo-vegetarian (meaning, I just eat a lot less meat than most.... lol). But, because of my environmental beliefs, I would never-ever eat fish.

Eat and call yourself as you like --- but, you have to be a little clear about whether you are trying to make a belief statement and pursue a cause through changing your consumption (what real vegetarians do) -- or do you simply have a preference against the taste of meat?

2006-11-20 19:57:22 · answer #3 · answered by evaniax 3 · 2 0

NO, true vegetarians do not eat animals of any kind. You would be a pescetarian if you still eat fish but not any other animals. Of course there are people who call themselves veg and still eat fish but their just fooling themselves. Fish are animals and meat just as much as cows, chickens, and any other animals. I don't really understand why people think it's ok to put fish in the same category as vegetables, it's silly!
If you want to eat fish and not other meat then just do it and I wouldn't worry so much about labeling yourself but by definition you would be a pescetarian NOT a vegetarian.

veg‧e‧tar‧i‧an –noun 1. a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl.

Pescetarianism-Pescotarians eat fish but restrict or exclude other meats or animal products. Pesco is usually assumed to derive from the Latin for fish, piscis, but the vowel e suggests the influence of a Romance language such as Spanish or Italian

Good luck and thanks for at least wanting to cut most meat out of your diet. Your body and the land animals will thank you.

PS. To the ppl who say "I know vegetarians who eat fish and chicken". They are NOT vegetarians in any way, shape, or form and are BIG hypocrites to say they are. They merely do not eat red meat, how hard is that to comprehend. Fish and chicken are NOT freakin vegetables for God's sake. Get a clue!!!

2006-11-20 17:31:31 · answer #4 · answered by insearch2007 1 · 4 0

I became a vegetarian because I could not handle the thought of killing any type of living, breathing being for food. I just think it is so sad. The technical definition is "Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming meat, with or without the use of other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs." So I don't think being a pure vegetarian is no meat period - that includes fish.

2006-11-20 16:49:57 · answer #5 · answered by amexpro 2 · 1 0

It always makes me laugh when someone says they're a vegetarian, but they still eat fish or chicken. Why bother labelling yourself if you want to eat flesh? Just say you don't eat most meat. If you really want to be a vegetarian then you might have to give up something you like. To me, a fish is a living creature so I won't eat it.

2006-11-20 19:44:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you want to eat fish and enjoy eating fish, then by all means, enjoy fish - but this is not vegetarian. Despite some of the prior answers on here, a vegetarian is someone who does not partake in the consumption of flesh - ANY flesh be it marine or bovine. However, ovo-lacto vegetarians do eat eggs and dairy products whilst vegans do not.
By the sound of it, you want to change your diet due to tastes, so then there should be no reason why you would place restrictions on yourself in regard to your intake of fish - and that way you cannot be labelled. Just remember though, many vegetarians are so for other reasons - be they spiritual, political or ethical and by calling yourself a vegetarian - you are potentially aligning yourself with their values which you may not be able to live up to. Be careful before you label yourself....

2006-11-20 15:29:40 · answer #7 · answered by Kble 4 · 8 0

I vegetarian lives off things that do not have a complex nervous system. They don't take the lives of beings that can feel pain! Fish can feel pain. If you eat fish then you're not a vegetarian, you're a carnivore that avoids land animals. If you Loved fish then you wouldn't want them to be murdered.

2006-11-21 02:43:56 · answer #8 · answered by Gal on a Jet Plane 3 · 0 0

Please do NOT call yourself a vegetarian if you are going to east fish!! If you want to eat fish that's fine, but then you would be a *liar* if you told folks you are vegetarian.

The term vegetarian was 'invented' in the 1800's in the UK and refers to people that do not eat anything that involves killing animals. Any basic biology text will show that fish are in fact animals, got it? If that doesn't help then try this- vegetarians don't eat anything that moves under it's own power. Or try; we don't eat anything with a face.

The LIE that vegetarians eat fish first started cropping up in the '70s and causes many problems to those of us that are in fact vegetarians! In restaurant we get told "We have an extensive list of fish so you vegetarians can eat here too", At dinner parties and/or holidays we get "Since you're vegetarian we bought this expensive wild Salmon steak for you". Get the picture?

You don't love fish, You love eating killed fish!

If you want to eat fish fine! But tell people the only animals you eat are fish. OK?

2006-11-20 15:33:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I did not read all the answers but you have been mislead. Vegetarians do NOT eat any kind of animal.... period. There is no such thing a semi vegetarian or a pesce-vegetarian. If you eat fish, you are not any kind of vegetarian at all.

There is a term called pescetarian which means you avoid all meats except fish.

2006-11-20 22:18:50 · answer #10 · answered by KathyS 7 · 4 0

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