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i'm a vegetrian and i'm behind PETA all the way. they have great motivations and wonderful ideas to stop animal cruelty.

i've heard that some say that peta is a terriost orgnization. is that true? i hope not!

what's your oppion on peta?

thanks! and meats no treat for those you eat!!!!

2006-11-20 13:23:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

24 answers

I got their magazine for children today; ordered out of curiousity.

It's awful; I'm disgusted.

They deliberately blur the distinction between 'vegan' and 'vegetarian,' which is just going to confuse and annoy rather than help anything.

They offered a sample week's worth of vegan (though labelled vegetarian) meals, and they didn't even come close to being nutritionally adequate, never mind tasty.

Try here:
for the Penn and Teller 'Bullshit!' episode on PETA. Quite good. (If the link doesn't work, just search for 'penn teller bullshit peta.')

And, check out this PETA scare-mongering:

Then look at

If they look like fools to you, there's a reason for that.

My cats would be humiliated to be associated with PETA. I am routinely embarrassed by the popular associations of "vegetarian = person into animal rights," "person into animal rights = PETA supporter."

If you really want to help animals, volunteer at your local Humane Society or with another rescue agency; somewhere that's doing actual good with a low level of BS.

2006-11-20 19:17:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think PETA does a good job on some things but overall is a bunch of radicals. Animals need help too but have any of the people in the organization ever thought of helping a human...probably not nearly as much.

2006-11-20 21:33:43 · answer #2 · answered by Erik 2 · 1 0

I enjoy eating meat but, I don't believe that animals should be forced into a miserable, tortuous, and painful existence.

I do find it perplexing how Vegans justify their dietary choice based on the assumption that plants and vegetables aren't in the same class as living, breathing, thinking, feeling beings.

All things that we eat are life forms. There is nothing wrong with killing an animal if it is to be used for food and other useful items.

As far as PETA, I think all special interest groups have a right to exist - it's the fanatic element that undermines the nature of the cause.

2006-11-20 21:30:46 · answer #3 · answered by Awesome Bill 7 · 1 2

I respect organizations that are against animal cruelty but sometimes I think that PETA goes too far. There's a right way to get your message across and a wrong way and I think, in my opinion, that PETA has crossed the line- a few times.

2006-11-20 21:25:03 · answer #4 · answered by LL 2 · 7 0

I wouldn't go so far as to say they are terrorists, but...They are VERY radical in their views, and their demonstrations sometimes. Being radical is sometimes intertwined with the word terrorism in our society, especially in the wake of 911. BUT by definition Terrorism is a threat to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Radicalism while a pain in some peoples butts is sometimes a necessary evil. There were a TON of radicals in the Vietnam era, During the American Civil Rights Movement........Were they terrorists? No, not the majority, they were just really fed up with the pervasive apathy they saw around them, and were very civilly disobedient. Civil disobedience should never be confused with terrorism....

And for the record, I am not defending PETA. Personally I can't stand the majority of their platform or their tactics.... But I do believe in civil disobedience....WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

2006-11-20 21:35:18 · answer #5 · answered by mlw6366 3 · 4 1

PETA is crazy. They break the law, and hurt people to help animals. Something isn't right there. I eat meat and wear leather, but I am kind to animals. PETA has no right to tell me how to live. Any organization that uses violence to get point across is terrorist. Animals eat animals, why PETA not get on them? Plants are living things, Corn Has Feelings Too!

And girl, be smart, don't say you support something all the way until you get all the facts. Use your head, knowledge is power!

2006-11-20 21:32:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Some people are saying that PETA is an orginzation like that. They are conservatives and are affraid of women in the lettuce bikinis. If you are affraid of that then perhaps they are scaring people. Perhaps they are just affraid of people feel threatened by it because it makes a stand against corporations and our current government is for corporations not everyday people. Anything that makes a corporation liket look bad gillette look bad or KFC is interfering with the $$$. That is why they do not like them. After an orgainzation is done with doing the things peta will lift the boycott on them. I keep looking to see if they will lift the boycott on KFC, but KFC has not come to the demands of peta by having humaine practices with animals. By bringing awarness about organizations and what they are doing people can put fininacial pressure on an organization by boycotting. This is really our only way to express our opinion with the money we spend. Peta is a threat to some organizations because they have to clean up their act. Peta may have radical techniques perhaps you should read some of their books and see what they are about if you support them. They will tell you what they will do. They will disrupt a fashion show where fur is being warn. They will hang something on a building about what an organization is doing. So people may feel like this cuts into their $$. Read about what they do from their literature and from that of what others are writing about them. You can see what they actually do. They have enacted some changes. Look up the definition of terroism. There is someone called and eco-terrorist. I mistankenly thought that would be someone like sadam when he lit oil on fire in the ocean. Eco meaning ecology and terrorist meaning to strike terror. No they are not talking about people who are destroying the environment they are thinking of people who are protecting it. People do not like to think about the people who are going to live on the earth after them not all people. Perhaps you should listen to air america. Look that up on the web if you have high speed net you can listen to it streaming. You also might want to watch Al Gore's movie and inconvienent truth. These things might help you perhaps you are listening to conservative talk radio and that is why you even consider these misconceptions. Contact peta yourself and ask them to explain this to you they are good about responding to people. Just tell them what you said here. Yeah I used to be a vegetairan. I could not deal with the lack of protein. It just was not for me. I eat free range meat and eggs. Not all people are capable of being vegetarians and some of us just go at whatever step we can like not eating red meat because those are mammals.

2006-11-20 21:44:08 · answer #7 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 3 1

Peta has good intentions, but I think their methods are not always the best, and may in fact turn people off to them, rather than support them.

2006-11-20 21:25:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Peta....People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, is an organization that fights for the rights of lesser privileged species, the animals. It preaches vegetarianism as a tool against cruelity towards animals. You may visit http://peta.org to know more.
Whatever made you think it is a terrorist Organization, in my view it is the most divine world group that talks of world peace and ecological harmony and is not even remotely connected with any kind of violence. Infact, most of the volunteers are celebrities.
please know more about it. It is the companies that deal in animal based products that are trying to defame it. Support it if possible. there are very few organizations like Peta that are truly committed.

2006-11-20 21:42:01 · answer #9 · answered by sikander 2 · 2 4

PETA is a great organization. Now with every organization, I do not agree 100% with their methods, but I still think that what they do and what they have done far outweighs their bonehead decisions sometimes.

2006-11-21 01:14:51 · answer #10 · answered by amexpro 2 · 1 1

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