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2006-11-20 08:37:27 · 45 answers · asked by lady_s_hazy 3 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

Thanks for responses! I am (hence the interest in people's views!) though sometimes I see nothing wrong with meat eating. I just think, hey, I can live without it, n I wouldn't be able to kill it myself..

2006-11-20 08:42:34 · update #1

I agree that carnivores have to eat meat, but we are not carnivores - we're omnivores, like pigs. Pigs eat barely any meat in comparison to us - mainly veg.

Plus, the 'its natural' debate doesnt fit with me - rape is also natural for a LOT of animal species - does that make it right?

And there's protein in soy, lentils (in fact beans of any kind,) nuts, seeds, dairy (if you're not vegan)...

2006-11-20 08:47:15 · update #2

45 answers

I like meat too much

2006-11-20 08:38:22 · answer #1 · answered by Taylor29 7 · 1 1

I am a vegetarian -- I eat nothing with a face or a Mama. I wear no leather, eat nothing with gelatin, nor will I eat anything with any meat broth or cooked where meat has been cooked.

There are many reasons for this. One of the reasons is NOT because I don't like meat. I was raised to LOVE meat. And I miss eating it! I love hamburgers, and when I smell them cooking, I miss eating them. But this is the sacrifice that I choose to make for all animals, including my fellow man.

I do not have the right to eat another animal. I am not superior over another animal, so that I can butcher them and eat their flesh, simply because someone says I can. I can't wear their skin and their fur, because someone thinks I should.

I am extremely healthy, because I have a brain, studied nutrition, and know how to eat. Once, that may not have been true, but with today's resources, it's easy to eat the correct amount of amino acids and proteins and be healthy.

Think about the resources that it takes to raise cattle. One head of cattle will feed a family for what? A couple of months? Four months? That's the hay, the water for the cow, etc. The manpower to take care of the cow, the butchering, etc.

One acre of soybeans will yield enough crops to feed an entire VILLAGE for longer than 6 months.

That relates to: if there weren't so many resources being used for the cattle industry (and the pork, and poultry industries) -- we could use that energy and feed the entire world, and eradicate hunger all over the world.

But as long as people are swayed by the Robber Baron Meat Lobby and people are self-indulgent to the point of gluttony, there will be hunger.

But that is a few of the reasons that I am a vegetarian. I know that when a mama cow cries for her baby, I am not the reason. And my purse was never on an animal's back...

2006-11-20 17:32:44 · answer #2 · answered by luvmelodio 4 · 2 0

I became a vegetarian when I was 18 (26 now) because I didn't like the taste of meat. Since then, by doing research, looking for recipes, etc, I have learned about the atrocities that take place in factory farms. So, the reason I am a vegetarian has changed. I didn't like meat but didn't know why. Now I don't eat meat because I want to do my part in reducing suffering of animals. I am currently a lacto-ovo vegetarian, however I am an aspiring vegan because I know of the horrible things that happen in the dairy and egg industry, as well.

2006-11-21 04:22:03 · answer #3 · answered by angelbelle 2 · 1 0

I'm a vegetarian because I don't want the stigma attached with knowing that an animal has died for my plate. I'm also a veggie for my own health reasons. Many meat eaters claim they can't imagine a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle without a meat diet. I've gone without eating meat for so long, I can't imagine eating it ever again! There are actually a lot of good meat-free options out there that many people don't even know about. All this vegetarian bashing is absurd. We'll see who's laughing when the hard-core meat eaters all end up in the hospital with clogged arteries! Also, we have much less of a chance of getting E-coli and freaky food poisoning by not eating meat. HA! Put that in your self-righteous pipes and smoke it!

2006-11-20 14:07:17 · answer #4 · answered by Ashers 1 · 0 0

Lots of reasons. First the food. Before i turned 18 i had to eat meat and whatever else my family made because i had no money and didn't know of other choices. Fortunatly my mother did make some vegtables, i rember loving broccolli and cabbage, but hating tomatoes and onions.

Fruits, Vegtables, Legumes, and Grains i belive to be the life of our world. Without them there would be no world. Growing plants for our food has to be the best and Most Godlike of our Culture.

The first couple of years i became veg. i was unaware of animal rights or the way meat and animal products come to be. I changed my habits it eating first to lacto-veg. soley for taste. However viewing animal rights groups like Peta. have made me go vegan all the way and confirmed my abbhorence from meat and animal products. It's really dirty the way animals are birthed, kept, and slaughtered for meat and other products. Unlike animal rights organizations, though , i do not hold animals as cute cuddlesome creatures that need to be saved. I find them to be uncontrolling and destructive vagabonds, a pestillence. I think the world would be a better place if most if not all animals were stopped before birth and not allowed to live to began with. Man is capable of taking care of the world, it's air, water, soil, and plantlife. As of now it's like living in a house and taking care of only one room and letting the rest of the house go to the wild kingdom. Man need full dominion over Earth, its's oceans and skies. Very few animals and ultimatly none help!

2006-11-21 08:42:56 · answer #5 · answered by veggiepark 3 · 0 0

I've been a vegetarian for 13 years. I love all animals so it is a simple decision for me. If you wouldn't kill an animal to eat for yourself, then you just have no self-control, and obviously turn a blind eye to the torture these poor creatures go through to fill your belly. It's just so easy to buy in a grocery store, packaged up all nice so you can't see the bloodshed, pain, and death. Humans don't need meat to survive...simple as that. Would you eat a dog, or cat? Most people would say no way! Then why a cow, pig, or chicken? I'm actually astonished by all the people I know who claim to love animals, and still eat meat just because they think it tastes too good to give up. I hope all non-vegetarians come back in their next life as a cow destined for the slaughterhouse.

2006-11-20 19:59:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We were made to survive. But we have a choice. All the problem that we are having with disease could be lessened if people would stop consuming so much meat. There have been so many good scientific studies that show you have a better chance at a healthier an cancer free life if you eat more fruits and vegetables. Obesity is a huge problem. I'm not saying if you stop eating meat you wont be fat but its part of the problem. Another good point if your taking the "god told me I could eat animals" stance is that in the beginning of the bible the Jews were vegetarians. It wasn't until later the He told them which kinds they could eat.
The best thing for people to do is make an informed and responsible decision about their eating habits. So far I have seen nothing but good things come out of being a vegetarian. It's not easy at first and you have to really pay attention to your calories and nutrients. It becomes easy after you understand complimentary proteins and it becomes a part of your everyday lifestyle.

2006-11-20 16:22:01 · answer #7 · answered by Devia 1 · 1 1

I am a vegetarian because I love animals. I want the animals to live their own, happy lives and I don't want them to be killed for me to eat.

I do not go around telling other people what to do, but I find that when I tell people I am vegetarian, they have to explain why eating meat is normal, natural, good.

Also many times, they are trying to explain to me, why I am a hypocrite - they will point out something like leather shoes or bag. My answer is that I am not a hypocrite - I would really prefer not to use leather, but sometimes it is hard to do.

Even if I am not perfect in my vegetarianism, doing something is better than doing nothing. Saying it's all or nothing in our actions, can very easily be an excuse to do nothing. I would rather be imperfect and do something that is good rather than be perfect and do nothing.

2006-11-21 02:36:01 · answer #8 · answered by happy inside 6 · 1 0

I am vegetarian because

1) It's healthier - less risk of cancer, heart disease, gastric problems, obesity etc. Meat foods are highly acidic and fattening and pumped full of hormones and chemicals.
2) It's compassionate towards all animals
3) The more people who give up meat the more environmental resources there are for countries less fortunate. The amount of land we use for meat production is barbaric and unecessary. If everyone was vegetarian we would have enough resources to feed the world's starving people.
4) It's simply the best way to be for yourself, animals and the environment!

2006-11-21 07:22:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been vegetarian for over a year. Through research, I came to know to much about what happens to animals in the meat and scientific industries, that I felt I just couldn't go on eating meat anymore.... and I find it cruel that an animal is born, fed and raised simply to kill. All the decisions made in this process are not concerned with animal welfare, but are concerned with profits (meat industry) and outcomes (scientific industry). Animal welfare is determined by humans for their own selfish purposes.

Also, I am concerned about the environment. Large parcels of land are cleared in Australia to rear and raise animals for the meat industry. This mass breeding destroys the land they are on.

I have heard the vast majority of people studying parasitology become vegetarian... That doesn't surprise me!

2006-11-23 11:21:21 · answer #10 · answered by PC 2 · 0 0

I'm a vegan for all reasons.

When I was about Five years old, I discovered that meat was animals and vice versa. This was wrong so I stopped eating animals and became vegetarian.

After many years, and learning more about diet and health, I decided to go the whole way, for health as well as moral reasons.

Oh, someone (French sounding) with another answer referred to vegetarians as being unhealthy. Look at the dietary guidelines for Americans, ...eat more fruit and veg... never heard a doctor saying eat more red meat, fat and cholesterol.

2006-11-20 10:11:33 · answer #11 · answered by Vegon 3 · 2 1

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