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8 answers

Hi There,

I know how you feel. My husband is a pilot and he is based in another city too. So i miss him too but since we are away we have this schedule which follow. Every mondays, weds an fridays we call each other and the remaining days we writh emails as in what we did and etc etc. At least we feel good that we are in touch through what ever medium possible. At times we chat online and it really feels good.

Just decide with your guy the days you both would speak on phone, the days you had to write emails, Its the best possible option plus the letters add a romantic feel .

My best wishes to you and him.
Good luck

2006-11-19 18:49:48 · answer #1 · answered by Blueberry 4 · 0 0

Due to lack of details I can only say this.. If he will be coming home to you in the not too distant future I would hold on until then. I f not then I would say just ride out the pain for now & hope that things get better. Try not to force yourself to think of him if he wont be reunited with you. You should be considering the idea of moving on at some point. Good Luck!

2006-11-20 00:44:53 · answer #2 · answered by Claude 6 · 0 0

Either one of you needs to pick a new city (to be together), or else you should seriously consider moving on.
Beyond that, with the cell phone packages available now, unlimited calling between the two of you should not be that big of a hurdle, as long as you're both with the same network provider.

2006-11-20 00:46:31 · answer #3 · answered by Justin 3 · 0 0

Its a little difficult question because i cant say anything about your guy or relation.
If he is also love you then he must do it.
If you have address then you should send a post letter to him and tell him that...
I Miss you very much why you are not calling me...?
If any problem then tell me face to face.
Problem will be solved.

2006-11-20 01:05:17 · answer #4 · answered by Amit 1 · 0 0

It is natural that if you try to go closer to him, he will go away. If you try to go away, he will come closer to u. So, better try to forget him for sometime. Or, atleast you show that u have forgotten him. He will comeback to u. Alternatively, you try to show him that you have another guy. A man will not tolerate this. He will come back to u.

2006-11-20 00:48:20 · answer #5 · answered by kansal 2 · 0 0

wait it out. in time you will get comfortable with the relationship as it is. and at the same time try and find ways to communicate and time to do it

2006-11-20 00:46:37 · answer #6 · answered by scorpion06 1 · 0 0

keep voice chating through messenger. keep in touch with mails. or plan for a holiday together.

2006-11-20 00:52:20 · answer #7 · answered by SureshkumarYVS from hyderabad 3 · 0 0

find another one to fill the void...

2006-11-20 00:41:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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