You should call the police and write up a report on him. He threatened you. That is against the law, he might start to stalk you next or something worse than that. The police should know about him. Don't talk to him, Don't tell him anything.Don't answer his messages. Don't think about him. It's a good thing he stopped contacting you. Why do you like men who want to beat you up? Why do you want to be scared? Relationships are hard work, but this guy is not worth even trying for, he's jealous, non trusting and angry, he could hurt you so bad you would never see the light again.
2006-11-19 15:39:14
answer #1
answered by atantatlantis 3
I'm confused. What do you mean when you say he "abused" you? It almost sounds like he just sent you a lot of really mean/angry text messages at one time. If that's the case: A. Be worried enough to stay away from him, but don't freak out too much. B. Tell your parents, and C. Make it clear that you don't want to hear from him, then ignore him COMPLETELY.
2006-11-19 16:36:43
answer #2
answered by hot teacher 1
I hope he doesn't contact you, but in all honesty he probably will try. Get away from him, he has a problem and the abuse will get a lot worse as time goes by. More important, you need to talk to someone, too. You should not have put up with the very first abuse.
2006-11-19 15:37:31
answer #3
answered by boogie2510 3
Babe, it is extreme, and it ought to get worst. the main suitable ingredient to do is provide up all touch with him for stable. there is not any love in this relationship, its all ailment. he needs help and he's quite insecure. you ned time for yoursef, and in case you're speaking to different men thats none of his bussiness you 2 at the instant are not from now on mutually. Abuse is quite undemanding amoung society in the present day. he's making threats in direction of you and you gets him in hardship legally, that's what i could do. consult with a depended on grownup immediately approximately this. shop the text fabric message for now on and build a case. you mustn't be scared. stay reliable, and is he touches you, abuse his a**, i does not take this from him in any respect, do not tel him u r scared, as a result he knows of ur weak spot. do not consult with him anymore. i'm hoping ypu get help quickly, and stay reliable babe. there's a possibilty he is going to touch and message you lower back, yet do what i suggested. God Bless!
2016-10-22 09:45:54
answer #4
answered by ? 4
you've described a very dangerous person, you need to get a restraining order from the police. a restraining order won't keep him away from you but it will give the police a suspect to pursue if and when he kills you, you should also upgrade the quality of men you associate with, good luck
2006-11-19 15:36:36
answer #5
answered by Ron H 2
The guy seems to be crazy. He doesn't trust you nor does he respect you. Then why do u want him to come back? You would be better off finding new love.cause I don't think he's coming back.
2006-11-19 15:38:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I just asked my magic pendulum and it said,
"how in the heck would folks on the internet know such things?"
Strange, but I think it is right.
Also, did you know that there is a Spell Check feature on this site?
2006-11-19 15:33:53
answer #7
answered by m'kay 1
i'd get a restraining order, he doesn't sound like a safe person to be around
2006-11-19 15:34:22
answer #8
answered by cat 1
Tell your parents.
2006-11-19 15:34:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you need to get a restraining order ASAP!
2006-11-19 15:34:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous