I don't think there's any real hidden meaning behind your dream. Not all dreams have a mysterious meaning. I once dreamt I was getting married to Donald Trump. I think the fact that the last thing I watched on the news was a story about Trump, and had been talking to my friend earlier in the evening about her upcoming wedding...prompted the ridiculous dream. For you, I think you have been mulling over the split with your boyfriend, worried about your future romance potential, and your subconcious came up with a few faces you recognized and were familiar with. No big deal. Tomorrow, you might dream your ex hooks up with your best friend. It's amazing what your brain rolls out at night. Really. Your dream was just a little evening entertainment. I don't think I would start reading anything into it.
2006-11-19 15:32:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are reasons why you broke up with you old boy friend 3 times. You had some things in common, but as you both grow older and gain life experience, you have found out there are a few things that can poison the relationship. It could be immaturity, different wants, or the inability to empathize with each other. In either case, it effects you long term wants and needs. Your dream is your subconscious mind communication with your conscience mind. Your subconscious mind is ready to move on and is toying with the idea of other love interest. You have not made a conscience choice to move on as yet because of the amount of time you have invested in the current relationship.
2006-11-19 15:36:02
answer #2
answered by Mr Cellophane 6
Well you could try to use a Dream dictionary to help unravel the reason you felt this way OR what about spending time with this guy? Maybe there is a reason for it!
2006-11-19 15:21:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes draems can mean something, but in your case what I think and believe is that no matter how much you loved your ex you can start thinking of who will be your next boyfriend. Don't think is your friends boyfriend It could be somebody that it may be very close to you that loves you and you havn't even know and it may be a secret love.
2006-11-19 15:57:38
answer #4
answered by ladyinpink 1
Spirita explains your dreams
Visit http://spirita.blogspot.com/ and post your question as a comment. You'll get your FREE dream interpretation (as a comment, too) shortly. Just remember where you posted your question, your dream interpretation will be under the same section.
2006-11-20 06:23:23
answer #5
answered by Spirita 5
Just know that your ex isn't the only one that can be for you. BUT, don't date your friends ex. That's a no no.... There are plenty of young men out there in the world don't limit yourself and aim high.
2006-11-19 15:22:53
answer #6
answered by dnisey64 3
Well if you were me i'd find out who this dream guy is and confront him maybe your his dream girl too you never know unless you ask i had the same kind of dream and i found my dream guy
2006-11-19 15:23:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
it means that what your so worried about that will happen with him hes prolly feeling the same way about you.
2006-11-19 15:23:20
answer #8
answered by n4il_p0lish2000 5
it means that God want's you to figure out something that is in that dream!!!! only you can tell your self what that means!! good luck
2006-11-19 15:29:32
answer #9
answered by socerchic2007 2