You should speak with him about it and let him know how you feel about it. If it were vice versa, ask him how he would feel? Don't jump to conclusions until you discuss it first. See if he will take it off or what is explanation is first. I know that some people can remain friends after they break up, some do not want anything to do with their ex's. If he wants nothing to do with her, he should take her off. Communication is an important part of a relationship. I hope it works out.
2006-11-19 15:09:04
answer #1
answered by Stephanie F 7
Maybe breaking up with him is a little extreme. But, why are you not his number one? Have you confronted him about this and what is his reason for her being his number one? I would say that if this really bothers you and he doesn't change it than something is wrong!!
2006-11-19 15:10:00
answer #2
answered by Lucy20 2
I don't get this whole drama about who is what number on someone's myspace. Honestly I don't see why its that improtant my people are on there randomly.
2006-11-19 15:17:43
answer #3
answered by Casandra 2
Well i think that you should ask him about it and tell him to be honest with you about the way he feels about her. If he still cares about her then you should break up with him unless you can take being 2nd to him
2006-11-19 15:10:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
ask him about this if he said no big about it then let him go if not he will hurt you because i think he still have feelings with his old ex-gf anways thought about this and make your choice and do this corectly !good luck
2006-11-19 15:20:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Don't jump to conclusions just yet, if serious things start actually happening between them, then I'd consider it if I were you.
2006-11-19 15:08:15
answer #6
answered by Kyle B 4
No but you should go for a brain scan!
2006-11-19 15:06:17
answer #7
answered by Bear 3
no, unless you were his number one friend.
2006-11-19 15:06:06
answer #8
answered by Peta Chips 2
well maybe you should confront him to find out why
2006-11-19 15:07:10
answer #9
answered by Heather B 1
yeap let him go, kick him to the curb
2006-11-19 15:06:35
answer #10
answered by â?¥ Pawya! 5