I should be happy, but I'm not, I have a great boyfriend, good family, great friends, I've got everything I could ask for, but I'm still not happy with things, I sit here and I think of all the things I could change about my life to make myself more happy, but I like things the way they are, its comfortable, but I'm not happy, sure theres moments when I'm exstatic, but 80% of the time I wish I was someone else that is more happy than me.
10 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
You have a great life from what you told us.
Thanksgiving is coming up you know. You should really be thankful for everything you have. God gave you a lot of things in life. He has a plan for you and everything will be alright. Have faith in Him. Enjoy the life He gave you.
2006-11-19 14:31:05
answer #1
answered by ( Kelly ) 7
Hi there Bee,
I want to say that I can completely relate to how you may be feeling. This coming from someone who has taken various psychology courses and someone who suffers from depression them self. I have done my research but I am by no means a doctor. From a personal perspective I think you could possibly have Chronic Depression (Dysthymia). Chronic Depression is one of the less severe forms of depression but the depression symptoms linger for long periods of time, possibly years. People who suffer from dysthymia are usually able to function normally, but seem consistently unhappy. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 10.9 million Americans aged 18 and older are affected by dysthymia. I hope that this information can be of some help to you. Also, if you ever need to talk. I would be happy to lend an ear.
2006-11-19 22:45:39
answer #2
answered by Lucy20 2
This is going to sound mean, but it's the truth......If you're not happy with your life, you need to change it. Don't sit and complain about it, the only one who can change it is you. The easy and lazy way out is to stay "comfortable". When you really want something, you have to work for it.
2006-11-19 22:31:28
answer #3
answered by freedove06 3
hey,, if you're not committed to your b/f....keep on living! call your friends, call your parents. they're arms open. go out to a great park and rejoice in the beauty of nature. or go out on a beautiful evening and enjoy the city lights of the skyscrapers.
may I ask how old are you? if you're over 40 you could be on perimenopause. I am at that age and stage and get those feelings as well. when I feel down, I get spontaneous. then I feel better.
2006-11-19 22:41:36
answer #4
answered by alizelatina41 3
All those things are great, but if you don't have God,you've don't have everything.Get to know Jesus and your whole perspective of happiness will change.Eternal life in Jesus is the greatest thing you can ever receive.This is the greatest joy.
2006-11-19 22:35:18
answer #5
answered by Soupy 3
i know what you mean... i was like that before but honey all you need to do is find what you really want. everything is good for everyone else's but probably you are not contented. find what you really want not what others want or what others think is good. you just need a little soul searching and you can always turn to God.
2006-11-19 22:37:57
answer #6
answered by lostandconfused 2
just do funner things talk to family about or councelers that will help you. if you want it it is 696-3932 ask for doctor simon hes the best
2006-11-19 22:32:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have everything and everyone in my life. Sometimes I have this feeling too...just the blues.
2006-11-19 22:32:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
maybe you should stop thinking about your own happiness and concentrate on someone elses.
2006-11-19 22:31:24
answer #9
answered by rusalka 3
You probably got low self-esteem, talk to GOD
2006-11-19 22:29:31
answer #10
answered by M 2