they shouldn't.
If you feel like letting it out, do so.
I think women should like guys who know how to use their emotions.
If something is bothering me and I feel like crying, my girlfriends will understand and listen.
2006-11-19 11:46:32
answer #1
answered by Cuddly Lez 6
Any woman that thinks that a man (especially a service member ) that cries is unattractive or anything else would have to be completely stupid and insensative and not worthy of any of your consideration. I worked Army 24 years and had Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Gulf One experience and we all cried at some point. War may be our job, but compassion is our life and we should be proud of that - not worried that a girl (or even our girl) may think we have a problem. Well, I can tell you that you don't and that we are all proud of you.
2006-11-19 11:59:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't. My fiance would kill me for admitting this but, he's cried infront of me. I find it very...comforting. In our society its not acceptable for guys to cry, especially tough guys, but, its part of being human. There are times that the world is too much for us to continue to play the stoic and crying helps release that (along with toxins in the system). Its healthy and anyone will tell you that. Other guys on the site might answer differently but, the times I saw my fiance cry were the times it meant the most. Its letting someone else into that part of you that's not as strong as the outer version- believe me, most women will tune into that and find it a very attractive quality.
2006-11-19 11:47:03
answer #3
answered by irishgypsy88 2
I think that guys who cry are really sweet and showing your emotions is a great thing. I think if you cry over something stupid (you be the judge of what that means) a girl will probably find it weird or annoying, but if you cry about something touching or awfully sad most girls will think that its sweet.
The reason you cried is definately something worth crying about, and if I was her I would think you were mature and emotional (in a good way).
2006-11-19 11:47:21
answer #4
answered by ♥ 2
I don't think that women who think guys who cry is unattractive. If we can cry w/o being unattractive guys should be able to as well. In fact I often get sick of guys who pretend to be to tough for tears. If it's truely sad, Crying is just a way of coping. So I say go ahead and cry.
2006-11-19 11:48:32
answer #5
answered by Becca 1
When u cry at a sad movie or something that shows how sensitive u can get but um if u cry for nottin or too much it's good bye u r the weakest link!
2006-11-19 11:53:15
answer #6
answered by sexyblakk 3
NO, generally men are taught not to express their emotions; especially in the service.
You have probably seen and heard a lot of traumatic things. You should check out Post-traumatic stress.
I think she should feel special that you could be vulnerable with her.
It is not dirty...
2006-11-19 11:47:57
answer #7
answered by luckienyc 2
In your case, it's understandable — do you have PTSD or something? If so, you might want to talk to someone about that. Otherwise, I can't stand it when guys cry. I can't stand any display of emotional vulnerability. I'm more of a tough cookie.
2006-11-19 15:23:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Do you have the uniform? I'm assuming you do...the next time you cry in front of a female make sure you are wearing that...they will become confused and flustered, bottom line you will get laid.
2006-11-19 11:45:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Guys can cry, I think it's a good thing because it shows that you actually have a sensitive side.
2006-11-19 11:45:07
answer #10
answered by palmgirl0829 1
Some say crying guys are great because they are in touch with their feelings.
2006-11-19 11:44:56
answer #11
answered by Anonymous