Well hello sweety! NO i wont say that you are Young to kiss 13 is a wise age to know what right or wrong :) and when to say NO!
anyhow for you question:
Kissing him on his birthday would be ok but a present aswell. dont show up just you kissing him and how u feel.. what i would do is take him away from his friend on his bday in a room or so. give him a present like a watch, picture frame of you and him, his fav colone,a video game anything that he likes.. when you finish giving him his prents tell him i got an other present for you and just KISS HIM :) He might get shocked since FIRST KISS.Im sure he be happy for the rest of the bday :) good luck and have fun. HOPE this helps.
2006-11-19 11:20:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A kiss for a birthday present sounds like a cheap way of getting out of buying something for him and he will think you didn't care enough to spend cash on him or to think of something original. If you want to give him a b-day kiss fine. But that shouldn't be the only thing he gets.
Hand him a REAL gift, with a kiss.
BTW, don't lay your feeling for him out like that either. You'll scare him away. A nice gift, with a little kiss, and a nice b-day card will tell him you like him a lot. You don't need to press the issue.
2006-11-19 11:17:08
answer #2
answered by Yinzer from Sixburgh 7
Guys like spontaneity, just give him a big wet kiss when he least expects it. I wish my girlfriends would have given me a kiss as a gift. I think any guy would love to have his girlfriend take the first step when it comes to a kiss. In truth, most guys are VERY, VERY scared to kiss their new girlfriends.But once the Kiss is over , you'll be getting kissed all the time. Give him one the next time you all pass each other in the mall. Don't do it at school, BAD IDEA. Kissing is FUN and I highly recommend it.
2006-11-19 11:18:25
answer #3
answered by X_YELLOWJACKET_X 3
ok, I just turned 14 and I dont think ur too young at all. my boyfriend is 17 though. we do way more than kiss tho. I know this sounds a bit
S-L-U-T like, but I am not one. We had sex tho and I got pregnant so dont like rush things or u will be in the same prob as me. I think that's a good birthday present tho but u might wana get him something too like maybe some $. Well, don't forget to give him something worth wild, dont make the kiss a peck, go all in for the french! lol. Good luck!
2006-11-19 11:16:05
answer #4
answered by P!ATD GIRL! Luvn Brendon Urie! 3
I'm not going to say your too young! I am ur age, and I have had 2 bf's (am with the 2nd)
I HATE it when people tell me I'm "too young" b/c I think it depends more on your maturity level...
Continuing: I personally don't think you should.
In front of all the guys (if its' a party) then it could embarass him, and he could reject you.
Maybe alone?? As of tomorrow, my bf and I have been together for a month, and we've done nothing but quick hugs, holding hands, and cuddling while watching movies. I'm perfectly fine with it, and I think thats where we should be. (My bf is 14, I am 12)
You should let ur relationship flow for a while, and c how things work out.
Just do what ur heart says is RIGHT. NOT most pleasurable!!
Maybe on the cheek???
Good Luck, and have an awesome day!! ;-)
2006-11-19 11:21:13
answer #5
answered by ♥Charming's Princess♥ 3
Hey, I'm gonna say that you should get a cute present and give it to him before the kiss. Make a CD and title it all about you or somthing. Then put songs on that share how you feel about him and stuff. Drop the CD off at his house in the morning and tell him to call you once hes done with it. Then, when hes done, come over to his house, and the sencond you see him kiss him. Its cute and follows your plan...
Good Luck
2006-11-19 11:19:21
answer #6
answered by as 4
I think you should get him a CD of some group he really likes. I think you can kiss him on the cheek if you want. That would be sweet. You can tell him what a sweet guy he is and what a good friend he has been to you. Give him a huge hug.
2006-11-19 11:15:54
answer #7
answered by Stephanie F 7
Sure, kissing him would be a good present. But, I also think you should get him something else...somthing small. I used to bake cookies for my guy-friends birthdays or for guys that I had just started dating. They really like it because it shows you thought of them, but it's not a big, expensive gift that would freak them out. If you can't bake cookies, just buy some of the pepperidge farms cookies (the big ones) and put them on a paper plate with saran wrap and tell them you made them. I used to do it all the time...it always works! Good luck.
2006-11-19 11:15:57
answer #8
answered by Sara 4
Wow! That is so sweet a kiss on his birthday even though you guys never have kissed before. Hope it turns out as plan.
2006-11-19 11:14:30
answer #9
answered by Berties 3
I think it'd be really cute to be wearing just the jersey, and nothing underneath. That way he'd be overjoyed with a bunch of things. Make sure you don't damage it though. <3
2016-03-29 01:59:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous