Im in my mid 20's. My mom is currently being spiteful as she dosn't like the guy im dating. Im not going to go into it,but there is nothing wrong with my bf, she just simply dosn't like him and i refuse to go out with guys she trys to set me up with.
Anyway, because im dating this guy (she has done this with my ex's too), She purposely won't go shopping with me, watch tv with me or do anything together.
In general my mom (despite bf situations) always puts me down, compares me to other girls, praises my brother , never me. She will even tell her friends over the phone that im an idiot and never knows whats going on. Its so depressing. Im trying my best to ignore it. I can't just sit and talk with her.I confronted about how she is treating me and that we can do things together,but she refuses. Im trying my best to accept the way she is, but its so hard.Also all of my girlfriends have nice moms who do normal things and its like this is what i got stuck with. anyone else have similiar?
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