A fever is the body's way of fighting off infection. You can use meds to get it to "go away" but if she is fighting something off it is not necessarily a bad thing unless it is too high. My son did the same thing a few months ago but his fevers persisted at a much higher temp, think he had roseola. If it is a virus, it will just have to run it's course. Anibiotics are not effective against viruses, just bacterial infections. At her age, fever is usually considered to be 103 or higher (it is lower for younger babies).
All those that are telling you to go to the E.R. and/or to get another anitibiotic are a little over the top. 99-101 is only a low grade temp. GEEZ people!!! Don't stress this mom out!
2006-11-14 06:29:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Being a mother of 2 children who ended up having to have tubes in their ears for ear infections, it sounds to me that the antibiotic may not be killing the infection. My daughter had 12 ear infections in the course of 4 months. When they wanted to put her on an adult strength antibiotic and steriods I demanded to see an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist).
If she is eating, more importantly drinking, and generally in good spirits I would give it another day. It is a lowgrade fever, and remember, fever means the body is fighting infection, so it's not always a bad thing. I have found childrens Motrin works much better than Tylenol, however some parents will tell you to rotate between the 2. If she is in pain and not eating, I would call her doctor back, be stern, not rude, but forward about your concerns. They are human too, and forget, but it is no excuse. If you get nowhere, the final result is the ER. Remember, however, more people are infected by ER waiting rooms.
You could also see if there is in Urgent Care facility in your area. They are usually pretty good, and will get you in and out faster. They should refer you to an ER if they cannot help.
Good Luck! I know it is hard, especially when they are so little.
2006-11-14 15:11:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's probably the wrong antibiotic. Doctors have to guess which of the many antibiotics will work so that they don't have to culture every single patient. Chances are, you have the wrong one for her infection. The doctor should call back and offer a different broad-spectrum antibiotic.
make sure that you are giving it at the correct dose and at the right times. make sure that it is not being vomited up. The right antibiotic should beging to work within 24 hours.
2006-11-14 14:25:09
answer #3
answered by Dovie 5
First take your daughter to the emergency room she is not getting better and something is not right. Second once she is well call your doctor and fire him. Tell him and his staff in no uncertain terms exactly why you are firing him. Third go to the pediatric floor of a good hospital or to a pediatric hospital and talk to a couple of nurses and find out what pediatrician they would recommend. Nurses know these doctors and how they are with patients better than anyone else. Your doctor not returning your calls in this situation is wrong and may even be malpractice. A prayer for your daughter and for her scared Mom.
2006-11-14 14:33:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
try alternating tylenol and motrin.....if you give her a dose of tylenol then 2 hrs later give her a dose of motrin....that will keep her fever down longer and help her body fight the infection it has.....if that doesnt break her fever for good then she needs to go back to the doctor....Antibiotics are not causing the fever. 99 to 101 is nothing really to worry about in itself..that is a low grade fever but if it continues and you are unable to break it then take her back to the office and tell them about the fever.
2006-11-14 14:26:27
answer #5
answered by kndykisz 4
HI There
A fever is way the body fights an infection and supressing it with drugs of antibiotics doesnt really solve the issue. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids (especially water) and that will help keep the fever down. Here are remedies to help her heal quickly.
a. The fastest way in eliminating this body condition is by proper diet and rest, and by flushing the body system with diaphoretics. Take a ginger bath (using up to a pound of ginger to a tub of water), or a mustard-cayenne bath with cold sheeting. The antispasmodic agents relax the constringed cell structure, loosen and discharge the mucoid matter. Fruit juices (especially hot lemon juice) should be taken alternately with the herbal teas. After the cleansing crisis, the body system should be built up with tonic herbs and with nutritious, non-mucus forming foods.
1.Lemon Juice: The symptoms of flu may be relieved by drinking lemon juice in warm water several times daily.
2.Ginger: Ginger tea is often given in cases of colds and flu. It will produce perspiration and increase circulation, thus helping to speed the removal of toxins from the body. A favorite treatment in colds, flu and bronchitis is the Ginger bath. Simply add three tablespoonfuls of the grated root powder to a tubful of hot water. Let the person soak in the tub, adding hot water occasionally to keep the tubful good and hot. Give sips of diaphoretic teas during this soak (camomile is pleasant and well-accepted by most sick people). Be sure to coat the genitals which will be immersed with Vaseline or any other non-penetrating coating so that the herbs will not irritate them. You can add cayenne, mustard or other rubefacient herbs to this soak. It relaxes the body as well as opening the pores and stimulating elimination. By all means keep the patient warm after this soak. Put him into warm, clean cotton under clothes and bedclothes and put him to bed. Ginger baths are well-accepted even by children.
Best of health to both of you
2006-11-14 14:52:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
the doctors say that it is running its course, usually they don't stress until it hits 102 or 103. I would take her in if you are stressing over it for your sake plus for a follow up to make sure she is healing properly. Good Luck, I have 2 that run high fevers for no reason. So I feel for ya! Hope all goes well.
2006-11-14 14:30:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think you should call the ER, explain it to them and they will probably have you come to the hospital because of the on and off again fevers. If her doctor won't call you back do the next best thing, go to the ER
2006-11-14 14:32:49
answer #8
answered by VivaciousandSexy 3
The antibiotic just helps with infection. It won't bring her fever down.
2006-11-14 15:03:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It maybe the wrong antibiotic. Keep calling the Dr till you get an answer from him/her. Good Luck!
2006-11-14 14:24:24
answer #10
answered by barbi316 3