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i have 2 beautiful daughters. i need help with a good, healthy way to get to my ideal weight of 140lbs. i cant afford the gastric surgery, so what do i do. help.

2006-11-09 05:18:05 · 18 answers · asked by willwork4u2000 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions Diabetes

also let me add that i sort of HATE food! all my life i have had a eating disorder, i eat and throw up cause my esophagus wont let me hold it down. and no i dont think medicaid will pay for stuff like that. i have tried pill like relacore, fienheit, but i cant swallow then i have to open them and put in a spoon and drink it, which useally makes me nauseated. i got the billy blanks boot camp and wow in 15 min my heart was beating out of my chest, and the part of the leg over the knee (i guess the thigh) was killing me for 4 days it hurt to try to sit. i can useally eat like salads no problem there with only iceberg lettuce, and maybe tomatoes with thousand island or vinegarette . i just got a thyroid test done have not got the results back yet though, and my 8 year old daughter was 101 lbs recently and now is 97lbs but thats bad she eats normally also, my 6 yr old is skinny and eats like whatever she wants, like her dad who is 6'3'' and 140 and diabetic but eats whatever also.

2006-11-09 05:37:30 · update #1

oops i just realised i posted this question in the diabetic group, well i guess it doesn't matter i still am getting great, heartfilled info from you all and i almosted started to cry reading all of your responces, thanks

2006-11-09 05:45:08 · update #2

18 answers

Diet and exercise.

2006-11-09 05:21:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've been there, honey. I started on a diabetic (yes I got diabetes from being fat) Exchange Diet. Then I started walking every day. The first day, I could only walk 1/2 block...I did that for a week. The next week, I did the whole block. And so on at little at the time until I was able to walk a mile, them up to 4 miles. The pounds rolled right off! I lost 85 lbs. in 6 months. I tell you, I never got to my goal weight, cause I put it all back on after an auto accident. So....I had a gastric bypass. I wish I had done this along time ago. I'm unable to exercise, but I can walk! Shop around for a good doctor. You might be able to afford more than you think. At any rate, you can help yourself. It's just hard either way. If you need some encouragement or want to talk about it, feel free to email "dearbobbye@yahoo.com". God bless you!

2006-11-09 13:32:39 · answer #2 · answered by Sassy OLD Broad 7 · 0 0

Are you sure you can't afford the gastric bypass surgery? Many insurance plans cover it. If not, I'd just start with the basics, like everyone else. Start walking about thirty minutes a day and then slowly build up to an hour. As for eating, join Weight Watchers. Seriously, it's the best thing I've ever run into for controlling eating habits--it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle that teaches you how to choose which foods to eat (it's not a low-carb thing, either), and portion control, so that you can still have the yummy stuff every once in a while.:) I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, but best of luck to you.

2006-11-09 13:22:08 · answer #3 · answered by Casey 4 · 0 0

I am not going to preach platitudes like diet and exercise. While true this approach is overly simplistic and omits most of the important physical and psychological elements.
First of all at 297 you are going to have a difficult ime with any exercise regimen. Also excercise takes a long time to burn the calories your mouth can add in a minute.
Start with a close examination of your day and diet. Start by getting enough rest every night. next select the obviously bad items from your diet and eliminate them. Things like sweets, and heavy carbo laden things like white bread and pasta. Everytime you eliminate something bad from your diet replace it with something good, like fruit. Do this for a week. On week 2 start reading labels on everything you eat. Look for corn syrup and hydrogenated fats and oils. Replace these items with brands that do not contain these ingredients. At this point you will be developing a new attitude that essentially makes bad food your enemy. The only way you can win the battle is to go to war against the crappy diet we have been led into by food manufactures and advertising.
When you have dropped five or ten pounds, start walking. Park on the outside edge of the mall or store parking lot and walk to the entrance. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, get your blood moving again and let your body heal itself by using it more. Tak a stroll through the park or around the block just for something to do. Think about your goal and how good you will look and feel. This reinforces the difficulty of making concsious choices everytime you want to eat. At twenty pounds of loss you will usually hit a plateau that many cannot get through. Just perservere and realize that a life of ease is just as much your enemy as food is.
The moral of the story is that by retraining my brain this way, I lost seventy pounds, dropped my blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholestrol levels to where I didn't need any medication for Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholestrol. I am now 65 years old and the oldest and healthiest member of a family full of heart attacks, strokes, and other problems caused by bad diet and such.

2006-11-09 13:48:23 · answer #4 · answered by yes_its_me 7 · 1 0

For your age, to much weight.
I suggest if you can afford join Weight Watchers, they really have good Programs you can follow easy. If not abel to, Diet on your own. Stay away from Fast Food, all Fried Foods,Soft Drinks, Red Meat, all Sweets things. Eat a lot Vegetable, Fruits, Whole Grain Products, Low Fat Dairy. Eat 6 small meals a day.Drink plenty of Water, unsweetened Juice ,Coffee or Tea.
Exercise, but before you start, consult your doctor, to make sure your health is OK.
Do not put yourself on one of the many Diets their advertise daily, they do not work and after loosing weight, you will pounce right back where your started.
Be patient and persistent, it can take a long time to loose 150pounds.
Good Luck

2006-11-09 13:31:01 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Hihi. I am also on a slimming diet programme. I have been taking this Dr Diet (recommended by my friend), my goal is to lose 6 Kg over 4 weeks, which i have suceeded by the 1st week by losing 2.5kg. Dr Diet is clinically proven by the National Institute of Health, it has been used by the Top 6 Medical Institutes in US including John Hopkins hospital (No.1 Weight Control Management Hospital in US). It has been recommended by more than 15,000 physicians in US. Every diet supplement drink contains the Supro-Soy Protein, 25 essential vitamins and minerals and 5gram of Fiber. If you want to know more, you can email me back at jaslinlee@yahoo.com
Meanwhile, I will work hard to lose the extra weight I have, for my boyfriend's sake. Haha.

2006-11-10 01:34:36 · answer #6 · answered by Yukari 2 · 0 0

Gastric bypass should ONLY be a last resort for people with obesity-related life threatening health conditions. NOT just because your fat.

Start eating 6 small meals a day and watch your portions. A serving of anything should not by any bigger than your fist balled up. No carbs after 5pm. That means dinner is ONLY lean protein and non-starch veggies. Get out and start walking.

2006-11-09 13:21:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Diet and exercise. A lot of people go vegetarian or vegan when they want to lose the amount of weight your thinking of.
Start off with a walk around the neighborhood everyday. Continously graduate up. Take the stars more often. Stand more. if it's possible, ride bike to work or walk instead of drive.
I heard this keeps a lot fo people motivated. Get a dog. A large one that requires a lot of walking. So if you don't feel like walking, the dog is going to amke you.
Good Luck

2006-11-09 13:23:39 · answer #8 · answered by christigmc 5 · 0 0

Good for you! I especially admire your motivation. . .your children. I had problems with the shape of my mouth and sounded like a duck when I spoke. When my little ones began to speak, they were enunciating like I did . . like little ducks! I then had surgery to correct the problem that I had delayed all my life and some speech therapy. You're overweight, but not so much that your goals are impossible. Exercise and diet, as the answerers above recommend is your foundation. But, you know that's not all it's going to take, don't you? Something inside your heart has to change, too. We mess up our bodies when we don't care about ourselves. You work on that aspect of your challenge just as seriously as you do diet and exercise. Please take an assertiveness training course for ladies. That really helped me. And, don't laugh . . . I made a decision to never sit down from sunrise to sunset until my weight goals were achieved. That REALLY worked. And, I wiggled. : ) The very best of luck to you. Get crackin'.

2006-11-09 13:35:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey did you see that guy on TV last night he is the most heaviest int he world, he has lost a few hundred pounds by counting his calories and of course cutting back on them and he eats mainly all fruits and a lot of veggies ..and NO junk at all, and the only carbs he takes in are from fruits and veggies, he also can NOT get out of bed at ALL but he is doing a lot of exercises throughout the day...not just once a day..but several times a day..and a lot of water..COLD pure water..not pop ( soda ) or other stuff..
he lost his first 100 pounds real fast, then the next 100 went a little slower, but I think they said the 200 was in one month...so if he can do it. so can you..with out a lot of anything except not junk food and good regular food and exercise and water..you can do it TOO....
i have faith in you
good luck

2006-11-09 13:26:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my friend did the south beach diet and then one called sonoma (?) and lost a lot of weight but more than that she has kept it off (2yrs) and says she feels great. her skin looks really nice too. she did a power walks 3 times a week ( i used to go with her) and pilates...i got her into that its great for toning low impact and great for the back. i don't know if she stuck with that thought but she said the other day that she now walks 4 times a week. its for 30 minutes each time. she has more energy, looks and feels great. hang in there, mom's like you give everything to every one else and more often than not neglect themselves so maybe now that your daughters are older you will feel it ok to do a few things for you! its not being selfish or vain, its being smart and caring about yourself and others, you sound like a very caring mother and i am sure you want to be there for your daughters and their futures....good luck and hang in there....ohh my friend said she got support, recipes etc at a site called 3 fat chicks ( i think), its all about different diets and ppl losing weight.

2006-11-09 13:24:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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