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Our schools and teachers have been stressing on getting good grades so as to enter into a college of our choice. But do you feel that school project work should be held the same weightage as our academic records when it comes to preparing for college? For one thing, school project work focuses on communication & working cohesively as a grp, which are essential for our future career.

Do share with me your views ad thoughts on this topic. Thanks ^^

2006-10-25 21:53:16 · 2 answers · asked by cusp girl 2 in Education & Reference Other - Education

2 answers

Interesting question.

My view is that they are both important to your future career.

You will need to demonstrate that you can gather, assimilate and retain information quickly, accurately and independently. This is akin to studying a given subject and then demonstrating your individual knowledge on a test.

You will also be required to work in group settings and contribute to the successful completion of a project. Others in your group(s) will always be relying on your individual knowledge and skills, as well as your ability to work in a team setting.

Apply yourself equally to both and you'll do just fine!

2006-10-27 17:06:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the workplace you must be able to work with others as well as by yourself. The projects you do at school help you see your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work on the defects and take the lead on the assets. They get your creative flare going and some jobs have a lot of planning and presentations involved in it. The academics are what give you the know-how to do the work. It is better to be good at both tasks but you can be good at one without doing well at the other.←

2006-10-27 17:29:54 · answer #2 · answered by # one 6 · 1 0

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