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2006-10-25 17:54:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

15 answers

Professionally PRO
The Successful Dieters diet plan includes the following AND the Unsuccessful Dieter plan does not:
A diet plan that will fit the dieter's daily routine. When the Successful Dieter finds a diet that they would like to try but it doesn't quite fit their lifestyle, they take time to modify the diet plan.
Many times, Diet Failure is not the fault of the dieters. Unfortunate circumstances in life may suddenly pop up and it's almost impossible trying to deal with a diet during stressful times. Stress can break a diet plan; no stress can equate to Diet Success.
Successful dieters almost always have the support of the people they are around - such as family members, co-workers and friends who are respectful and helpful because they want the dieter to succeed.
Exercise! It's a must in the Successful Dieter's overall Diet Plan. Yes, you can lose weight without exercise, but you'll lose weight faster with exercise, and you'll also strengthen your body.
Successful Dieters always have a backup plan in place for those tempting moments when they would like to 'just quit' their diet plan NOW. A backup plan fights off a binge, gives the dieter self-esteem for not quitting their diet, and makes those weight loss goals a step closer away!
Why Can't I Resist Overeating?

Diet Problem: Overeating. There are many reasons why we overeat, so your best defense is to determine which reason(s) trips your Overeat Button. Keep in mind that to every problem, there is a solution - even to Diet Problems. So that's the good news. Choosing to tackle our Diet Problems can be troubling, because generally, tackling diet-related problems is optional.

But if you want to see big results on the weight scales, take a look at a few of the most common Overeat Button Denominators and try to solve your puzzle by getting a grip on your Overeat Button. You will fall in love with those lower numbers on your weight scales!

Stress kicks in the urge to overeat in many individuals and it's how their body deals with stress.
The "I Love Food Syndrome". Simply put, a lot of individuals just like the way that food tastes. I do! It's nothing to be defensive about, or ashamed about if this scenario fits. The key is to manage the amount of food that we eat. It's not easy, but it can be done with determination.
Many times we overeat when we are at an event - such as a holiday party. Even though we overeat, we may not even remember what we ate (yes, even if we didn't have alcohol!). It's due to mingling and the heightened excitement.
Sometimes we overeat because we are not aware of what a portion size is OR because the restaurant doesn't provide nutritional information about the foods ordered.
We may overeat because we don't feel well, and sometimes eating makes it all better.
We may overeat because we are depressed OR happy!
We may overeat because. And 'because' is the most difficult reason to figure out what we need to do to fix our Overeat Button.

The next time that you pull up a chair at the table, before you put a morsel into your mouth, and before you even say the blessing, ask yourself, "Am I hungry OR am I eating just because?"

Many times we eat just because it's meal time. Or, we may eat because we just feel like eating something tasty. Or, we may be acting polite by eating something that we really don't even want to eat, but we do such so we won't hurt the other person's feelings. Here are some ways to deal with appetite:

Choose only to eat when you are hungry.
Don't wait until you are famished to eat, or it's almost certain that you will overeat.
If someone insists that you try something, you can resist and still be polite. Simply tell them that you are not hungry right now, and that you'll save the goody for when you are.
If you are eating because you just want something tasty, pause and rethink your Diet Strategy. When you get hungry, then enjoy BUT be sure to pre-determine how much you are going to eat so that you won't overdo.
The Right Diet, The Right Snacks

That perfect number that we seek on our weight scales is as close as The Right Diet that contains The Right Snacks. The Right Diet contains foods that the dieter enjoys, as well as the allowance for a favorite treat now and then. The Right Diet allows for the dieter's current lifestyle.

A diet that might be Right for one person, might not be Right for another. A diet for older teens is much different than a diet for seniors. The body makeup is different; calorie needs and nutrient needs are different. Although defining the Right Diet is a personal issue that must be determined at a personal level, the following foods make a healthy Right Snack for most anyone:

Healthy Snacks for Your Diet Plan
fresh fruits & vegetables
1 teaspoon of peanut butter distributed on 5 sodium-reduced crackers
sugar free gelatin
Dieting? I Get a Crush Out of You!

Nothing quite slices the heat out of a Diet Day quicker than a bit of crushed pineapple. It's refreshing, packed with vital vitamins and nutrients, and makes a tasty additive to all of the following to liven up the diet plan:

Crushed Pineapple - Healthy, Wealthy & Crushed
add crushed pineapple to sugar free gelatin for a healthy treat
add crushed pineapple as a finishing touch to grilled or roasted chicken
add a bit of drained crushed pineapple to 1/2 cup of frozen vanilla yogurt
add crushed pineapple to a salad to keep it healthy and skinny while adding a bit of zing!
add crushed pineapple to skimmed cottage cheese for a light-as-a-feather diet treat
Top My Diet With A Cherry

Think about a tall glass of lemon sugar free gelatin. Now think about the gelatin topped off with a stemmed cherry. Nice, eh?

Dieting is difficult, no doubt - but, dieting can be made easier when we add fun elements to our daily diet. The smallest of things sometimes make the best of things. A cherry in a glass of iced diet soda, a set of chopsticks to eat a healthy stir fry meal with or a fortune cookie as a dessert all make dieting easier and FUN. Here are a few more suggestions:

A tiny paper umbrella in a glass of healthy green tea.
A giant green olive threaded with a toothpick and inserted into a diet friendly sandwich.
A sprinkling of paprika on a diet-friendly pasta salad.
A few raisins poked into peanut butter that has been spread on a stalk of celery.
A dollop of light whipped topping on a cup of sugar free cocoa.
Forced to Lose Weight

One of the worst possible scenarios when it comes to weight loss and dieting, is for an individual to be thrown into a situation where they are forced to lose weight. A doctor may order a patient to drop weight for health concerns. A lover might demand their partner to lose weight 'or else'. A mother might insist that their teen drop weight 'or else'.
Obese & Still Gaining Weight

The key to winning the weight loss battle is to diet and get the unnecessary weight off NOW rather than allow body weight to continue to build. Once the extra weight reaches a certain stage, it seems to almost attach itself to the body like concrete. What may have been flab is now solid, rock-hard fat. Rock-hard fat is very difficult to remove from the body.

If you find that you are currently overweight and are still gaining because you just can't seem to get control of your diet, please go directly to your doctor. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Your doctor may discover that you have a hidden disorder that is contributing to your weight gain OR your doctor may simply suggest a diet plan that is perfect for you. Here are some things that may cause weight gain other than eating too much:
thyroid disorders
hormone disorders
A Simple Diet Plan

Do you find dieting too taxing? Is it so complicated that it hurts thy wittle brain? Then perhaps you need a Simple Diet Plan - a diet plan that you easily execute without having to execute your diet plan.

A Simple Diet Plan is based on foods that are closest to their natural state. It may include a lot of raw fruits and vegetables - which are a big part of the official food pyramid - even if a person is not Simple Dieting. Raw foods tend to contain fewer calories and fat in comparison to cooked and processed foods. Here is what a Simple Diet Plan may look like for one day:

Breakfast: 1/2 melon, 1 serving of original oats, 1 cup of skimmed milk.

Lunch: 1 apple, 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter; 1 ounce of cheese, assorted raw veggies served with a sweet yogurt dip.

Dinner: Large salad filled with raw green, yellow and orange veggies, a few nuts, dried fruits and served with light dressing made with crushed fruit. A hunk of wheat grain bread with a smear of butter. 1/2 acorn squash topped with a spoon of raw sugar. A cup of milk.

8 cups of water is incorporated throughout the day. A steady 20 minute walk is also enjoyed at some point during the day.

In any event, the individual is thrown in an uncomfortable situation which may even create further weight gain. Or, it may destroy a relationship. Here are a few tips when it comes to Forced Dieting:
If the doctor has ordered weight loss as your prescription, try to put a positive spin on the situation. Gain help from your family. Get outdoors and enjoy fishing, swimming, shooting hoops - whatever it takes to make you want to move around more. Explore not only the Great Outdoors, but your inner self. Be sure to dig deep enough so that you pull that thin person out!
If your love interest has demanded weight loss, it's time to have a one-on-one talk. Love survives weighty issues or it's not love at all.
If you parent has said that they want you to lose weight, talk to them. Ask the reasons why; seek out the facts surrounding obesity and try to understand their concerns. Work together as a team; ask your parent to fix your favorite foods every now and then, and make them more diet friendly. As a note, both the parent and child should know which direction they are headed in regards to a goal weight. Only a doctor should prescribe that number as each child is made up differently.

2006-10-25 18:02:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Make a 'Vision Board'...find the body you want, cut it out and replace the persons head with yours. Look at the board everyday for several minutes and get into the feeling place of already haveing aqauired this body. Visualize yourself at teh beach and everyone looking at you, like damnnn. Imagine how your freinds and family woudl react, imagine how good it would feel to bee nice and fit! Come out of this delibrite 'day dream' if you will and then be thankful for the body you have alerady. Think about it, when u look in the mirror at ur body...it's not really you in that moment..its only the residual outcome of your past thoughts and actions. Dont ever let anyone tell you you cant do it. Beleive that you can acheive this. Beleieve its possible for you. Believe you deserve it. This will motivate you like no other

2006-10-25 18:00:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have lost almost 40 lbs from my heaviest, and it is so hard, but worth it. Join some place like Curves (f you are female -- they have a good support network) or if you have a school gym or one in your building, take advantage of it. Work out three times a week for a month and after that, you will miss it if you don't work out. If you go to a gym, go to a class and make friends (I did spinning, or cycle as its also called, and LOVED it). If you have friends to talk to, then it makes you want to go. If you can't afford it, walk for 30 minutes as fast as you can around your neighborhood.

Buy lowfat alternatives and make sure to get your daily servings of fruits and veggies. If you eat 3 fruits a day and 4 veggies, you will find that you have less room to eat the other stuff. Sour cream is probably the only lowfat product that I dislike. Smart balance spread is fantastic. For a dessert, Skinny Cow low fat (make sure low fat, not sugar free) fudge bars are orgasmic.

Motivation? Looks are super important in our society, and we have to embrace it and work with it to our advantage. Part of that is losing weight. Also, walks up a few flights of stairs. Sweaty, panting? Do you want to be like that? When I have trouble, I think of my mom who is 5 foot nothing and 250 lbs with tons and tons of health problems. Set goals for yourself. Two-three pounds a week is realistic. Anything faster isn't healthy, but every week, you will begin to feel better and better.

2006-10-25 18:12:03 · answer #3 · answered by Jamir 4 · 0 0

First, look through a victorias secret catalog cover to cover. Next put down the ben and jerrys and get your workout gear on. Go for a long brisk walk come home and do some workout tapes etc. The first time is the hardest. Just keep it up and Good luck.

2006-10-25 18:00:15 · answer #4 · answered by Lisa W 2 · 0 0

Imagine- that you're, 20, are 15 pounds overweight, and that you gainned 5 of those pounds since you were 16. Since most people GAIN weight over time, that means- by the time you're 28- you'll be 25 pounds over; by 36 -35 pounds over; and by 44- 45 pounds overweight (not to mention probably diabetic, have varicose veins, and have lost most of your hair... ). Any signs of getting motivated yet? :)

2006-10-25 18:13:11 · answer #5 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 0 0

think of a person's body that you would like to have, or different body parts from different people. you can even put up images where you can see them all the time. when u are feeling unmotivated, just picture the image of having that body you want and how good you are gonna look and feel by having it.

2006-10-25 17:58:27 · answer #6 · answered by applec19 3 · 0 0

It comes from inside of you. You have to want to be in shape badly enough to go through rigors of training. Look around at the unmotivated masses and make it your personal goal to be different. Everybody would like to be in shape...only a few want it badly enough.

2006-10-25 17:57:47 · answer #7 · answered by Dino4747 5 · 0 0

I find that looking in the mirror in the morning and playing with the fat that i have motivates me to get out and run. Good luck... its hard.

2006-10-25 17:56:19 · answer #8 · answered by Eugene 4 · 0 0

I say keep a work out journal and food journal and buy sneakers or pedometer and buy a piece of clothing u would like to wear or paste ur idel body on ur fridge to remind u

2006-10-25 18:14:08 · answer #9 · answered by Femme Fatale 3 · 0 0

Take a class that involves human dissection. Once you see all the creepy places fat can get into in your body, you will swear off junk food forever! Worked for me.

2006-10-25 18:03:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just look in the mirror. See how disgusted you are with yourself. Then go to the gym for only a week, you will be able to see improvements. Hopefully that will get you going.

2006-10-25 17:55:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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