Think about all you have accomplished and or are going to accomplish today and everyday. You are a wonderful and good person, just be upbeat with your self and never talk down to your self negatively. Do one good thing every day weather it is to let car out in front of you or hold a door for some one will make you feel good.
~Good Luck!
2006-10-26 13:58:20
answer #1
answered by vtlovie 4
Med school grad here, so I know what you mean.
My relax technique is a hot steamy bath. Twice a day sometimes for 45 minutes. If I don't have time, I daydream about being on a sailboat on the ocean all alone, just kinda drifting along.
For confidence, you need theme music. Something real badazz. I prefer the macho rap songs that I lip sync to a dance around, but you may be more of a "We Will, We Will, Rock You" type.
Most importantly, have fun with it. This is your dream and you are almost there! You are one of the selected few, you have made it this far, and the goal is definitely in sight! Time will fly and please realize that school is only temporary!
2006-10-25 21:35:31
answer #2
answered by tbonz 4
That tough to do in that sort of a situation. Your grades would be one indication. Learning to compartmentalize your stress is how most people handle it.
When you aren't at school, know that you are doing your best. When you are at school remember that is just their teaching style. When you rest, rest and have fun.
In my life I sold things. The last job I had was selling One hundred thousand dollar trucks. I've watched other sales people go nuts worry about their next deal, I had to learn to do all that I could, and trust that things would work out. They always did, and I was a lot more relaxed than just about anyone else.
2006-10-25 21:31:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I graduated from law school last year, yes its totally tough, back breaking and you question yourself all the time as to whether its worth it, but you have to keep your focus.
BUT it shouldnt all be work - you have to make room for a social life - thats the only thing that kept me going, I only have so much passion for my work!! Go to a movie, play some sports, have a night out, really, youve gotta let ur hair down, get it out your system.
Good luck, keep going... the best lawyers are the ones who arn't chained to their desks ;)
2006-10-25 21:34:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
0⤋ school is really competitive. I mean, that's part of law. The only way to look at it is that, it'll be like this once you become a lawyer and you better just get use to it. Or you just see this time as preparation for your future job. Besides, the pay is going to make up for it. Goodluck.
2006-10-25 21:34:18
answer #5
answered by ylimele 2
give yourself time to relax and do soemthing for yourself even if it's just a few minutes of grooming so you know you look the confident part try to find something that is ONLY for yourself and make sure it happens eat something yummy read your favorite book anything to just take your mind away for a few moments
2006-10-25 21:29:41
answer #6
answered by Danielle S 3
Brainwash- basically make a conscious effort to say positive things to yourself every morning
-after a while you will become more 'automatically' positive/optimistic. Believe in yourself!
My personal favourite boost (works a treat) "im ok" lol
P.S. smile! it helps!
I'm serious! try it
2006-10-25 21:35:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Long hot showers followed by a cold burst of water will get you in a different frame of mind. If that doesn't work, you can try going to a train station & have random sex with absolute strangers!
2006-10-25 21:30:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
try to make some time to do things you like with friends and people who care about you. if you cant be with them physically then call them at night or something. even sometimes just talking to someone like ur mum can make u feel a lot better
2006-10-25 21:30:51
answer #9
answered by zimba 4
Dress kinda whorish and go to a cheap bar. The attention from clueless males with both amuse and flatter you.
2006-10-25 21:28:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous