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my friends daughter in almost 3 and keeps getting out of bed 15 times in a 3 hour period before she falls asleep.any tips to offer to help her out?

2006-10-25 11:26:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

5 answers

Put on some soft music, Read a book to her and Create a goodnight Ritual. Kids long for routine. The problem is that your friend probably never set a bedtime for the baby before and now is trying to change the game. like Bedtime is 8:30 so Before 8:30 around 8:15 start letting her know it is almost time for bed. get her in the bath (the bedtime bath bubbles work good too) and then while she is in the tub playin start tellin her it will be time for bed in just a little while. and when it is time tell her it's time for bed go pick a book and we can read together.. at the end of the book give her all kinds of kisses and tuck her in Tell her good night see you in the am and close the door. (have a night light sometimes too dark and she WILL freak out) this routine will take a while to implement but once you get it goin it is good. until she gets it lay down with her and let her fall asleep with you stil there. In the morning make a big deal about her sleeping so good like a big girl. Good Luck

2006-10-25 11:46:45 · answer #1 · answered by Que 3 · 0 0

What kind of activities does she have during the day? I have two girls 3 and 4 years old, unless we played all day , at least 2-3 hrs in the playground outside the house! they would have problems sleeping. We play all day and just a little tv time, the less the better! When we are in the house: Puzzles, counting,dancing and stuff like that.They wake up at 8.30 more or less , nap for 2 hrs appx and go to bed at 9.30....but we are active all day long!

2016-05-22 13:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My son and I used to play this GREAT bedtime game. It helped him to stay in bed rather than getting up a hundred times. Here's how you play it: You stand by the lightswitch, she stands on her bed. Explain to her that when the lights are on, you BOTH go crazy! Scream out loud, jump up and down (yes, allow her to jump on the bed - she'll love it), make animal noises, wake up all the neighbors, etc. Then tell her that when the lights are out, you both get absolutely silent, and she lays down quickly and pretends to sleep. Begin the game - flip the lights on and off about 6 times. On the last time - when you're right in the middle of being loud and crazy - yell "get it all out! This is the last time the light will be on. I love you, goodnight" and turn off the light and exit the room. It always worked for us, and Max (my son) knew that the game really had to end. If you don't stick to your word on that, she'll know she can still get out of bed. Try it! You've got nothing to lose!

2006-10-25 11:41:35 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa 2 · 0 1

I know when my kids were young nothing can make you sleeper than a warm bath or shower, another thing you can do is keep her really active during the day.baby girl will be begging to lay down...good luck

2006-10-25 11:47:13 · answer #4 · answered by queenmeplse 2 · 0 0

Read them a story untill they fall asleep and rub their back untill they fall asleep.

2006-10-25 11:35:24 · answer #5 · answered by *Music ♥ Love* 3 · 0 0

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