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Again, i have a religions major and i want to see what the average person knows. Tell me if you know this is true, Constantine was not christian (he declared it on his death bed) he had clerics decide how to make christianity appear(as in making innovations of Gods word and such) in order to unite his state Constantinople. Did you know Cristmas( yes i find the holiday fun too) was Julius Caesars birthday and that there is no record of Jesus' birth?

2006-10-25 11:02:56 · 7 answers · asked by Blue Feces 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

Religious major? I guess History of the Pot-holder was not available? Did you know that the Romans took the Roman religion and transposed it onto Christianity to create the Catholic Church. The household gods (Laertes) became saints and were made into statues to mimic the old gods. Holidays were stolen too and changed to fit the new ultimate truth that replaced the old ultimate truth.

2006-10-25 12:05:15 · answer #1 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

Constantine, declared it on his death bed that is true, but he converted to Christianity before that. He had a dream, in which a dove came to him on the eve of battle and said that he was going to win, God was on his side. He did win and after that converted to Christianity becoming the first Roman emperor who was not pagan.

The reason we celebrate Christmas is because the Catholics incorporated it into the religion. When Catholicism first arrived in Rome it was met with alto of opposition from the Pagans. So the Catholics stole a lot of the pagan traditions, so their religion would appeal more to them. Christmas comes from the pagan winter festival known as Saturnalia which was the celebration of the sun-gods birthday. The fact that Caesar has the same birthday I think is just a coincidence, but something he used when trying to gain the status of 'god'. Constantine did allot in this area, incorporating (I don't like using the word 'steal' but that's basically what he did) more than just their festivals into the religion. There are pagan symbols dotted throughout the whole of Christianity, from Satan's trident, to the image of the Virgin Mary and the miraculous birth!

If you want some more information on this I recommend this site... http://logosresourcepages.org/Holidays/christmas_.htm#The%20Merging

2006-10-25 11:17:58 · answer #2 · answered by dirty_class 2 · 0 0

Yep, I've heard all that before.

Constantine and the clerics were all part of the apostasy - a big thing to know about if you're a christian in my opinion.

And yeah, just the presence of the sheppard's hanging outside suggests Jesus' birth was sometime in the spring. I still love Christmas in the winter though, the lights and parties really help me get through the cold, dark days.


2006-10-25 11:10:34 · answer #3 · answered by daisyk 6 · 0 0

“It seemed to every one a most unworthy thing that we should follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are justly blinded in their minds. It is fit, therefore, that, rejecting the practice of this people, we should perpetuate to all future ages the celebration of this rite, in a more legitimate order, which we have kept from the first day of our Lord's passion even to the present times. Let us have nothing in common with the most hostile rabble of the Jews. We have received another method from the Saviour”

These were the words of Constantine at the Council of Nicaea when he set the course for christianity. Daniyl prophesied that he would.....

Daniyl 7:25—
And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the saints of Yahweh, and think to change the Feasts and holy days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.

That is why to this day christians do not follow the true faith that the Savior taught and that is .... Matt 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (or Law) that proceedeth out of the mouth of Yahweh.

Having nothing to do with the Jews as Constantine put it, he essentially said that He (and christianity) wanted nothing to do with salvation.....

John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

2006-10-25 12:10:07 · answer #4 · answered by YUHATEME 5 · 0 0

I think there was some record of Jesus being born in late autumn, early winter, but no exact date. If the rising Catholic religion was trying to bring Pagans of the time onto their side, I can see how it would make sense to make Ceasar's birthday the time we celebrate Christmas (although this is the first time I'm hearing this information).

2006-10-25 11:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, actually. I knew that. But you just wait... I bet you can count the number of people that post to this question that will say "You're wrong".

2006-10-25 11:05:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

is there a question somewere in this diatribe

2006-10-25 11:11:30 · answer #7 · answered by acid tongue 7 · 0 0

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