On my current knowledge and researching on China, it seems to me as if everyone in the Pentagon and overseas in Taiwan and China want a war with each other. I have spent hours and hours reading on it and trying to see if there is one thing that might make us go to war with them. My question is direct but as a former infantry soldier with a younger brother in the infantry going to Afghanistan in 2 weeks that I want to know that if we go to war with China how much of the male population will be drafted? I ask because I have a another younger brother and just want to know in general.
12 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Military
Oh, one more thing, I am not worried about the draft in the sense of it effecting me. I already know they can't touch me anyways. I mention that to make the question sound more realistic since we'd have to have more men to fight on the grounds surrounding China.
10:55:17 ·
update #1
Probably not at all-- for at least three reasons. It would not be particularly winnable, short of an Armageddon, our economy is too tightly tied to Chinese production, and the Chinese own much of our trade deficit, and we most surely don't want them foreclosing or dumping all those dollars on the world market, thus destroying our economy.
In a multinational corporate world, our own corporate money is intricately tied to China. Such a war would do us more damage than it would them.
2006-10-25 13:00:46
answer #1
answered by The Padre 4
A war between the two countries would be very unlikely. The Padre is correct to point out the ecomonic interdependance of the two nations, although I believe he understates the damage the Chinese economy would suffer as much if not more than the American economy.
In the unlikely event of a full scale ware between the two nations it is important to take one thing into account. Force projection. I matters little how large a military force is if you lack the ability to take it to the enemy while establishing secure supply lines. Due to its geographical isolation the United States has become efficent in the area of force projection than almost any other nation.
Additionally, it is also important to remember the fact that China is bordered by nations with whom it has had less the favorable relations with. India, Russia, Japan; any of these nations would likely be willing to participate in a war with China should one occur. Even should each of those nations stand aside and and elect no to participate, China would still have to commit assets to defending against them. The United States does not share this problem and would be able to commit a larger percentage of its military force towards the offensive. Alongside that, the US would be able to operate from bases within Europe and the Pacific to effect attacks against China from the east, west and south, causing a further spread of military assets within China.
China's size could also act against itself. The nation would be dependant on its railway system to move troops from one location to another. Railways are very susceptible to bombardments. China would be forced to divert even more assets in the defence of the railway system (which would be a sizeable force considering its size and dispersion) or risk having its logistical structure paralyzed.
As I said, a war between the two nations would be very unlikely. However should it ever happen, China would be more vulnerable than most people suspect.
2006-10-25 14:52:57
answer #2
answered by Mohammed F 4
I've been also looking at China. I'd say another 10 years till a shooting war begins.
OTOH I wouldn't put it above their abilities to use something like the Beijing olympics for cover to grab Taiwan. In which case the war will be sooner.
I'd look for signs of increased maoist activity in India before the war begins. India is just about the only country which can handle China on a conventional man on man basis.
2006-10-25 10:55:12
answer #3
answered by cp_scipiom 7
I won't say war with China is inevitable for the US, but we're going to have the opportunity when they try to reclaim Taiwan.
Whether we fight for Taiwan is going to depend on the status of our submarine fleet. If we can't keep the South China Sea open to oil trade, the price of oil won't matter because there won't be any.
You'll know the showdown is coming when they declare that they own the Spratleys, if that makes the papers at all where you live.
2006-10-25 10:55:11
answer #4
answered by open4one 7
Well china has a lot of soldiers about 50 million. They have the largest military in the world. If we go to war with them it will most likely require lots and lots of troops and money, highly technological weapons that can destroy many targets, effectively and with speed. Anyway I don't think we'll go to war with them because they hold most of the products that are made for the US. Besides they are good allies, They could be better allies but their okay so far in my opinion. .
2006-10-25 11:10:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ya, I think that it will be a matter of years. We are in a war with Iraq. Soon we will piss off China. I mean, we seem to be using them to make Americas stuff, and paying the workers in china like a penny an hour. Soon they will revolt and make thier own computers to sell, and hire us for minimum wage. HAHA. and we will fight back knwoing America.
2006-10-25 10:58:01
answer #6
answered by 360spin 1
You don't need to worry about a draft. The ChiCom military has always planned that if a war breaks out between them and us, they will use all weps at their disposal, including bio, chemical and nuke. Think about it, they lose 100 million and all you did was clear land for the other billion plus. US loses 100 million and the fecal matter hits the rotating oscillator. Plus add in, who will make all the cheap crap we buy at walmart if the Chinese don't?
2006-10-25 10:51:47
answer #7
answered by Have gun, will travel. 4
Um...sorry to "dissapoint" you, but there is a VERY SMALL chance that we will EVER go to war with China.
The U.S and China are allies right now, and they depend on one another economically. I really don't see ANY reason for the U.S to go to war with China, since China isn't planning to go to war with the U.S either.
Maybe you spent your time in the army for a wee bit too long, and wasn't able to keep up with current events...
2006-10-25 19:23:39
answer #8
answered by Creative Name 3
everyone in china is forced to join the military.
they have a larger population than the us does.
so it would probably be something like bomb raids not deployment if it ever does happen.
but the US and china have a good relationship now
2006-10-25 10:50:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If North Korea does not do anything stupid, we have no reason to go to war with China.
2006-10-25 10:50:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous