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I'm writing an article about people who hunt and eat snapping turtles. If you have a recipe, or cooking tips, anything at all, please share them here!

2006-10-25 07:09:57 · 8 answers · asked by wise-woman 2 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

8 answers

The first thing I do is, after its all cleaned I put the meat in a pressure cooker and cook until it falls off the bone. Then I take all the meat off the bone, roll it in flour and fry it in a skillet until brown. Very good, love to have a big turtle and invite the family over for dinner.

2006-10-25 08:30:43 · answer #1 · answered by Brenda S 2 · 0 0

Snapping Turtle Stew
Recipe info
Category: Miscellaneous/Wild Game
Rating: 0.00
Contributor: portalplanet

1 servings
2 lb snapping turtle in pieces
1 ea onion, med, sliced
2 c celery, chopped, incl greens
1 c lima beans, soaked overnite
3 ea potatoes, diced
2 tb butter
8 oz potatoes, can
1/2 c parsley, chopped
1 salt & pepper to taste

Melt butter in frying pan and brown turtle meat, cut in cubes 1" or larger,
on all sides. Remove turtle meat. Add 2 quarts water and bring to a boil.
Return to fire, add turtle meat and all remaining ingredients. Cook slowly
for 45 minutes or until turtle is very tender. VARIATIONS: After browning
turtle, make a roux with butter then add water. Add 1/2 jigger of good
sherry to stew when serving. Add 1/2 C bell pepper, chopped, to veg.
mixture. Softshell turtles and larger specimens of PSEUDEMYS are OK. Recipe
date: 12/12/87

2006-10-25 07:12:44 · answer #2 · answered by Backwoods Barbie 7 · 3 1

When I was living down in the bayou, turtle was eaten often both by me and everyone else. I would usually have it in a gumbo, but there are those that just grill it.

2006-10-25 07:24:00 · answer #3 · answered by QUANACATAUG 3 · 1 0

When you find out let me know at greg.palenschat@google.com My friends dad cooked one up last year and it was mighty tasty, but they have moved out of the country since. I catch them all the time, but I am not sure how to cook them! I suppose I should google that?

2006-10-25 07:19:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Did you try Googling "turtle recipes"? I've heard of turtle soup, but never heard if it was good or not...but I've heard that armadillo was good. Although, again, I can't speak from experience.

2006-10-25 07:13:53 · answer #5 · answered by concretebrunette 4 · 1 2

contact me at yahoo.com for any snapper or gator recipes

2006-10-25 07:13:00 · answer #6 · answered by michaelsmaniacal 5 · 2 0


2006-10-25 07:12:43 · answer #7 · answered by Island Girl 1 · 1 5


2006-10-25 07:11:58 · answer #8 · answered by UVRay 6 · 1 6

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