You might try eating 4-6 smaller, snack-sized meals throughout the day. Eating smaller meals keeps you statisfied through the day and doesn't allow your stomach to stretch too much. Also, watch portion control and try to be sure that your meals are healthy (normal these days is fast food). Also, try not to eat two hours before you go to sleep at night.
Rollerblading is great, as long as you are getting your heart rate near its target. A higher heart rate allows your body to better burn calories away. Best of luck!
2006-10-25 06:34:43
answer #1
answered by Shannon L - Gavin's Mommy 6
At least you're getting exercise. Your goal is to try to re-establish your metabolism, and make your body a better burner so to speak. I have found that if you keep yourself immersed in life that the weight will become secondary, and it naturally goes away. It takes time, but by involving yourself, including you mind, heart, body and soul into doing things that you are good at, and have passion for you will win your weight battle naturally. I have done this by learning about motorcycles, riding and repairing my own bikes, I have a street bike, and a dirt bike, I study Thai Chi, walking my two Chihuahuas, also I have discovered I love yard work, being outdoors is a great therapy, and it distracts you from thinking and obsessing about food, and weight. It is a beautiful time of year, I'm sitting outside now, it just motivates me. You also, have to try to keep that heart rate up, you see when you do your rollerblading that is a great start because that boosts your metabolism, which will keep you burning calories for up to three hours after you have finished. The secret here is in three hours do something again. Whether it be sitting on your floor doing slight crunch sets of 10 reps each maybe 5 times to start, or more rollerblading, even stretching, you will keep on burning calories. So, every three hours apply yourself to something physical increasing your stamina, and strength. You keep in mind that three hour window, and eventually you will have incorporated that into your lifestyle, and your life will have a steady flow of activity, that enhances your soul, body, and your mind. Don't try to do it all in one day because you will not be able to incorporate it into your lifestyle, or maintain it permanently, & your success rate will not be as high. If you want to make a lifelong change try doing it by adding an additional activity to your previous one weekly, but you have a great start with the rollerblading, that is perfect for getting your metabolism up there in the first place, so the other activities will eventually just sustain your caloric burning. Good Luck. May D 4's B w/ U
2006-10-25 07:05:48
answer #2
answered by motogirl 3
yes, it's good that you rollerblade and control your diet. but in order to loose weight, you should think about a daily jogging routine. start with a small distance and gradually increase as you feel more and more comfortable with it. and try to do it early morning. it boosts up your metabolism for the whole day.
2006-10-25 06:32:23
answer #3
answered by thehelper 3
I'm Try a New Product,MetaboLite(by 4Life) you can to, Just go to my Web Site to learn more
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lenora Houser
2006-10-25 07:03:57
answer #4
answered by lenora h 1
make sure you are drinking lots of water! and make sure the meals are balanced..lots of vegetables and smaller amounts of protein ..meat...and cut way back on breads and eat only multigrain breads and adding extra exercise won't hurt
2006-10-25 06:39:19
answer #5
answered by Searching for answers 2