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I'm doing a report and I can't find this answer anywhere. Please help.

2006-10-14 18:37:56 · 13 answers · asked by darkxxangel24 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

13 answers

Hi Darkxxang

Here are some remedies and testimonials to get healed.

Herbal Aids
1.Echinacea: Fine results have been obtained by using echinacea alone or in combination with elecampane root.

2.Garlic: Inhale the vapors of the freshly expressed juice that has been diluted with equal quantities of water.

3.Garlic Syrup; Give 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoonful of the syrup 3-4 times daily between meals. Tincture-syrup (glycerine) of garlic: See formula using garlic cloves, apple cider vinegar, distilled water, glycerine and pure honey.

4.Dr. Coffin's Formula for Tuberculosis or Consumption: See formula using raspberry leaves, agrimony, barberry bark, cleavers, ground ivy, European centaury, horehound, cayenne and licorice.

5.Comfrey: Combine comfrey with garlic (add 1 tablespoonful of fresh garlic juice to every pint of mucilage of comfrey) and stir well. This is the best remedy ever discovered for this problem, according to Dr. Shook. Stir well or shake together. 1 wine glassful - 1 teacupful, every 4 hours.

6.Tuberculosis or Consumption Remedy (with hemorrhage and antipathy garlic): See formula using mucilage of comfrey, elecampane root, garlic juice and distilled water.

7.Strong Decoction (inflamed tissues, tuberculosis... pulmonary complaints): See formula using mullein leaves, distilled water and glycerine.

8.Use the "Asthma remedy" Formula, adding 1 teaspoonful of garlic juice; take 1 teaspoonful frequently, according to the severity of the case.Asthma remedy: See formula using slippery elm, horehound, garden thyme, red clover tops, yerba santa, lobelia, resin weed, cayenne, blackstrap molasses and glycerine.

9.General Body Nutritive, Flesh Builder, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, etc.: See formula using elecampane, sweet almond oil and comfrey mucilage.

10.Tuberculosis, with Severe Hemorrhage: See formula using elecampane, comfrey root, horehound, licorice root, Iceland moss, Peruvian bark, composition powder, cayenne, acacia, sugar, queen's delight tincture, and anti-spasmodic tincture.

11.Coughs, Consumption, Tuberculosis: See formula using cayenne, slippery elm, lemon and honey.

12.Dr. Christopher's Formula for Lungs and Respiratory Tract: This combination of herbs in tea form or the powder in capsules or tablets is an aid to relieve irritation in the respiratory tract, lungs and bronchials. This is an aid in emphysema as well as other bronchial and lung congestions such as bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. This formula is extremely valuable in strengthening and healing the entire respiratory tract. It promotes the discharge of mucus secretions from the broncho pulmonary passages. Suggested amount for an adult is a cup two or three times a day, or two or three capsules or tablets two or three times a day with a cup of comfrey tea. For additional help in the program, it is good to add three to six drops of tincture of lobelia to each cup of tea.

1.Dr. Christopher and Tuberculosis: Dr. Christopher recommended the use of Onion as an alternative to Garlic if it wasn't available. It works much the same, but is weaker in action. He said, however, that there is a specific use for onions, and here is the story he told.

He was practicing with a small band many years ago. He was going to travel to Europe, entertaining on board a ship. But as he would play his banjo, he had such a bad cough that he would cough in rhythm! The French dancer who was going with them said, "That's awful". "We can't continue this way." She went off into the kitchen in her apartment. When she came back to finish the practice, she brought him a bowl of onion syrup. Dr. Christopher had had this cough for four years. He had been working in a planing mill, running a three-gun sander and the sandings from the hardwood--mahogany and similar wood--came into his face. It was during the Depression and they couldn't afford a mask, so he had to contrive a mask himself. However, it didn't work, and he got his chronic cough. Medical doctors and his family physician, told him he had tuberculosis, which they said they couldn't treat or cure.

But after just a spoonful of this Onion syrup, Dr. Christopher had the first peace and ease he had had in a long time.

Here is the way you make the syrup. Dice up big dried onions, whatever amount you want, and put them into a stainless steel, unchipped enamel, or Pyrex pan. Don't use aluminum. When you have about the amount you want, pour liquid honey over them until they are covered. Add nothing else. The honey extracts the Onion power, which is the greatest antihistamine known. This goes into the honey solution and provides a wonderfully effective cough syrup.

2.Distilled Water, Good Nutrition, Sunshine and Fresh Air and Exercise: I have met Paul C. Bragg and want to say that here was another great man (although now deceased) that did a lot for mankind, in teaching the use of distilled water for better health. As a teenager, Paul Bragg had tuberculosis and his doctors had told him there was no cure, that he was "not going to make it."

The little Swiss nurse was angry with the doctors and after they left she told him he could be cured in Switzerland. She took him back to Dr. August Rollier, and there in Switzerland he had a "rebirth" with just natural healing methods, no drugs of any kind-just distilled water, good nutrition, sunshine and fresh air (deep breathing) and exercise.

He became well and, as he put it, "strong as a young stallion." He studied two years in Switzerland and then he moved to London to study and prepare for his life's work. His landlord and his wife were very sick, so he started them on the use of distilled water and other simple aids, i.e., pure foods, etc., and performed a miraculous healing. At first these two had great difficulty in climbing the stairs but after a "cleaning out" could climb up and down the stairs within three weeks, something his landlord had not done in seven years.

Best of health to you


2006-10-14 20:14:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It really depends on the strain that a person has. If the strain is not resistant to the antibiotics then the possibility exists that it can be cured. The treatment for TB can last 2 years and the person cannot miss even a single dose of the meds. On the other hand if a person is unlucky to get a strain called MDR TB that is multiple drug resistant TB the chances of cure is less likely, but that will depend on the access to more powerful antibiotics. If a person has a strain of TB that is not resistant to the drugs, they can make themselves resistant. This happens because around the 1 year mark of taking meds. the person now may feel much better and stop taking the meds. What this will do is allow the resistant strains in that persons body to grow and now the person may be not respond to the drugs that were working prior. I will stop this by saying more people are exposed to the TB bacteria than any other time in history. Partially because of the ease of travel. Boeing said it best in some old ads. they said "In 3 hours you can be anywhere", well that is also true for disease causing microorganisms.

2006-10-14 19:38:14 · answer #2 · answered by mr.answerman 6 · 1 0

Tuberculosis is a chronic, progressive infection with a period of latency following initial infection. It occurs most commonly in the lungs. Pulmonary symptoms include productive cough, chest pain, and dyspnea. Diagnosis is most often by sputum culture and smear. Treatment is with multiple antimicrobial drugs. 1960-- Dr.John Crofton (1912--2009) a TB expert at the University of Edinburg, (and former Honorary President of TB Alert) proposed that a combination of drugs, Streptomycin, PAS and Isoniazid made TB completely curable and he declared an "all out war" to conquer the disease.

For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDApa

2016-04-14 05:11:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is Tuberculosis Treatable

2017-01-01 05:05:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tuberculosis is totally curable by drugs like Isonicotinamide hydrazide,Rifampicin,Kanamycin,and a few other drugs. Underlying conditions like malnutrition, diabetes should be treated effctively.

2006-10-14 18:44:32 · answer #5 · answered by J.SWAMY I ఇ జ స్వామి 7 · 0 0

Yes, it's curable and treatable. A good broad-spectrum antibiotic course will take care of tuberculosis.

By "curable" I don't mean "it can be wiped off the planet." I mean "If I get it I fully expect not to die."

2006-10-14 18:45:12 · answer #6 · answered by Brian L 7 · 3 0

Big Pharma Companies Hate This...

Hello, my name is Ken Drew...

In this short and controversial health exposé, I’m going reveal the one amazing little secret, long suppressed by Big Pharma, that will bulletproof your body against the scary illnesses like Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Arthritis and more....and its something that you can do right now in your home.

Without ever popping a single pill, getting any dreaded needle, prescriptions of any kind. Even sidestepping alternative therapies that never seem to work. Ineffective supplements that waste time and frustrate you to no end. Not to mention tear a hole in your wallet...
...Or even put you in an early grave.

Think of how you felt today - http://reversediseasetoday.info/tips/young-again-266.html

2014-09-30 01:14:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Forget anything you have ever been told about Diabetes. And get this - it has nothing to do with insulin, exercise, diet or anything else you've heard in the past. It's all based on latest breakthrough research that Big Pharma is going Stir Crazy to hide from you. Visit here : https://tinyurl.im/aH1R5 to find out what all the fuss is about.

2016-04-22 19:25:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont think so, i think if you test positive for the bug-as in the skin test you have to keep getting an x-ray for it each year...even tho you may not be sick with it, or can give it to others. i think it is somthign that always stays with you though and its a disease they can give medicine to treat it but not cure it.

2006-10-14 18:43:06 · answer #9 · answered by Frank 3 · 0 0

you can stop the mycobacterium from multiplying by taking the medication religiously-- Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Isoniazid, & Pyrazinamide

2006-10-15 00:05:33 · answer #10 · answered by gillette 3 · 0 0


2006-10-14 19:08:10 · answer #11 · answered by dimoom 2 · 0 0

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