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I have cardiovascular disease, diabetes,chollestrol,high blood preasure, overweight, and have hidradentits suppurativa no cure none (Big boil like things), Now docs say if I don't stop smoking, I will have Heart attack within ten years, I am 47 would you give up just to extend this sort of life?

2006-10-12 04:44:03 · 32 answers · asked by Angel-Lady 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Heart Diseases

32 answers

woah! i kinda feel sorry for u. i really duno. rather than thinking about all the stuff u have try n do things which u enjoy so stop smoking n enjoy what u have left rather than sayin theres no point u only get one life so make the most of it ! !

2006-10-12 04:48:56 · answer #1 · answered by [<3] ellie [<3] 2 · 0 0

47 is a young age to be thinking about giving up living. You need to ask yourself what people in your life there are to live for - and if there aren't any, then get out there, join a club or two and find some!

You should be having fun, to the extent your various conditions allow.

I don't want to preach, bacuase you sound as if what you need right now is a friend, but starting with the overweight problem (just trying to change your diet for the better) will make you feel better and will also help the cardiovascular disease, cholestorol, diabetes and high blood pressure problems gradually as well.

I obviously don't need to repeat what the doc said about smoking - I know it's a hard one, but believe me, you will feel so much better once you've quit - not to mention the kick it will give you to find that will power within yourself. Make a plan of how much money you will save and promise yourself a big treat with that money when you've given up - a day out, a night out, a new outfit, something that will help you to feel better in yourself.

It won't happen overnight, but you are only 47, you have loads of time if you want to see it that way.

It sounds to me as though you have got into a state where you can't see past the problems and you need supportive and friendly people around you to reinforce your self-worth and help you to remember that life is fun! Hell, for you it only started 7 years ago - is it really time to think about giving up now?

I hope you decide it's worth it - I think you are! Give yourself a virtual hug from me and start thinking positive - you can make it!

2006-10-12 21:47:03 · answer #2 · answered by bty476075 2 · 0 0

Only you can make the changes needed to make your life healthier.

Start with the overweight problem - a well-balanced diet appropriate for your height and activity, with plenty of fruit and vegetables will help with the cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. A healthy diet may also help your other problem.

Cutting down, then stopping the smoking altogether will also help with many of the problems, particularly the CVD and high bp.

Take up an interest in something so you can become absorbed in that rather than over-eating and smoking. Lots of appropriate exercxise will help you - there may be a sport or dancing, or just walking that will help.
You are only 47 - take control and feel better about yourself. Don't expect rapid changes though - be patient, pace yourself & love your life - you only have one.

2006-10-12 05:05:19 · answer #3 · answered by Rozzy 4 · 0 0

Do you have any family? any children? You only say after mentioning the 'big boil like things' that there is no cure, is that for that or for everything? Surely you could lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholestrol etc, all of which would help your heart? And to be fair, by saying that giving up smoking would only allow you to lead a limited quality of life, at present it doesnt sound that great anyway, so surely doing something about it and living longer, with a better way of life has got to be something to aim for?

I suppose the question is, is it just about giving up smoking or is there more you could do to improve your life expectancy and your quality of life? Either way, Im not sure how smoking is improving your life, in any way.

2006-10-12 04:57:29 · answer #4 · answered by Pington 3 · 0 0

I just can't believe that you would consider NOT giving up smoking when you are only 47. Everything you have going on in your heath is because you are overweight. Everything starts with that. Overweight brought on the diabetes. Overweight brought on the heart disease (and the smoking helped with that too) overweight brought on the high cholesterol. Overweight brought on the hidradentits suppurativa because that starts in the folds of the skin.
You have no idea that losing weight would GREATLY reduce all of your other problems. I'm not going to say they will go away---but you wouldn't be considering giving up on life.

2006-10-12 04:54:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sounds like you need to add depression to that list!
Setiously though, these conditions can be controlled to a degree where they do not cause problems so you have a lot of life in you yet! Go live it!
I have...high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, diabetes, spinal problems and am overweight! But I enjoy life. I don't let it get me down. I am doing my bit to get the weight off (have lost 4 stone so far), I take my medication so my cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure are under control, I watch my diet and eat good healthy meals.
If you are really feeling its not worth going on, please get some help via your doctor.
AND give up smoking!!!!

2006-10-12 22:03:15 · answer #6 · answered by huggz 7 · 0 0

You may not feel like you will derive any real benefit of giving up smoking, but you will. As you probably already know giving up smoking is the most significant thing that anyone can do to improve their health. Yes you have alot of medical problems, but some of these, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and being over weight, are reversible, particularly if you give up smoking. Giving up smoking will also reduce the risk of you having a cardiac event in the future and will also reduce your risk of arterial insufficiency. Your diabetes already places you at addition risk of these illnesses, but if you continue to smoke you will be at even more risk. This could lead to you losing a limb, developing heart failure or having a stroke.

I hate to seem so pessimistic but those are the facts. You may not feel like it but giving up smoking will undoubtedly improve your quality of life and future health. If you need any more persuading try these links:




Whatever your decision I wish you well for the future.

2006-10-12 09:15:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most of the problems you describe could dramatically improve if you lost weight. Why don't you give that a try first - live on vegetables and fruit and walk as much as you can. Then, if that doesn't make any difference after say 12-18 months, I guess I would just carry on doing whatever it is you enjoy, and if that is smoking then so be it.

2006-10-12 04:58:24 · answer #8 · answered by nellyenno 3 · 0 0

Personally I would say live your life and enjoy it to it's fullest, I wont give up smoking and I too have a heart condition, my GP puts every thing down to me smoking. If I went to my GP with 1 of my legs hanging off, she would put this down to my smoking. I don't drink and smoking is my only vice. My dentist is telling everyone that their teeth will fall out if they dont give up smoking, at the end of the day I found the more people who nagged me about smoking makes me want to smoke more, if I was not nagged I would of given up by now out of choice. I just hate being told what to do and I am not going to justify myself to these people.
If any thing I would say try to lose a little weight and be as active as you can, even if it is only a 10 minute walk aday.
Best wishes.

2006-10-12 04:58:06 · answer #9 · answered by jizzi 4 · 0 0

CAD is an issue all itself. My husband has it and I think it is hardening of the arteries probably from the plaque. Overweight is the issue. Smoking is the issue: Both diseases say loose weight. The diabetes will be better managed by loosing weight. Go out and walk and watch people. Walk somemore. You are lucky if you do and can walk. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. Good luck

2006-10-12 04:50:38 · answer #10 · answered by Patches6 5 · 1 0

Your crazy to even consider not giving up smoking. Do you realize that almost everything you list is treatable or maintainable? Are you dumb? Put the smokes out, get your lazy *** on a treadmill, put away the hamburgers, start eating right, and change your fu**ing attitude dude!!

Get rid of the pitty party and stop looking for validation from people you dont know or care about on answers and do something for yourself! If you ate right, exercised, lost a little weight, and stopped smoking you would then have a life worth extending....and guess what???? you may even enjoy it!!

2006-10-12 06:42:27 · answer #11 · answered by Win the West!!!! 4 · 0 1

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