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17 answers

Normal less than 120 less than 80
prehypertension 120-139 80-90
stage 1. 140-159 90-99
stage 2. 160-higher 100-higher
- what your numbers mean.
- what shuld your blood pressure mean.
- what you ortions are to control high b/p
- what type of b/p machine you should get for home
- how your excercising can effect your b/p.
- if you are a drinker, ask what limit should you daily intake be.
- if your a smoker, ask about that too.
About drug treatment:
- should you be taking medication, if yes which one and what make it better for you
than any other medication.
- sodium - is there any in medications.
- side effects you might experience and for how long,
- how long will you have to take medications.
- how can you remember to take your medications due to the fact that it is not part of
your daily routine and what if you forget and missed a dos.
- what foods and medications (prescribed and over the counter medications)
High blood pressure can occur in both children & young adults, but most commonly occurs wit people of age 35 and older. Particularly it is proven to be prevalent in African Americans, middle aged people, elderly people, when obese, heavy drinkers, women who take birth control pills. Heart disease is more common in women than in men. It can be that it runs in your family who have a history of this. It can occur in people who have diabetes, gout, or kidney disease as well.
Losing weight, lower or if you can stop the salt intake,t= taking your prescription medications, try to stay free from stress, hot tubs/saunas can raise blood pressure, if you are a drinker, hot tubs/saunas when you have consumed alcohol regardless of b/p problems or not. Also going from hot to cold to hot to cold etc. sodas have a high amount of sodium in it, decongestant meds increase blood pressure. Know the over the counter meds that you can take that wont cause b/p to rise because there are plenty out there to not take. Know your b/p and check it daily (a piece of advice: the wrist b/p cuffs and the finger b/p cuff are not accurate like a manual one or any cuff for your arm and make sure the cuff fits well if it doesn't you will get an inacurate reading.), know what your weight should be and try to keep it that or a little under, low salt and saturated fats diet, no sodas not even diet, It would also be a good idea to have your family checked regularly as well.
Often when treating high blood pressure requires alot of time and hard work on both you and your doctor, this is going to require a great deal of patience with both of you. As most medications because it is new to your body and it's normal routine it may be a while for any symptoms to go away. Be patient and do what the doctor recommends for you and you should be fine.
1. Antihypertensives - this is available to lower the high b/p.
2. Sympathetic nerve inhibitions - this works by going from the brain to all parts of the body including the arteries to constrict and raise blood pressure. This class drug also reduces high b/p by inhibiting these nerves from constricting blood vessels.
3. Diuretics - this medication rids the bod of all excess fluids and sodium (salt) and is usually used as initial therapyfor most people.
4. Beta-blockers - it reduces the heart rate and controls the output of blood from your heart.
5. Vasodialators - used to cause the muscle in the walls of the blood vessels; espeacially the arterials to relax and allowing to relax and vessels to dialate, (widen) (open.)
ACE - medically speaking it would be angiotension - converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotension II receptor blockers and the calcium antagonist (calcium channel blocker.)
ACE inhibitors interfere with the bodys production of angiolensior (which is a chemical that causes arteries to constrict.)
Angiotension II receptor - blockers block the effects of anginotension.
Calcium antagonist - reduces the heart rate (pulse) and relax blood vessels.
chlorthalidone, furosemiden, hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide, metolazone.
Potassium - sparing diuretics:
amiloride hydrochloride,spironolactone, spironolactine, triamterene
Combination diuretics - all combined with hydrochlorothiazide:
amiloridehydrocchloride, spironolactone, triamterene.
Beta blockers:
acebutolol, atenolol, betaxolo, bisoprolol furarate, carteolol hydrochloride, metoprolol tartate, metoprolol succinatenadal, penbutolol sulfate, pindolol, prophanolol hydrochloride, trimolol maleaste.
ACE Inhibitors:
benazepril hydrochloride, catopril, enalapril mealite, fosinopril sodium, lisinopril, moexipril, quinapril hydrochloride, ramipril, trandolapril
Angiotension II receptor blockers
candesarton, irbesarten, losarten potassium, valsarton
Calcium channel blockers:
amlodipine besylate, diltiazem hydrochloride, SR dilacorXR, felodipine, isradipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nisoldipine, verapamiel hydrochloride.
Alpha blockers:
doxalzosin mesylate, prazosin, terazosin hydrochloride.
Combined Alpha and Beta blockers:
carredilol, labetolol hydrochloride.
Central agonists:
Alpha methydopa, clonidine hydrochloride, quanabenz acetate, quantacine hydrochloride.
Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors:
quanadrel, guanethidine monosulfate,resepine,minoxidale.

2006-10-07 19:42:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2016-12-23 20:45:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try exercising and reducing your weight. But after that if you are still too high in BP then go to a real doctor and get some real prescription drugs. High BP is too dangerous to waste time with some herbal crap that accomplishes nothing. That would make a heck of an epitaph "Died from a stroke with High Blood Pressure while taking some herbal remedy that never works."

2006-10-07 14:58:15 · answer #3 · answered by Rich Z 7 · 0 0

3 years ago, I was diagnosed - hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel dizzy a lot, my legs had awful cramps, and levels were very low in my potassium, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together. One day I started to feel really faint while I was driving with my daughter in the back seat and I passed out, hitting 3 cars and ending up in a ditch. That moment,I knew I had to do something because my meds weren't working. I heard about this diet from a friend and thought I'd give it a shot. The results have been remarkable. In just 21 days, I honestly can't remember feeling this good, my blood pressure went from 175/110 to 125/70.

2016-05-17 23:35:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Home Remedies for High blood Pressure

Tips 1:

Powder 100 gm melon seeds and 100 gm poppy seeds (khus-khus). Mix and store in a clean container. Consume 1 tsp with water morning and evening.

Tips 2:

A clove of garlic is highly recommended for high blood pressure. Chew one clove of garlic first thing every morning and wash it down with water. The garlic can also be coarsely pound and swallowed with water.

Tips 3:

Make a juice of 25-30 curry leaves with 1 cup of water. Strain and drink first thing in the morning. Limejuice can be added for taste.

Tips 4:

In the same manner coriander or fenugreek leaves can be tried they won't harm in any way and at the same time one can find out what is best suited to their system.

Tips 5:

Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp cumin powder. Have twice a day....

But seriously, don't you think you should stay on medication?

2006-10-07 16:23:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are lots of things you can do.

One of the most important is to cut out added sodium and salt. Look for foods with little or no added sodium, and never put salt on your food.

And don't be fooled into thinking that "sea salt" is somehow not salt. All salt was originally sea salt.

Another important thing to do is to lose weight. Weight loss can dramatically drop blood pressure.

Exercise can help, too.

And avoid caffeine and licorice. They will raise blood pressure.

2006-10-07 14:56:21 · answer #6 · answered by Jim 5 · 1 0

I would really take the advice of your doctor - I can understand your reluctance about longterm medication but if your BP is disastrously high (mine was 197/141 and I was about to blow!!) then you really must take the meds not to do so is like playing Russian roulette. Self help would be to limit salt - but steer clear of Lo-Salt etc as most of these can cause problems with meds. Learn a relaxation technique and do some gentle exercise. But this is self help and not a cure. Please be guided by your GP.

2016-03-13 06:09:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

everyone goes on and on about salt in the diet. however, too much sugar is just as likely the culprit. it has to do with insulin levels and insulin's effect on blood pressure.

low sodium diet never helped me at all. however, after 2 weeks on a low-carb diet (before losing any significant weight), my blood pressure is completely normal!

just something to think about!

ps-make sure you get enough magnesium. it is critical to maintaining normal BP.

2006-10-07 17:55:03 · answer #8 · answered by trinity729 3 · 0 0


2006-10-07 14:56:18 · answer #9 · answered by willis_is_40 4 · 0 0

Watch your salt intake,eat bananas,avoid unnecessary stressful situations,a good massage,daily minimal excersize,a healthy diet,avoid cigarettes and alcohol and meditation seems to work helping to lowering high blood pressure.Good luck and have a nice sleep.

2006-10-07 15:03:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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