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Do you know young people (younger than 18) who are choosing a vegetarian diet or who are simply grossed out by most types of meat?

If so please tell their age and if possible the reason why they don't eat meat.


2006-10-02 07:45:31 · 13 answers · asked by Nia24 4 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

13 answers

I chose to be a veggie at 19 because I was a bit disgusted with the way animals were killed and I slowly started to become sickened by meat. Seeing the raw animal flesh started creeping me out. But I studied vegetarianism for an entire year before committing to it. Though I was an adult, my mom insisted I go to a nutritionist before changing over and I would advise any parent to do the same with their children.

I do not know younger people personally who chose to be veggies, although I do know of some people who were in the lifestyle because of parents. They didn't seem to resent it.

I imagine that more younger people who are striving to be healthy are looking into it though.

2006-10-02 07:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by T 4 · 3 0

I have to say something here. People seem to think this is a fad for some people and that it is unhealthy and you have to eat meat for nutrition. That is mainly a western philosophy. For centuries people in India have been vegeterians for religious reasons and they didn't die nor were they unhealthy. In actuality those people lived to be stronger in old age (unlike us right now this instance) and lived longer. They didn't worry about protein substitution. They didn't even eat EGGS! They got all their protein and more from lentils, beans, and legumes. There are even Vegan Dogs out there. And you know how much more protein requirement a dog has. There is a border collie out there that is 23yrs old (the oldest dog living right now) that eats only lentils, rice, and organic vegetables. She still runs and swims at this age. Not only that...from a SCIENTIFIC stand point...vegetables have the most nutrition and higher energy trophic level. When an animal eats these vegetables, they consume over half the energy we need, and than when we consume them we don't even get nearly the amount of energy required to keep our bodies running. That is why we must consume more meat than vegetables to keep our enery requirments met. Also...meat and butter are the only things bad cholestrol comes from. Plus meat, cheese, and chocolate create an opium like effect on our brains making us sluggish and lazy after we consume them. This leads to obesity and unhealthy aging. If you don't believe me read a college biology book, look up the article online about the opium effect, and search the engines for oldest living dog. Oh and another fact to think about may be that Indian people as a whole have a lower cancer occurrence rate than any other race. It also can't help that these animals are crammed with antibiotics and hormones...it is unatural. Chemicals always have a side effect.

2006-10-02 14:44:42 · answer #2 · answered by Nina 2 · 2 0

I'm 17, and I choose not to eat meat. The main reason I do not is the same reason I don't buy leather products-- the way the majority of these farm animals are raised isn't humane. What started it all was going to a state fair that showed 'farmed turkeys'. These things were 3 weeks old and looked like they should be 3 months old. Not to mention I wasn't eating the nice, brown and blue feathered friend you see on Thanksgiving napkins and whatnot. I was eating a white, patchy feathered sick looking with skin problems and eye infections bird. And those were on show!!! I don't want to put crap like that in my body. And have you heard how they freaking kill cattle? That's messed up as well. Main points: 1.) I don't want to buy products that encourage and continue to give the 'ok' to animal cruelty. 2.) I don't want to eat hormone inhanced sickly animals.

2006-10-02 07:53:18 · answer #3 · answered by Christine4tw 3 · 2 0

Vegetarian Diet, its a way of loosing little weight and keeping away from all meat products. The vegetarians do it for two reasons 1. they want to save all the animals, and 2. they think its part of a healthy diet. Which i dont think it may work. Now or Then you need to eat meat to get your full strenght. if meat is missing in your food chain, your muscles will start to take a weird shape and will just shrink by time.

2006-10-02 07:56:14 · answer #4 · answered by iyadchahadeh 1 · 0 2

Yes, I know a few people who made that decision. In fact, I'm 17 and i've been a vegetarian for 5 years now. I don't eat meat. That's one of my principles. but other people I know do this because they don't like it, they are against the way people treat those animals, it's not allowed in their religion,....

2006-10-02 07:59:30 · answer #5 · answered by Art Girl 2 · 2 0

I love watching some of you people pull science out of your asses. God that must hurt.

The information is becoming more and more accessible, Younger kids are seeing it and therefore less meat eating children. I don't know any personally. My sister (13) is headed that way but not there yet by any means.

2006-10-02 08:01:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

!2 years old vegetarian. I used to love meat but someone opened my eyes to the horror of what happens to animals and thats why.

2006-10-02 10:32:03 · answer #7 · answered by girl 4 · 1 0

Yes, i found that the younger generations are eating much healthier than mine and before me--Years ago hardly anybody drank water like they do tdy plus young kids are eating alot of salads etc.......................My generation drank water only if there wasn't anything else to drink otherwise we drank coke, pepsi--all kinds of soda and we hardley ate salads for lunch and dinner
By the way my generation that i'm talking about are people born in the 50's and who are in their late 40's like me(48)--so all you youngers GOOD FOR YOU---keep it up!!!

2006-10-02 07:56:46 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

It isn't about a healthier lifestyle like most say. They are following a current fad. This too shall pass just like bell bottoms and afros.

2006-10-02 07:53:26 · answer #9 · answered by rltouhe 6 · 0 1

Yes most young children feel selfconcious about themselves now days and they choose to go on diets to feel and look better. girls think they have to have the perfect body to get a boyfriend. i myself am 17 yrs. old and i constantly feel like i have to be perfect.

2006-10-02 07:51:29 · answer #10 · answered by SexyAmby 4 · 0 2

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