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My father was recently at court, because of a pakistani taxi driver who called him a white bastard and tried to attack him, then took offence to being headbutted. (He was fined last week for calling the taxi driver a paki scumbag(he did not call him anything), nothing about the assualt or the verbal abuse from the taxi driver)
Just for all the minorities, My father has many ethnic minority friends, he is not a racist.

2006-09-28 22:51:15 · 27 answers · asked by The Boxer 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

27 answers

Yes, this makes me really angry too. Try saying that you were called white something or other, or Irish whatever and nothing will be done. It's all one-sided and that's why we have British-born Muslims who are traitors and want to kill and maim us. I think the Government needs to wake up before there are riots. Even the most reasonable people are beginning to question what is happening.

2006-09-28 22:56:08 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 2 2

Yes, racism works both ways. I can think of a couple of reasons why only white people are thought of as racist;

There are more white people so it is seen like the big bully crying that the little nerd punched him.

I think ethnic minority's maybe slyer with their racism. Even doing it in a language English speaking whites will not understand.

White people are less likely to report racism against them than an ethnic minority and alot of the blame can be placed on the white far left. They are the ones doing the most damage.

2006-09-28 23:04:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ask the DNC, they made it that way. Affirmative Action set the precedent for all these racist values. That which is morally wrong can never be politically correct.

Racism against whites has become fashionable....It's actually encouraged. Liberal Judges are always going to favor an opportunity of making some kind of political point instead of being fair-minded and just.

For the same reason that racist jokes, innuendo's, stereotypes, and sexist jokes are less tolerated when it's a white stand-up comic, but it's just good material when it's a stand-up comic "of color."

For the same reason that Mayor Nagin was able to assure black voters located out-of-state, that he will "make New Orleans Chocolate again," to ease their fears of not "white flight," but white encroachment.

Ironic isn't it!? But it's the way it is now......People need to continue to fight for values that mean EQUALITY and JUSTICE for ALL.

2006-09-28 23:40:04 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. US of A, Baby! 5 · 0 0

The same reason as when a white man kills a black man he gets a harsher penalty because it was a 'racist' attack but when a black man kills a white person it's just murder and colour doen't come into it. Unfortunately this country has be run for too long by narrow minded left wing social working hippy t*ssers and we are the ones to suffer! It's time we all stood up and shut them up once and for all then, and only then, will we get our country back and start getting some normality and proper justice

2006-09-28 23:41:59 · answer #4 · answered by kbw 4 · 1 0

I hate the way it's going here. White people are becoming the minority, and our overly-P.C government will take an ethnic "minority's statement over an honest person's statement simply for fear of the court being slated as Racist.

A Disabled Lesbian of ethnic minority could get away with anything in this Country.

(Not that I'm racist. I have Asian and Black friends. It's the few who taint the many. It's just a shame our overly-PC government won't relax.)

2006-09-28 23:03:55 · answer #5 · answered by genghis41f 6 · 1 1

Well... that's because it is THEM who really are racists. Stop talking about "reversed racism" or "reversed discrimination" - there is only one racism.
That's when somebody belives that one race is more deserving or somehow superior to another.
I would love to treat all people as ... umm... people.
I really don't know how it matters what color they are. But the problem is that THEY (the racists) won't let me be "color-blind".
If I ever tried to treat a "minority" person fairly (that is, just totally ignore their race), I'd be declared racist, and, probably, thrown to jail. This is racism, pure andn simple. They think that their race desrves better treatment then others. There is nothing "reversed" about it. Just plain racism,

2006-09-29 01:14:53 · answer #6 · answered by n0body 4 · 0 0

let me answer a question with a question

we have all seen Jet and Ebony on the news stands.

how long do you think it would take for Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton to label me a racist if I were to publish a magazine called, Ivory or Cracker or some other white term.

this word needs to be used and directed towards the people who are truly racist. how about the KKK, Black Panthers? wouldn't this term be more fitting,used against them?

2006-09-29 05:13:32 · answer #7 · answered by Robert 3 · 1 0

Wow thats very unlucky, your father a super duper, innocent, nice guy, would never say boo to a goose was happily going moving along in life, helping poor orphans and rescuing puppies from burning buildings and THEN all of a sudden a great, big, dirty, smelly, benefit stealing Asian guy whose never paid a penny in tax, attacks him with no provacation whatsoever.

I feel for you I really do.

Good luck in court mate. I hope your daddy wins.

2006-09-29 01:27:49 · answer #8 · answered by Imdad 2 · 2 0

No one should use Ethnic slurs, but guess what it will always happen. I'm tired of hearing that the White man gets it hard. Are you serious? I can only talk about America. Try being black here. Growing up cops harrassed the crap out of me, almost hitting me with their cars pulling guns out on me, cursing at me, cusring at my mom and other women in the community. Please stop the crying. At least no one is shooting you and beating you. I was detained walking to catch a bus when I was a teenager. The cop stopped me in the dead of winter and asked why I had my hands in the coat pocket? Are you kidding me! I open my coat and told him he can search me. I had to catch a bus. When I opened my coat my batteries from my headphones fell out. As I bent over to pick them up he tackled me in front of a crowd and took me to the police station, searched me, detained me for 2 hours and called my parents, let me go...no charges..no sorry and just said I will see you again. So, please cry a river for your own satisfaction. I'm tired of the stupid comments some not all white people make in this country. It could all be better. Just remember what your people are bringing to the table to add to this, as we all should.

Affirmaitive Action...I love it when people bring this up. Do you really understand it? Most don't. Most people think its a quota system which is not. The most classic example I hear is a white person getting bumped applying for medical school with better grades then a black person. I'm going to use this example to explain the importance of this and maybe you will understand and just think about it. If there were no black doctors there would be almost no doctors in black neighborhoods. History makes my point. The man who completed the first succesful open heart surgery was a blackman (http://www.blackinventor.com/pages/danielwilliams.html.). This man had to perform some surgeries on kitchen tables , becuase black people were not allowed to be treated at certain hospitals. Some doctors refused to treat black people. You probably never hear of this guy and it will never be taught in schools. History in American has a lot of lies and skips a lot of detail.

Back to the point. Everyone has the right to happiness, fairness, and the opportunity to support their family. White America proved they will inhibit this in other races and your race understood this and put a measure in so racism and oppression could be combated. And only the race in power can opress. There were no black cops and blacks where being murdered in droves. So I plead leave race a lone, becuase you will never be able to support your view. Lets move on and work as a whole country and support each other so our kids don't get bombed with a nuke.

2006-09-29 01:07:39 · answer #9 · answered by mazz 2 · 1 1

This is life in England now............. What the politicians don't realise when they keep changing the law to suit all of the visitors is that the indigenous population are getting fed up with all of this pandering to one group or another.......... there is going to be a large backlash soon from the people who's families have lived here for hundreds of years and now see their way of life being changed to suit every minority group...... If you come to this country accept our ways and laws like we have done for generations, if not go somewhere else that will put up with you.... problem is there probably isn't another country that will do that and change their way of life just to to suit you........... so to all of you minority groups......... put up/ shut up or get out.

2006-09-28 23:07:39 · answer #10 · answered by Robert B 3 · 2 1

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