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Kindly justify your answer from the Biblical standpoint.
No frivolous comments please!

2006-09-28 21:12:05 · 17 answers · asked by The Maulvi Who Sold His Maruti 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Neither. It is an institution from man. The Bible does condemn homosexuality, in one particular passage, in Leviticus: "Thou shall not lie with a man as a woman. That is an abomination." However, it says very little about it anywhere else. My take is writers of the Bible didn't treat homosexuality as a question of primary importance. They were against it, but they did not particularly fuss over it.
Only in very recent times, the last few decades or so, has homosexuality become a fore-front issue. It's part of the sexual liberation movement. Gay people identify to a group. They like to affirm themselves in that way. Now, some of them have founded a Church. They feel they want to worship God and that their homosexuality is not an obstacle to it. I personally agree with the idea it's not an obstacle, but I wouldn't make it an article of faith, either. I feel these people are sincere in their belief in God and that, to me, is a positive thing no matter what.
On the other hand, I feel that insisting on the fact that they are homosexuals while promoting their Church is a bit ludicrous. It's as though their homosexuality was central to their worship of God. Their desires should not be seen as central in their spiritual quest. We are all human. Sexuality, although it is part of humanity, is dwarfed by spirituality in terms of depth. These Churches' insistence on defining themselves via their members' sexuality is divisive.

2006-09-28 21:31:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

from reading Romans 1:18-32, I would say that there is no Gay church. But I do think that its ironic that God said he hates divorce. and so many christians do that. But get so upset at the thought of homosexuality which God made very little reference too. As a matter of fact Jesus never addressed it. But he did adress hypocracy alot. Of Course I could be wrong

2006-09-29 04:20:16 · answer #2 · answered by Armond B 3 · 2 1

It depends on the message. If they prech the true Gospel, they are dong God's work. If they are preaching the typical condemnation message, which is unlikely in a "Gay" church, then they are not preaching God's message.

It's more likey that a "Gay" church would choose a liberal ideology than a hate ideology. But I've read some that wrote articles that were great with the Gospel.

"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

2006-09-29 04:21:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Read this par(take note of the bible texts):

Due to worldly propaganda even some among God’s people have been influenced so as to view homosexuality and similar sexual perversions as ‘not so bad.’ However, God’s Law to Israel was that homosexuals should be put to death! And in the Christian Greek Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 says, according to the New International Version: “Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral . . . nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders . . . will inherit the kingdom of God.” And, according to this same Bible translation, Romans 1:26, 27 says: “Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men.” Verse 32 continues: “Those who do such things deserve death.”

so yeah its an institution of the devil.

2006-09-29 04:20:47 · answer #4 · answered by xapao 5 · 3 3

At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, the "Gay Church" sounds like a lot of guilty people trying to legitimize themselves. I'm all for anyone that practices loving God, but that doesn't make gay sex right.

2006-09-29 04:18:41 · answer #5 · answered by fortuitousoppty 5 · 3 1

gay people get mad because they don't like to here "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" right? well tell me this, why can't men have children, I mean God wasn't going to create something that was going to die out right? or why did God destroy those two cities Sodom and Gomorrah the bible says, that their sins were so great to their stench reach the heavens and it describes saying that men were with men women with women, men and animals and so on, why then God made sure that those cities were completely destroyed? you are free to do as you wish but don't bring the bible and God into your world

2006-09-29 07:38:26 · answer #6 · answered by Neylly A 1 · 3 0

From a Biblical standpoint - Thou shall not judge. If they are an instituion of God they will get their reward for sticking to their guns and if they are an institution of the Devil they will get their punishment. Neither is for you or me to decide. Just love them and pray continuesly for the whole Church to be united in God's message of love.

2006-09-29 04:16:16 · answer #7 · answered by SweetyPie 2 · 2 4

It is an institution of gay people, God, the devil and all angels are creations of fertile and imaginative human minds, and have existence only within the human imagination.

2006-09-29 04:15:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I have never heard of the "gay" church.Is that in reference to the Metropolitan Community Church?That church is just teaching about the love of Jesus.Why should a church refuse someone based on who they love?That is the question that is answered by churches like the MCC by saying it shouldn't.

2006-09-29 04:15:26 · answer #9 · answered by BuckFush 5 · 3 2

It is an institution of God because those who are gay are no more sinners than the rest of us who the Bible says were "born of sin." This has nothing to do with the argument that homosexuality is a sin, only that we are all children of God.

2006-09-29 04:14:24 · answer #10 · answered by TrainerMan 5 · 1 3

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