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I am neither muslim nor christian & I dont live in the middle east or america or UK but i see questions in her from christians who claim that muslims are criminal people in general.

My question is.. have you met a muslim? Did that particular muslim commit a crime which you were witness to?

Im only asking because I have met muslims but never did I see a criminal one. In fact, all the criminals I have come across are actually christians.

I dont mean offence to anybody. Its just a simple question

2006-09-28 20:33:10 · 16 answers · asked by Claude 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

I agree with most of the answers given, Most Muslims are kind hearted loving people, We are just extremely passionate about our religion and dont appreciate it when people generalize and form assumptions that all Muslims are terrorists and Islam and the Quraan commands people to wage Jihad against the non-Muslims for no valid reasons. Yes the Quraan does command Muslims to stand up and fight if you are being oppressed and if your rights are being violated but it also states that killing of the innocent is a major sin and in the event of Jihad, Woman, children and the elderly should be spared. I pray that we have tolerance and Peace on the Earth soon or else I fear that we are going to have a major reliegous war with numerous casualties...........

2006-09-28 20:55:23 · answer #1 · answered by ALI G 3 · 2 2

when a kid fears boogeyman out of the closet, parents always open the closet door and let the kid see for himself that Nothing is there, so that he may sleep with Peace, but if parents don't open that closet-door, then the kid is going to be afraid the whole night, and Not get a good-night sleep.
Similarly to the example above, ppl have pre-set negative notions of Islam and Muslims, while never even having the oppurtunity of meeting a single Muslim 'coz of their Fear, that they just don't wanna mingle with the Muslim ppl, and try to keep away as much as possible. But those who have got to know Muslims, have a different set of view, they dont hate Islam and Muslims, infact they are interested in knowing the Islamic ideology and life of a Muslim.
it can very well be concluded that Fear is at the root of this ignorance, and if ppl just get to know overcome this fear then we will have so much less hate in the world.
Peace to All.

2006-09-28 21:11:14 · answer #2 · answered by Valentino 3 · 0 0

A simple question consists on one question - your question consists of more than one question. I am not a Christian or a Muslim either - so I say to you please be intellectually fair in your statements and interrogatives.

Update - I did not mean to imply with my first answer to this question that I don't like Muslims or anyone - I just feel this is not a simple question that was asked and that was my only point - here is something more I wrote to the other who I believe is meaning well.

Muslims because they are Muslims don't make themselves criminals - no one here in the States or anywhere I have traveled do I find people that believe that. However, that said these people who fly those airplanes into the Twin Towers in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington, DC are Muslim fanatics and believe that their beliefs in God give them the right to act as God's (or should I put it to be more politically correct terms their High Power = HP) to kill people who they deemed as sinners before God. Unfortunately Islam seems to be producing alot of people who would rather follow fanatical paths that give them (in their minds) the right to kill others and when those others react to defend themselves in the mind of these Muslims fanatics it is the victims of their assualts who are the villians.

Fanaticism within a religion is not a purely Muslim endeavor - but its being perpetuated in great numbers these days by Muslims - this is not a media creation - sadly - oh how I wish it was.

Also I would like to ad those who use these boards to spread hatred towards Muslims are using this system unfairly. I have stated before that I do know like what Muslims are doing in the name of their HP and I don't agree with many of their beliefs. That in no way means I believe that they are by their nature criminals and worthy of my scorn.

2006-09-28 20:40:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Because you claim not to be a Christian than the Bible says that you are a fool. You need to check it out for the word of God says "The fool says in his heart that there is no God." - Psalm 53. Check it out. Of course there is a God, your standing on His Creation. If there is a building there must be a builder, if there is a creation, there must be a creator. Pretty simple isn't it. You do also make the mistake that Christians claim that Muslims are criminal people. That is merely a half-truth. For the whole truth you must see yourself and the whole creation of mankind from the eyes of God. God created us because he loves us. We don't love God unless God gives us his Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts to love God. To put it plainly, unless you are a born again Christian than you HATE God. We are God haters by nature because we were born that way. We are selfish, ungrateful people and we don't see this life as God sees it. Truth of the matter is it isn't just Muslims that are criminal but you and I and all the Christians, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Mormons, the whole human race is criminal. We as a human race have done nothing but commit crimes against God. For we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But here is the love of God that Christians understand. God so loved the world that He gave his only son to be the punishment for the sins of man. Jesus took the full wrath of God on the cross so we wouldn't have to endure that punishment. Salvation is a gift to us from a loving God. If you will repent of your sins and trust Jesus Christ to save you from the wrath of God on Judgment Day then you will become a new creation and be born again into God's Heavenly Kingdom. May God bless you with this revelation and I hope this reply woke up up to truth and reality.

2006-09-28 21:03:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I have a very good muslim friend - He says with my morals (I am Christian) I would make a good Muslim. I tell him he would make a good Christian, as he has equally stong morals. Then I joke with him and say, since Jesus is not God in his opinion, he would make a good Jew.

I am aquaintances with about a dozen Muslim men through my soccer league, I have seen many a penalty called on them, but none that made criminal (A Few yellow cards).

I do not form opininons of people until I know them well enough

2006-09-28 20:37:52 · answer #5 · answered by Slave to JC 4 · 7 1

If you read through the answers on here you will find that Muslims are very helpful and respectful even in the face of abject hatred. Christians leave some of the most vile and hateful answers to ever embarrass mankind. Which group do you think truly follows the teachings of God? It made me curious about Islam and after reading about it on my own for a time I have adopted it as my religion.

Peace be with you.

2006-09-28 20:42:43 · answer #6 · answered by Perry L 5 · 3 2

extra so the latter. Politicians who say they are christian to get christians-who're meant to have self assurance in peace-to become warlike for Israel, even to the ingredient of sacrificing Christian ethics and history. i'm not asserting we can't be multicultural, by potential of all potential. even nonetheless, a great style of human beings hate Christians because of this. a great style of issues Christians stand for could be rather valuable, however the contaminated version we've do to Zio Nazism has made us belligerent and warlike. Love, a veteran.

2016-10-15 08:14:38 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What I find disturbing is that we all share the same God and we are still fighting each other over who has the right interpretation of the Supreme Being. Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone.

2006-09-28 20:37:42 · answer #8 · answered by sangheilizim 4 · 4 0

I know several now and have known more in my life. Two of my friends are muslim. I have never known any who commit crimes, but most (keep in mind that i did not say all) of the ones I know/have known were/are for terrorism and said pro bin laden things in my face. (i am american and they know it)

I was talking to one about politics, and he started praising the 9/11 highjackers/planers for attacking america. He said they were smart and it was the right thing to do!!!! I wasn't happy.

(none of this happened in the US though, I live overseas)

I find that muslims tend to be kind, peaceloving people, but there are things in their religious texts (quran, and other texts such as hadiths) that promote violence, an example being:

"They (any non-muslim) should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides" (quran 5:33)

There are lots of other examples; websites that you can find other examples are posted on Yahoo! answers all the time.

In hadith it says mohammed commited rape on multiple ocasions, but i can't find examples right now, but they are there.

Oh! I found one: Mohammed wanted to rape a young girl but that is really immoral and people wouldn't like that, so his excuse was that their god (allah) told him to do it in a series of dreams:

"the prophet said to her 'you have been shown to me twice in a dream. I saw you pictured there on a piece of silk and someone said to me 'this is your wife', when i uncovered the picture, i saw that it was your's. I said 'if this is from allah, it will be done." (hadith, sahih bukhari 5:58:235)

keep in mind that that girl was 9 years old. Sickening, isn't it.

2006-09-28 22:51:08 · answer #9 · answered by EW 2 · 0 1

I thank you for your question, I'm a Muslim , and can clearly see the hate some people have for us, especially people who never met a Muslim, you are totally right.

2006-09-28 20:39:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

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