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In every field of life previous experience is always helpful in achieving 100% of target so why not in this field?But in Asia it is extremely prohibited,but I think Europe & developed society is liberal in this aspect of life.The world shoud be more liberal in this aspect of life.After all we have only one life.

2006-09-28 19:29:56 · 27 answers · asked by mslh_uddin 1 in Family & Relationships Weddings

27 answers

Absolutely not. I think it is very important for a person to wait until they are married. I did. and it was the best thing in the world. Me and my husband both waited for each other. And now our relationship is so much more special. We got to experience it the right way. Nothing to hinder it. To know that the person you married waited for you is such an amazing feeling. I don't have to think about any other girls he would have been with. I was the one and only girl. I think that it is such a special thing. Imagine how much more special it was for us, compared to if we would have been sexually active. We have an even more special bond together. Its amazing. Indescribable. Sex needs to be taken more seriously, its so much more special than what people think. At least it can be, if you want it to.

2006-09-28 19:45:30 · answer #1 · answered by zeropink 1 · 0 1

In your first sentence you use the word "essential" in the second the word "helpful".

As far as essential, NO. There are successful marriages where sex is not only limited, it may be nonexistent. Some marriages on the Western Frontier during the US expansion were between people who met only an hour or two before the ceremony. Marriage is a partnership. Sex is usually part of it but no not an "essential" part. And that includes premarital.

I hear the old adage that you don't but the cow if all you want is the milk, or you have to test drive a car before you buy it. What about if you open the bottle of soda, you buy it, and the same is true of any sealed (virgin) merchandise.

It sounds like you are looking for an excuse to crawl into bed with someone. It also sounds like traditional values have little value to you, and only liberal means anything.

Frankly I don't care if you or any adult wants to crawl into bed with a perspective mate and have a test drive or a drink before you buy the cow. But do it because you want to, because it is fun or simply because you can. Don't try to intellectualize it.

Many would say liberalization has generated much of the problems in the western world today. I believe I would include myself in that "many" discussed above.

2006-09-28 20:03:16 · answer #2 · answered by gimpalomg 7 · 2 0

Marriage adds an unknown element into the relationship. Partners can become wilder or more conservative after marriage and there's no good way to tell which way a person will go. Also, most married couples will have kids and that will change their sex life too. Knowing what a person is like sexually under one set of conditions (single, childless, new relationship, romantic dinner) doesn't predict future performance under other conditions (married 5 years with toddlers and mac and cheese for dinner AGAIN). Sex before marriage can be great but don't try to justify it with this flimsy argument.

2006-09-28 19:39:31 · answer #3 · answered by Kuji 7 · 4 0

no i do not believe premarital sex is essential for a sustainable relationship/marriage,this is due to the fact that even lots of relationships where you have sex all the time are not sustained any way and this is not due to the quality of the sex life.
also as a christian we are thought not to have premarital sex as our bodies are the temple of God and to sleep with a man we are not married to is to desecrate his temple.
i also feel that sex tends to cloud your jugdement on what is proper and correct to be done,once you start to have sex with your partner you make excuses for flaws that could have been properly addressed if sex had not come into play.
experience in this field is not essential once both of you have the chemistry and physical attraction to each other as well as the desire to please and learn about each others needs and desires without been selfish.
some countries been more liberal or not about issues of sex,does not make it a proper thing to be done.and a country been prohibitive does not mean it is still not been done there it just means it is not as public to avoid injuring peoples sensibilites but believe me it is been done.
and it is not about the world been liberal that makes it acceptable,i think it is about you and what you want for yourself and your future partner.
good louck

2006-09-29 02:53:52 · answer #4 · answered by modee m 4 · 1 0

It is always near impossible to say whose culture is better.

India... arranged marriages at a young age. Little spouse abuse (per capita) and very few divorces (per capita).

USA .. premarital sex and high divorce rates and many a broken home.

Good and bad in every culture and hard to pinpoint what is causing the 'bad' factor.

But as for the question that you asked. Is it essential? nope. And I am guessing that two virgins that get married will stay together longer than two people that have been around the block a few times.

Now, as for myself... since I have been around the block. I will not marry someone without premarital sex.

2006-09-28 19:43:31 · answer #5 · answered by Ken s 2 · 2 1

I believe responsible premarital sex is a must. Saving oneself for marriage limits personal growth from learning about oneself, and sets up the belief that you can't choose wisely unless it ends in marriage.

Maybe it is a "liberal" view, but my sexual side is just as important to my person as any other aspect that makes me "me". My spouse now has the reward of being with a wife that knows herself, and has a confidence in knowing herself. I am sure not everyone will like my answer.

2006-09-28 19:37:31 · answer #6 · answered by BuffyFromGP 4 · 3 1

We're talking about human beings, not cars. Marriage should never be based on sex. If the couple is attracted to each other, the sex will be good. Both the man and the woman need to do whatever it takes to satisfy their mate. But if someone has a sexual handicapp, they need to tell their fiancee before they get married. That's only fair. One more thing, people who cheat?? They do it no matter how good the sex is. Some people are just cheaters.

2006-09-28 19:37:21 · answer #7 · answered by elthe3rd 4 · 3 2

It depends... I have friends who have pre-marital sex and it helped them become close and made their relationship strong. But I also have friends who only had sex after marriage... it really depends. And for me sex does not depend whether you're married or not. It depends if your ready... if both of you are ready and know the consequences of sex - not only physically (being preggy) but emotionally also. It involves a lot of considerations in you part... if you think you're man (or woman) enough to face the consequences then go ahead do it... and if you think it will make your relationship strong.. then do it... but think 77 times for the effects are forever!

2006-10-01 20:39:28 · answer #8 · answered by francheska888 2 · 0 0

premarital sex is prohibated in asia and also in ISLAM.the reason is that if you really love someone you should wait. that way you are sure to know that your beloved really loves you and is not after your body.sex before marriage leads to single mothers and aids.before knowing your partner fully one shouldnot engage in physical union.i donot agree with you that the world should be liberal in this aspect.look at the western countries, sex has become so cheap that there is no morality left .teen agers give oral sex without any conscious and old men go after younger girls without any moral. do you really think that the eastern world should also face immorality,and health risk of this kind?i think that in this case orthodox rule like abstinence before marriage should be attained.

2006-09-28 19:40:59 · answer #9 · answered by atahsina 5 · 2 1

I think premarital sex should be, so when you
get married you will not know anything..Can cause a lot of tension..Though they say it is better to wait, from my own journey, not having
premarital sex, I was a frighten little girl not knowing anything..Just like walking into a trap blind folded....I don't say to have sex every-night, but a few special relationships that
was loving enough to give yourself too.

2006-09-28 19:40:07 · answer #10 · answered by shea_harriet 2 · 1 1

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