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18 answers

OK, if your that deep you should understand this answer:

Rules can't exist without matter.
Matter can't exist without rules.
Only rules in theory can exist first.
The only example of rules in theory and matter and rules in reality is the relationship between a dream and a dreamer.
What came first before the dream?
A. The dreamer.

What came before the dreamer?

Remember nothing is still pure concept, without any definition but itself- in other words infinite potential...

2006-09-28 19:54:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

We can't fully comprehend it...but God had NO beginning. There was never a time that the true God did not exist. Again, man can't fully comprehend such a thing. Something that might help understand such a thing is like asking you, what is the highest number? There is no such thing as a highest number. Addition, numbers, go on forever. When did God BEGIN is sort of a reverse of the above. Just as numbers have no ending, God had no beginning.

2006-09-28 19:40:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know. I am spiritual, but not 'organised' about it. I have too many different bents to conventional, accepted sects, to belong to any of them.

I am an evolutionist though. I absolutely believe that everything on the planet, evolved from a single celled life form in the primordial soup of the beginning of time. Here is my only issue with evolution...how did those certain chemicals/amino acids/ etc come together in the first place, figure out that they could work together synergistically, for the apparent benefit of all of them, then enclose themselves in a membrane and become life? That is my only problem...how did it go from free floating chemical bits and pieces to a 'organised' structure?

Confused...but that's nothing new. I'm sure that I could figure all of the wonders of the world out, if I weren't consumed with the dregs of daily life...kids, laundry, groceries...lol.

2006-09-28 19:35:06 · answer #3 · answered by bennie 1 · 0 0

I answered a question simular to this a few moments ago.

To one who examines the evidence, there can be no doubt that God exists. Every building has a builder. Everything made has a maker. The fact of the existence of the Creator is axiomatic (self-evident). That’s why the Bible says, "The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’" (Psalm 14:1). The professing atheist denies the common sense given to him by God, and defends his belief by thinking that the question "Who made God?" can’t be answered. This, he thinks, gives him license to deny the existence of God.

The question of who made God can be answered by simply looking at space and asking, "Does space have an end?" Obviously, it doesn’t. If there is a brick wall with "The End" written on it, the question arises, "What is behind the brick wall?" Strain the mind though it may, we have to believe (have faith) that space has no beginning and no end. The same applies with God. He has no beginning and no end. He is eternal.

The Bible also informs us that time is a dimension that God created, into which man was subjected. It even tells us that one day time will no longer exist. That will be called "eternity." God Himself dwells outside of the dimension He created (2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2). He dwells in eternity and is not subject to time. God spoke history before it came into being. He can move through time as a man flips through a history book.

Because we live in the dimension of time, logic and reason demand that everything must have a beginning and an end. We can understand the concept of God’s eternal nature the same way we understand the concept of space having no beginning and end—by faith. We simply have to believe they are so, even though such thoughts put a strain on our distinctly insufficient cerebrums.

2006-09-28 19:28:52 · answer #4 · answered by Jason M 5 · 1 2

Very intriguing, although unanswerable, question. I don't believe in the "God" or gods that religious doctrines have proclaimed but I, like every other human, have wondered about higher forces and what created everything and all that stuff. Anyone who claims to know the answer to this question is a fraud.

2006-09-28 19:57:21 · answer #5 · answered by DawnDavenport 7 · 0 0

Don't mean anything bad here, but if you really do believe in God as a "God" you wouldn't be asking such a question. I really liked the explanation one of the guys gave. I think his name is Jason, He gave a very good answer. True I'm not a christen, but I sure do believe in an Al-mighty God like they do. Read it and take a deep look in it. I hope you'll find your way.

2006-09-28 19:30:53 · answer #6 · answered by sunshine 1 · 0 1

The only logical conclusion is that the universe is eternal & infinite.

There was no "beginning" or "creation." Nor was there a time when there was "nothing."

Our visible universe is a dot in the infinite universe. "Nothing" does not exist and never has.

But, our infinite & eternal universe has. Which eliminates the need for a creator or "God."

2006-09-28 19:59:57 · answer #7 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

No it's not deep stuff, dear!
I believe all that's in the Bible.
It's clearly said in Revelation 22 : 13.
"I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last".


2006-09-28 19:44:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

god is an idea created by man to rely on some unknown force when he fails to face the problems , miseries in life. due to lack of scientific temper primitive man thought that rain, sun shine, eclipses, thunders, darkness, day light, etc as the acts of god. at the cost of repetition i reiterate that god was created by man so that he can console himself in distress by making prayers. shun the path of religious dogmatism and embrace the path of rationalism

2006-09-28 19:32:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It is tough for us who see a grandparent and a great grandparent and a great great grandparent accept that there is something that didn't have a predecessor. We try to base existence on our experience, and that's where we make mistakes. Just because we haven't experienced a beginning doesn't mean there isn't one.

2006-09-28 19:38:52 · answer #10 · answered by RM 2 · 0 0

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