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To all those anti-illegal people out there. Learn some history!! Some of you say that illegals come over here because they are criminals looking for new prey. I bet you didn't know that the state of Georgia was founded to give criminals in Britain a second chance. Because of prison overcrowding in Britain, the King ordered the land in Georgia be set aside for these criminals to start their own settlements. So, we already have criminals that were amongst us. As for those of you who claim to be Native American, shame on you, are you not proud and aware of your heritage. The Brits came and stole your ancestors land from you, illegally. For those who claim to argue against it for the standpoint of welfare and social services, your argument is false. In order to apply for social services you must be a US citizen with valid proof and supporting documentation. Even if they could get it, they can't send food stamps home to Mexico.

2006-09-28 17:31:04 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

For those with the "security" argument. Every terrorist that has attacked US soil came into the US LEGALLY, or crossed the Canadian border, or was already here and IS US born. For those with the drug traffiking argument, 90% of the drug trade comes right across our already "secured" checkpoints. Why do you choose to target illegals from Mexico? There are illegals that come in from Canada as well. How about the healthcare pros that came during the 80s and 90s? If you are so against illegal immigration hit 'em where it hurts, get off welfare, stop sucking up my tax dollars, and get off your @sses and get to work, take your "jobs" back. What should really offend you is the large number of people living on welfare that drive around new cars, hell when they want a new car all they have to do is have another baby to afford the payment. If Americans really wanted to work, they would. But most Americans are too content with living off welfare.

2006-09-28 17:39:13 · update #1

Most also think that America owes them more than what an illegal is willing to work for. If you are serious about it you will work hard for whatever you can to make a living. My parents did just fine on a very meager living. I didn't have to shop at Dillard's and we didn't have to drive around town in a new car to prove something. As a matter of fact, I never have even owned a new car, I don't feel the need to. Besides why buy a new one when you can get one with a few miles on it for thousands less.

2006-09-28 17:42:11 · update #2

Immigration Laws were not written until the early 20th century, so one could argue that those who migrated here before came illegally.

2006-09-28 17:43:36 · update #3

corpsnerd...I am just simply stating the fact that we have plenty of American criminals. Those who populated Georgia were criminals. Again, if you're so interested in criminal activity, why don't you go and protest the police here who don't do enough to keep our streets clear of drunk drivers, and rapists, and muderers. Illegals commit a very small percentage of crimes in America. They don't want to be noticed!

2006-09-28 17:52:45 · update #4

The only thing these people are doing here is the same that most of are, chasing the American Dream. They don't live off welfare, they don't commit crimes, they aren't terrorists, they just want to live in a place where poverty isn't a lifestyle it's a choice. Those are harsh words but from someone who has seen first hand how people can rise out of impoverished conditions, and become successful contributing members of society. Poverty is a choice in America, poverty is not a choice in a repressive government, like that of Mexico. Every single person I have run into who was on social services, other than those who really need the help, like the disabled, always complained about not having a job. However, when I would point them to jobs, that were under $10 or $12 dollars an hour they would always say they would go apply. I would call the employers and find out that they never went, and they would have the nerve to come back and say that they went but didn't get hired.

2006-09-28 18:03:33 · update #5

Those are the people that finally sickened me enough to quit working my job and go back to school and pursue a different career. People in America are lazy! Bottom line, if you aren't working it's your fault. If you can't find a job, you aren't looking hard enough. Quit blaming it on illegals, just because they aren't afraid to work hard for their families. I have seen enough people that come out of poverty to see that it can happen. Of course those that do are rare, but they share certain characteristics. They are hardworking and will never turn down a job. They understand money, and that it's not the car, or the house, or the clothes that truly make the man.

2006-09-28 18:09:15 · update #6

Denise B..I'd call getting free land to cultivate plenty of help.

2006-09-28 18:10:56 · update #7

Most Americans do a fine enough job of insulting themselves, especially those who blindly follow the masses.

2006-09-28 18:12:12 · update #8

Hey "Americans", pick up a geography book. Everybody including those in Mexico are Americans. So if you are a proud American, then show your pride in your fellow man. Idiots!!! That's the mantra, "we're Americans," yeah, well they are Americans too. Educate yourself for Godsake. Learn how to think independantly. Seperate yourself from the hippocracy and propaganda. You are what makes this nation "weak", your inabilty to see past the televised news and not be able to do independant research. I wasted 6 years of my life working for social services, to try and make a difference. I learned from my experience that you can only help those who WANT to be helped, and not many really want to be helped. What you people should be screaming for is welfare reform. That is where the greatest waste of tax money is happening, well, next to the Iraq war anyway. There are hundreds of thousands collecting welfare that are more than able to work.

2006-09-29 01:25:07 · update #9

12 answers

I agree with you 100% but be ready to be cut down by those racist anti immigrant. They will say that they are not racist and not anti-immigrant, but deep down you can tell by the way they write, that they are. To them I say, you are going to have a very hard time living without saying good morning to an illegal immigrant.

2006-09-28 17:37:55 · answer #1 · answered by QUE PASA?? 3 · 1 6

That was H I S T O R Y. There were NO laws on IMMIGRATION THEN!! Even if they were criminals, when they were released they were assimilated and considered CITIZENS. As for the Native Americans our people were pushed off our lands, beaten, tortured, killed. Our people were made to walk to Oklahoma on the "Trail of Tears". We are very aware of that. It is a part of our history/heritage. There were treaties agreed upon, and treaties broken. Our people are given some compensation for that from the government. Many Native Americans today have never lived on a reservation.

I find no reference to criminals in Early Georgia.

Nevertheless, that was a long time ago, again, HISTORY. Native Americans are
...........A M E R I C A NS...........................
Do illegals and their supporters not understand what LAWS are and the reasons they are passed?

TODAY, 2006, the 21st century, we have a law against ILLEGAL entry into the USA. The CITIZENS of the USA have the Constitutional RIGHT to be protected from invasion from other countries. WE have the RIGHT to DEMAND those laws on IMMIGRATION be ENFORCED. If you pitiful imbeciles can't get that through your thick skulls, tough. No other people of any nationality has a problem understanding it except the Hispanics. What do you people have, a d@mn mental block, or something? Are you ALL victims of learning disabilities? What part of ILLEGAL do you people not get?

Food stamps can't be sent out of the country, but the money they save by using them here frees up plenty of money to SEND to Mexico.

Stop grasping at straws. You guys have lost this battle and straws won't keep you from drowning. All we want to see is your brown backsides heading in a southerly direction across the border. You can go peacefully on your own steam or kicking and screaming via DEPORTATION. That is the only choice you have. Read it and weep!!

2006-09-29 01:54:25 · answer #2 · answered by «»RUBY«» 4 · 1 2

Those so called "criminals" that settled in Georgia were in fact indentured servants. They were not violent criminals, they were the poorest of the poor. They certainly didn;t get the opportunity to come to the U.S. to make some money then go home. Those people had to leave their families forever. They didn't get any help either and they were treated a heck of a lot worse than any immigrant today is treated. Now people come over by breaking the law not for breaking the law, unless they are hiding from their own government.If people were still imprisoned for being in debt the whole country would be criminals.

As far as your welfare statements: Only people that are welfare cheats, are people on welfare with new cars. My husband has had 4 back surgeries and 3 heart attacks yet he had to return to work at $8.50 an hour. I am unable to work because I am having to raise 3 grandchildren at the moment. Should we not get any help with buying food for these innocent babies? We have one car that is twelve years old, never rent a movie or go anywhere but grocery shopping once every two weeks. My Grandsons are on medicaid and foodstamps and I want you to know that my husband probably paid in more before his health trouble than you ever will. If the help is there for anyone it is meant for people like us. And immigrants can come in legal or illegal, have a baby here and that baby is an automatic citizen, where else but here would that happen? After they have a baby here they are allowed to stay and get on welfare after never having paid in a penny.They do send foodstamps to their families in Mexico. They cross the boarder and purchase food then carry it back to Mexico and Canada too.You need to do a little more studying before you spout off at the mouth.

2006-09-29 00:54:20 · answer #3 · answered by unforgettable_1 3 · 0 2

umm, these two things are completely unrelated.

The criminal's acquisition of the land Georgia became is not what made them criminals in the first place, it was whatever law they broke while in England, just like the laws illegals break by crossing the border make them criminals the the sense i pointed out above. You can't just say that because criminals were given land to start over to eventually create the state of Georgia, that somehow this makes those crossing the border any less guilty of breaking immigration laws, or that it is somehow even remotely related to the non criminal act of british criminals being placed in Georgia 300 years ago.

Illegal immigrants break the laws by crossing the border and continue breaking them by staying in the US and working here illegally, they become "criminals" in the sense that they break a law, but they are not "criminals" in the sense that you can compare them to a murderer at a penintentiary. As people, they are not commiting a crime nor are they bad people, but by breaking the law, they are still criminals either way...

2006-09-29 00:44:05 · answer #4 · answered by corpsnerd09 2 · 1 3

Too many people want to look 200 or 10,000 years in the past and make up how that is EXACTLY what is happening now. There is nothing we can do about the distant past now. Get over it. The world as it is today is what we have.

You also have something to learn from the facts about illegals. In California, hospitals and the police cannot refuse service to people in need.

Just because you say something is true doesn't make it so.

2006-09-29 01:12:47 · answer #5 · answered by Karl the Webmaster 3 · 0 2

the 'Criminals' are debtors prisons, something that ended centuries ago and we don't even have, and none of them came here illegally.

If there was no law until the 20th Century, how the hell can you argue it was broken before then?

Uh, and how many people were conqured by the mexicans? Native Indians are well aware of their heritage.

2006-09-29 02:00:47 · answer #6 · answered by yars232c 6 · 2 2

no crap Sherlock. we already knew criminals came here. and yes in the county i live in they help the illegals, as long as they have an anchor baby. so go tell it to some one else. you need to change your aviator. proud American, huh. and the white men, who couldn't keep it in there pants. mixed with the native Americans. the native Americans captured the white women impregnated them. and raised white children to be there own. why, because the whites killed there family. stick that in your peace pipe. i to have native American in me.the law is the law. no matter when it was writen. all citizens must abide by the law, or your a criminal. legal or ILLEGAL.

2006-09-29 00:45:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

But still... the criminals that were sent to Georgia were sent here by the ruling government. They didn't sneak in illegally. I'm all for immigration, as long as it's done legally. The vast majority of us are here because our ancestors immigrated to the U.S. BUT, they came here LEGALLY.

2006-09-29 00:41:38 · answer #8 · answered by cool_breeze_2444 6 · 1 3

Amen brother, nice to know not all americans are close mind. They only want take care of their family and improve their lives, why is that so hard understand?

2006-09-29 00:54:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

And your question was? I'm thinking you just needed to vent. You have left out a lot and insulted many.

2006-09-29 01:03:25 · answer #10 · answered by JAN 7 · 0 2

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