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If you haven't been with God at all for awhile what is the first thing you should do and say?(You're saved and blah blah)

When you pray even after you haven't been spending time with God at all, is it wrong to do something else while you pray?

It is said if you hate your brother you're a murderer, has anyone commited that sin without knowing that or is it rare?

Is talking with your friends how you struggle and what your blessings are in God, glorifying/fellowshipping with God?

It is said not to hate but love, so if you love someone but dislike them but don't hate them is that possible? What do you think of that?

What do you do everyday in your walk with Christ, from waking to sleeping?

That's all thanks!

2006-09-28 17:11:41 · 11 answers · asked by Rachel M 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

ok, here it goes,
1. You should ask forgiveness & resume your
relationship with the Lord. We may go away from the Lord in our walk with HIM, but always know HE never leaves us.
2. When you say do something else while you pray, you mean like washing the dishes, or ironing? Then the answer is yes, it says in
ll Thes. 5:16-17 " Be joyful always, pray continually". In another version it says to "pray without ceasing", so yes we can. But there are also times we are to pray in private like Jesus did in the garden Gethsemane, HE fell with HIS face to the ground & prayed to HIS father in private.
3. l John 3:15-16 Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.- This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our life for our brother. Yes I think one time or another we have all hated a person, but we are to ask forgivness, and then we are forgiven
4. Yes it is, it is one of many ways to give testimony to others how the Lord blesses us in good & bad times.
5. Yes, it's kind of like hate the sin, love the sinner. We can hate how a person acts,or how
they may treat you, but love & care for their soul.
6. I pray alot, on & off all day about so many things, I am not in the best of health so I can't do the things I use to. I try to always be kind to others & non-judgemental. And remember to thank the Lord for his many blessings.

2006-09-28 18:32:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) "Hello, God. Thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son. If it be your will, will you better teach me who you are?"

2) Something else? Like, what, listen to music? It depends. I pray in all sorts of circumstances. Be clearer about what you're asking, and I'll try to give a better answer.

3) Yes, I have committed that sin. It is not rare to feel hatred. It is something that God can help remove from your heart and soul, if you are committed to having it removed.

4) Yes.

5) It is possible to love the sinner and hate the sin. It is possible to love someone since they are a child of God and to dislike their company.

6) This would be way too much to explain. I'm not copping out; but it is literally a heap of stuff to talk about.

2006-09-28 17:25:15 · answer #2 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 1 0

When God forgives he forgets, so it's not important that you didn't pray for a long time, just do it now.

You should try to give God your undivided attention while you pray, but it's OK to pray while you're driving in the car or doing other things too.

God loves us very much and we should show our love for God by loving our brothers and sisters.

You should share your thought with other Godly people, but you should also let people who don't know God why He is important to you.

You should try to forgive and forget like God does.

I pray for a good day in the morning and thank God for what he's done in my life before I go to bed. I also thank him and pray many other times throughout the day.

I hope this helps.

2006-09-28 18:56:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) Hi, I'd like to get back in touch.

2) No. Not if you need to. Sometimes it is difficult to concentrate at first.

3) We commits sins we don't know about all the time. Ask for forgiveness, but look to God. Don't dwell on yourself or your sin.

4) Yes

5) Yes, we don't get along with everyone. It is natural. Just be kind.

6) I try to pray and reflect on what God has done and is doing. But I struggle with all of your questions as well.

2006-09-28 17:22:30 · answer #4 · answered by BABY 3 · 1 0

each and every so often I have a tendency to %. out certian factors of my faith that would want to be considered dogma because i detect it confusing to swallow why all and sundry might want to bypass over my element or twist it. it quite is often. whats up being difficulty-free right here. each and every so often I submit a question truly searching to study some thing about human beings. yet there have been cases in the previous the position upon getting a bunch of solutions that I in simple terms in simple terms won't be able to settle for i visit delete my question. once and a lengthy time period i visit vote perfect answer, for an answer it quite is the full opposite of ways i believe, because of ways that individual worded their answer--and or if their argument develop into truly good. this does no longer recommend i actually evaluate replacing my stance even with the indisputable fact that.

2016-12-06 08:46:00 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I'll do my best.

The first thing to say is...whatever you want to say. God is your friend and confidant. If you feel you must start out with something, start out with an apology for being away for so long. I don't think it will really matter to God what you say as long as you come back to Him. Get started, and it will come to you.

We should take time to spend with God and do nothing else, but we can also talk with God while we are doing something else. I drive and pray, read the Bible and pray, pray while I am typing on this site...I do a lot of things and still pray to God. He wants to spend time with us in our lives, and our lives are in part what we do. He wants to be part of that.

I am a little confused about your third question. Yes, you know what the Bible says about hate and murder. Do we always know when we hate someone? Yes, I think so. Hate, as used in the Bible, is a very strong word and has the implication of being a conscious decision, not a reactionary emotion.

Talking with Christian friends is fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and therefore fellowship with God. It is glorifying to God when we talk about Him, discuss how to serve Him better, and help each other. We are to encourage one another daily. Are you familiar with that verse?

You can dislike the actions, behaviors, etc about a person and not hate them. You can dislike the company of a person, in other words not like to be around them, but not hate them. There are people whom I love in that I see them as my neighbor and all that entails, but I don't want to go out to dinner with them regularly. I love my enemies, but don't care to live with them.

In my walk with Christ, as the song goes, I fall down and I get up. I trip, I catch my balance and go on. I read the Bible. I pray. I witness to others, although not as boldly as I should. I attempt to live my life in such a way as to be a living witness to God. I attempt to love my wife as Christ loved the Church, although I fail at times. I admit my failings (when I recognize them) and ask God to forgive me and guide me to do better. I teach my children (child, the other one is 19 months, but I still try) about God.

I hope something in this will be useful for you.

EDIT: Sorry, should have started out with this:

None of your questions are dumb.

2006-09-28 17:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by hisnamesaves 3 · 1 0

1. ask for forgivness a good healthly life and anything else i guess

2. yes, when you pray you should pray with all your heart but you can just try your hardest

3.im sure many think they have but that is not hate because deep inside you'll always love them they are talking about if for example a mafia boss hates his bro that is true hatred

4.if it is because your running out of ideas then No, else i guess its OK

5.yes love them for there true sole not for there bodily form (if you cant like it that is)

2006-09-28 17:32:52 · answer #7 · answered by moon 111 2 · 0 0

confess then repent. if you can kneel to pray it shows respect, but if your at work and want to talk with Him it is perfectly ok to talk to Him. in our struggles we should also have victory, this is what glorifies God. yes i have commited that sin,(hate) but i have also confessed and repented, so He is Just to forgive me. it is possible to love, and dislike the actions of someone. we are to love the sinner but hate the sin. in the morning i come before the Cross, and ask for Jesus to dwell inside me, so i will think His thoughts, feel His feelings,and have His motives. your welcome

2006-09-28 17:28:03 · answer #8 · answered by norm s 5 · 0 0

I would tell him hello. He remembers you (the proof is your living). Then I would try to be as obedient as I could be. I would start with just doing what Jesus told us to do when we pray--Say the Lord's Prayer everyday. Meditate on those words and pray it faithfully everyday and he will take care of the rest. Trust in Jesus

2006-09-28 17:16:47 · answer #9 · answered by Midge 7 · 1 0

Think of prayer like having a conversation with God. Sometimes you talk, and sometimes you listen.
Now go back through your questions, and the answers are self-evident.

2006-09-28 17:14:35 · answer #10 · answered by Bob L 7 · 2 1

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