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I was just wondering because most people don't like them. But they are the only people I can think of that go to peoples houses to teach them about the bible, they are model citezens, they refuse to fight anyone (even in wars), they know their bibles front and back... Maybe they have the true religion. Well, that's what i think. What do you think?

2006-09-28 17:05:58 · 30 answers · asked by sixstring 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Anyone who makes negative remarks about them is obviously misinformed.To those of you who say that they are a cult, I ask you, what man do they follow? To those of you who say they are not Christians, I ask you, what Christian teachings do they violate? To those of you who say they are bad people, I ask, how many of Jehovah's Witnesses are in prisons compared with inmates who profess membership in other religions? In World War Two, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses preferred confinement in concentration camps and even execution rather than violate their God-given conscience and slaughter their fellow man. Jehovah's Witnesses do not force their Bible-based beliefs on anyone. If you do not want to believe what they have to say, you are not obligated to do so. They are not "Sunday Only Christians". To them, Christianity is a way of life. Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to know the Bible from cover to cover. They are always learning new things from it and are pleased to share what they have learned with others. If you give them a chance to talk to you, you just might learn something interesting. For example, you may strongly believe that Easter is a custom approved by God. But are you aware that the very name Easter comes from the pagan Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility? The bunny and Easter eggs also come from pagan origins. Do you think Jehovah God approves of anyone who involves himself/herself in false religion? So put aside your prejudices and talk to Jehovah's Witnesses when they visit you. You have everything to gain, including your life.

2006-09-28 17:36:16 · answer #1 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 4 0

I find it interesting to note that many people here say we're annoying, crazy, a cult, and try to bash and discredit the Witnesses any chance they get. Everything that comes out their mouths further show we are Jesus 'true' followers, when he says the world will hate you. How interesting is it that we are one of the most misunderstood, "unpopular," and disliked/hated people._John 15:18,19(see also 1 Peter 4:3,4) This and the preaching work that we do sets us apart from other religions and is an identifying mark of "true" Christians.

I'm sorry if you think we're "bothering," you, but we aren't forcing our religion on you. You have the choice to say, "No thank you." You might wonder why we come so often?! We know that new residents might move in and out and the circumstances of people change that could make them uninterested one time and receptive the other. Though you think "we're wasting our time," the few interested ones we meet makes all the difference.

We're out preaching because we'd like to share with our neighbors things from the Bible that they might not otherwise would have learned. We're here to preach about the Kingdom and what it will do in the near future. We all would like a better world and we share our hope of a righteous new world from the Bible. Jesus commanded his followers to preach the good news._Matthew 28:19,20 & Mark24:14.We're the only group fufilling the prophecy as we can be found in 235+ lands doing the same work all "true" Christians ought to be doing. As a witness I don't find witnessing "optional." Peter and John didn't think that way either._ Acts 4:19,20
Unlike the many examples of missionaries other Christian groups in the past forcing the natives to convert and causing more suffering, Witnesses just might knock or ring a doorbell and people already throw a "hissy-fit."
If you hate Witnesses coming to you home that much, ask them next time to put you on the "Do Not Call" list. We'll respect that.
As for the person whose posed the question you could go on the site--> www.watchtower.org to learn more about Witnesses.

2006-09-28 18:47:15 · answer #2 · answered by Joseph U 2 · 4 0

They are real christians in the truest sense of the word the follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and follow his example in preaching from house to house they are model citizens completely honest , loyal , dependable hardworking men and women who strive to live by the principles in the Bible and you couldnt ask for better neighbors peacefull . helpfull people who really care about their fellow man and try and help in whatever way they can they are usually the first people on hand after a disaster I know that after the last round of hurricaines to hit the area they were on scene building peoples homes and feeding the people good meals as well as helping with medical, grief counseling and other Spiritual assistance all without charge in many countries around the world they even hold literacy classes they teach people what the Bible says and in many cases have made vast improvement in peoples lives by applying Bible principles they are a united global family that accept all people it does not matter your race ,nationality , social, or ecconomic status all are treated the same with loving kindness and they all teach the same thing no matter where in this world you go and always use the Bible not personal opinion and some people dont like that just as some didnt like Jesus or his teachings if you would like more info you can write me and yes i know many of them personally and they are the only people who use Gods name Ps 83:18 best wishes gorbalizer

2006-09-28 17:22:26 · answer #3 · answered by gorbalizer 5 · 4 0

People probably don't like us because we knock on doors. Of course it annoys some people. What we're doing is not trying to irritate anyone, but find those who are interested in learning more about the Bible. It's not forcing religion because no one is forced to take our literature. We are just making sure that everyone has a chance to hear about God's good news.

Anyway, I'm not sure why else people might not like is, but I really don't care. I know I live a good life and I'm not a member of some creepy cult. Of course, no one understands that because people always seem to believe everything they hear from other people, not the actual Jehovah's Witnesses.

2006-09-28 17:12:52 · answer #4 · answered by Aloofly Goofy 6 · 2 1

Hahahaha. About their bible?
They have predicted the end of the world many times and been wrong. How did they predict the end of the world? From their so called bible! Also, they said only X number of people would make it into heaven. (Sorry I forgot what X is) and yet that X is smaller than the number of Jehovah's Witnesses!!!!! They can't even be smart enough to allow all of themselves into heaven. Sorry, it is just a joke! However, we all should have religeous tolerance. If they want to be Jehovah's Witnesses or Islamic or Atheist, let them. No sence in these religious wars! That is just stupid!
Personally I would stay away from them. But, the choice is yours. As long as you are ok with it in your heart then choose what religion you want. Go to different churches and spend time at each one and see which one you like the best. Find one that educates you and makes you feel spiritually at home.

2006-09-28 17:12:27 · answer #5 · answered by The Ultimate Nerd 4 · 0 3

Maybe the most annoying thing about them IS their going to people's houses to "teach them about the bible". I mean, in all of the Occidental World, we all have the right not to be subjected to that, don't we?

Other than that, Jehovah's Witnesses don't bother me any more than Christians, Jews or Muslims. They're just believers.

2006-09-28 17:09:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, they don't seem to know their Bibles front to back, unless they are being deliberately obtuse. If you broach a 'sticky' subject like, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" ...first they never heard of it...when you know where it is...then they have to look it up in their version of the Bible to see the 'big' difference. Then when it turns out to be that the word witch is replaced by the word sorceress...they have a pat answer from their "Big Book of Easy Rebuttals" that they no doubt have memorised.

It's best to just say that you don't believe at all on account of the Geological column to which they have no answer...shake your hand and go.

2006-09-28 17:16:07 · answer #7 · answered by eantaelor 4 · 0 2

Personally, I like them...I am one. :)
You're right though, most people really don't like us. Little do they know that they're actually fulfilling Bible prophecy. Matthew 24:9: "people will deliver YOU up to tribulation and will kill YOU, and YOU will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name." It's just one of the signs of the last days.

I look forward to the fulfillment of Psalms 37:10,11: "10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.
11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. "

The link below explains our beliefs...for anyone who wants to know.....

2006-09-28 17:13:55 · answer #8 · answered by Rachel B 3 · 4 0

Hi. Im glad to see someone isnt automatically bashing us. I love that I have found the truth and I really wish others could see it. By the way Im Aubree Im 19 and I havent always been a witness. I was catholic then when I was 17 I started studying and this past August I was baptized. Please if you have any questions email me at hispeach128@yahoo.com :)

2006-09-28 18:31:17 · answer #9 · answered by hispeach128 2 · 2 0

There Ok I guess but model citizens I do not agree. I have neighbors that are JW there children are just awful the family is very loud and rowdy There Children .are always doing hurtful things to other peoples property. Then they say there children can’t play with yours due to religious differences .Probably a good thing in my case.
I also don't agree that they know. Their bibles front and back they have a tendency to skip around in the bible. When I studied one whole year with them they take out of context big time.

Not to mention when My SIL and I studied they encouraged her to divorce my brother in the early 70 because he refused to make his and her children follow the JW religion .He said he would support his wife But would not make the children go to church..

As far as the true religion I say no because of them jumping all arround in the bible. Just my view

2006-09-28 17:23:55 · answer #10 · answered by dianehaggart 5 · 0 4

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