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I am a true believer in God Almighty so if any of you Athiest can give me one unrefutable piece of evidence why God Cannot exist then i will quite believing. Anyone.... come on, its a free shot, knock me off my pedistal of faith.

2006-09-28 16:27:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

As you scroll down these are my answers 1. Not hostile dedicated 2.All seeing all knowing care taker of souls 3.Yes and probably not. 4. Thats what i am doing. 5.They dont & Yes & is there is nothing better than God. 6. Billions of believers, thousands of years of history the exodus just a few your turn. 7. My eyes are open & probably not. 8. Look at no. 6 and who was your great,great, great grandfather if you dont know he must not have been real correct? your logic not mine. 9.Unicorns and toothfairies? Please. Next. 10. Not a man & no & no. 11. I am with you bethy75 9 12. Thank you Mister M. peace 13. look at no. 6 and what is it with unicorns? 14. Then you must not believe your history teachers either then huh? Bunch of fools right. 15. Santa Claus was real he lived in germany in the 1800(no Flying reindeer though) 16.Sciencetist speculate that at the heart of a black hole the rules of physics no longer apply. If thats true then God could also be true dont you agree. probably not.

2006-09-29 03:24:47 · update #1

17.None have survived for so long, none have had such world wide exposer, none have changed countries and kingdoms like the word of God. 18.Its proof without any sustainable argument as to the contradiction of its validity. 19.That you Ragina 20. zero? You got me there dont know what you mean. 21. Taste, touch hearing, sight all the usual sensory imagery. Your next. 22.Delusion? Reason, rationality, facts, logic, critical thought? Did you just refer to most of the civilized world, the vatican, and billions of believes as a bunch of nuts? here then are some words for you CLOSEMINDED, EGOTISTICAL, ARROGANT,UNREALALISTIC. 23. Again with the insults now myself and billions of worshipper are fools real nice. 24. Thank you damaris for you faith. 25.See no. 6 & It has been all through out history you just wont see it. You try my way I DARE YOU!!!

2006-09-29 03:41:03 · update #2

17.None have survived for so long, none have had such world wide exposer, none have changed countries and kingdoms like the word of God. 18.Its proof without any sustainable argument as to the contradiction of its validity. 19.That you Ragina 20. zero? You got me there dont know what you mean. 21. Taste, touch hearing, sight all the usual sensory imagery. Your next. 22.Delusion? Reason, rationality, facts, logic, critical thought? Did you just refer to most of the civilized world, the vatican, and billions of believes as a bunch of nuts? here then are some words for you CLOSEMINDED, EGOTISTICAL, ARROGANT,UNREALALISTIC. 23. Again with the insults now myself and billions of worshipper are fools real nice. 24. Thank you damaris for you faith. 25.See no. 6 & It has been all through out history you just wont see it. You try my way I DARE YOU!!!

2006-09-29 03:41:04 · update #3

17.None have survived for so long, none have had such world wide exposer, none have changed countries and kingdoms like the word of God. 18.Its proof without any sustainable argument as to the contradiction of its validity. 19.That you Ragina 20. zero? You got me there dont know what you mean. 21. Taste, touch hearing, sight all the usual sensory imagery. Your next. 22.Delusion? Reason, rationality, facts, logic, critical thought? Did you just refer to most of the civilized world, the vatican, and billions of believes as a bunch of nuts? here then are some words for you CLOSEMINDED, EGOTISTICAL, ARROGANT,UNREALALISTIC. 23. Again with the insults now myself and billions of worshipper are fools real nice. 24. Thank you damaris for you faith. 25.See no. 6 & It has been all through out history you just wont see it. You try my way I DARE YOU!!!

2006-09-29 03:41:05 · update #4

17.None have survived for so long, none have had such world wide exposer, none have changed countries and kingdoms like the word of God. 18.Its proof without any sustainable argument as to the contradiction of its validity. 19.That you Ragina 20. zero? You got me there dont know what you mean. 21. Taste, touch hearing, sight all the usual sensory imagery. Your next. 22.Delusion? Reason, rationality, facts, logic, critical thought? Did you just refer to most of the civilized world, the vatican, and billions of believes as a bunch of nuts? here then are some words for you CLOSEMINDED, EGOTISTICAL, ARROGANT,UNREALALISTIC. 23. Again with the insults now myself and billions of worshipper are fools real nice. 24. Thank you damaris for you faith. 25.See no. 6 & It has been all through out history you just wont see it. You try my way I DARE YOU!!!

2006-09-29 03:41:06 · update #5

17.None have survived for so long, none have had such world wide exposer, none have changed countries and kingdoms like the word of God. 18.Its proof without any sustainable argument as to the contradiction of its validity. 19.That you Ragina 20. zero? You got me there dont know what you mean. 21. Taste, touch hearing, sight all the usual sensory imagery. Your next. 22.Delusion? Reason, rationality, facts, logic, critical thought? Did you just refer to most of the civilized world, the vatican, and billions of believes as a bunch of nuts? here then are some words for you CLOSEMINDED, EGOTISTICAL, ARROGANT,UNREALALISTIC. 23. Again with the insults now myself and billions of worshipper are fools real nice. 24. Thank you damaris for you faith. 25.See no. 6 & It has been all through out history you just wont see it. You try my way I DARE YOU!!!

2006-09-29 03:41:07 · update #6

25 answers

They can't provide anything but they want us to provide proof. How Sad! The burden of proof is on them. If a person can make a negative statement with no proof then their statement is a lie. Great question!


2006-09-28 17:16:42 · answer #1 · answered by Pashur 7 · 0 3

there are hundreds of irrefutable reasons and pure evidence but none will suffice the religiously challenged fool in his denial. this is not meant in malice but an attempt at the blunt and unadulterated truth ...the idol created by man lying has compelled many good things as many as the evil it has promulgated as well That consolidated God of Myth is a lot like the credit co. that puts everything into one convenient pot .But remember the theory of an all good God that knew in advance before he created good as well as evil and misery hatred and greed and so forth these are major inconsistencies . that is the first cut in the childlike belief that man's version of god is not viable in logic.......and the tenants to the con go on and on ..take
your honest and truthful look at the imperfection of evolution and then tell me with a strait face this is the work of a God!!! hogwash! If their were a God that I could acknowledge he would not be moronic !and free will is an entirely mentally bankrupt attempt to say what never makes sense a weak argument at a kind best.. stand on your own moral feet without fear from the voodoo master and feel the joy of life with freedom and clarity of thought the future will eventually belong to the truth. like a frog in a well you may need time and help in your reaching your knew found Epiphany to the plain truth saintlyness is not the business of religion only a misguided tool....for political prowess..free your mind peace out good luck .

2006-09-29 00:08:01 · answer #2 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 2 0

Nobody can prove that god doesn't exist the same way we can't prove that gobblins don't exist or that god isn't the flying spaghetti monster. What we can prove is that there is no real proof for god, so we can't assume there is a god, that is faulty logic. Are you going to believe in Santa Claus because there isn't evidence that he doesn't exist? Of course not.

I think the best way into Atheism is to realize how your religion is just one of the hundreds of religions that have existed through human history and how none of these have had real proof to back it up. Also an understanding of cosmology and biology will let you see how many things we attribute to god really don't require him, and those things do have evidence.

2006-09-28 23:37:04 · answer #3 · answered by Alucard 4 · 3 0

If you examine the meaning of the word "exist", and your definition of god, you'll find that the two are incompatible. Of course, that's just liguistics and isn't very compelling.

More compelling is the idea that god created the universe. The act of creation implies something did not exist, and then something happened to make it exist. It necessarily involved the passage of time.

Yet relativity demonstrates that time is part of the universe itself. So if the universe does not exist, neither doe time. That implies a contradiction; the passage of time without the existence of time.

Of course, if you're willing to accept contradictions to sustain your position, no proof is possible that will convince you.

2006-09-28 23:39:07 · answer #4 · answered by lenny 7 · 5 0

Why should only one god, Yahweh, 'God' of the Bible, be the One True God. Why not Odin? Please consider that all human cultures all over the whole planet of Earth have religions and gods. Why would only one god from one, single, culture be the True Path? I would argue that for the Bible's God to be the only god, His worship would have developed in many different places around the globe, not just a single location from a single culture. That's irrational.

It is not possible to prove that He does not exist, but logic can argue about His place in the Universe. I, for one, do not believe that He is the Creator, or the only Path to Heaven.

Can you prove me wrong?

2006-09-28 23:40:05 · answer #5 · answered by St. Toad 5 · 2 0

I'll do so when you can provide me one unrefutable piece of evidence that he DOES exist.


Mister M: Simple -- the parents had sex. The sperm and ova merged, creating a life that had the requisite genetic material for human life.

Where then God?


Damaris: In logic, it is not possible to prove a negative. We cannot prove there is no god. Lack of proof though does not constitute proof. We cannot prove that there is no invisible pink unicorn or flying spaghetti monster, nor, much as I wish lack of proof constituted proof, that there is a pride of invisible anthropomorphic male lions in my backyard who like to pounce me and dress me in leather for their amusement.

It is the affirmative that must be proven.

Atheists say: There is no God. We acknowledge we cannot prove this.

Theists say: There is a God.

Which one is the affirmative? The theist. Therefore, the burden of proof is on YOU.

2006-09-28 23:32:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It is of no concern to atheists whether you believe or not. Besides, such deep seated delusions as yours are virtually impossible to overturn... the simple fact that you ARE a believer is an excellent indication that you are quite immune to trivial considerations such as reason, rationality, facts, logic and critical thought. Nope... be happy in your delusions. All we are concerned with is taking every opportunity to intervene, and oppose your insane beliefs in order to protect vulnerable minds from the insidious and destructive mental virus that you seek to spread.

2006-09-29 00:07:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Of course we can't. We can only show you evidence that makes sense to us. I can't even show you irrefutable proof that the sun will make it over the horizon in the morning. You don't seem to understand what irrefutable proof is.

And Mister M, I don't know how someone can hold an anecephalic baby in their arms and tell me that there is a god. Or a 6 month old baby that was raped on film to sell to deviants. Come on, open your eyes.

2006-09-28 23:44:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I'll ask you the opposite of what you've asked us, but leave out the things written by humans about god( the word) because i do not trust poor dirty peasants that lived 2, 000 years ago- oh yea, how is it that they received jesus christ, and the word of god(the bible) but none before or since has----on the same level?

2006-09-28 23:36:49 · answer #9 · answered by john_moody_69@yahoo.com 1 · 2 0

Okay...what's God like?....let's look at the Holy Scripture...

Numbers 23:19,"God is not a man...neither the son of man, that he should repent."
Jeremiah 15:6, "I am weary with repenting."
Exodus 15:3, "the Lord is a man of war."

So, what do you think, is he a 'man of war' or 'not a man?'
Does he not repent...or was he really 'weary with repenting?'

2006-09-28 23:34:30 · answer #10 · answered by eantaelor 4 · 2 0

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