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okay well she is verrrrrrrrry hyper like all the time and shes mean.. Ive had her since she was 7 weeks and she has been treated very good. she has never been mean to.. you pet her she growls and bites you (shes black very pretty) you pick her up she does the same. and she runs around like shes high on something and cant calm down. shes always on the run. and then we have a few other cats here ( they are all fixed, we just got her fixed on Monday, like 4 days ago, )but she fights with the other cats. she is constantly naggin g at the other cats until they get mad and fight with her. shes like a DEVIL .lol but I love this cat to death just plz someone tell me whats up here? thanks in advance :)

2006-09-28 16:27:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

11 answers

Kittens are simply energetic balls of fluff. They play with anything and anyone that comes near them. Your kitten is just being a normal kitten....at least the energy part.

The fact that she's always picking a fight is something you need to try and change, because it could lead to her just being a mean cat when she gets older. I've found that just discouraging it with a "no" and then putting her in a room (that she's comfortable with) alone for 5 minutes works very well. That way she'll associate "no" with being alone and not being able to play or be happy. Hitting your kitten is bad, and try not to do that. Also don't play rough with her, or let her bite your hands. That only encourages the bad behavior. Oh, and lastly, when she listens to the no, give her a treate to reinforce the good behavior.

2006-09-28 16:38:57 · answer #1 · answered by xxxdarksakuraxxx 2 · 1 1

I'm not sure what is going on, but I have some suggestions. Having her spade might calm her down. Is she the last cat you have gotten? If so, she might be fighting for her spot. There are three things that I would try. Get a squirt bottle with a mist adjustment and spray her every time she growls or bites and squirt her. Clap your hands together loudly and tell her no, sternly. Or get a can with coins in it and shake it at her when she misbehaves. Don't look her in the eyes, just take what ever action you choose and then walk away from her. She needs to know she has been punished. Never hit her, that will only make her worse. There are some cats that just have a little bit of a wild cat personality in them and there is nothing you can do. I had one like that. Remember cats were breed down from wild cats. I hope one of these will help her.

2006-09-28 17:09:19 · answer #2 · answered by miss_lati_dah 1 · 0 1

It's not uncommon for kittens to be hyper. I have a 3 month old who acts like she's a toy that's wound way too tight - she buzzes around - antagonizing her older (adopted) siblings. She continues to stalk and pounce on them even after they hiss and spat at her. She'll calm down with age, but that can take a year to 18 months. In my house, it's if she lives that long. I think there's an assassination plot in the works! Biting is a form of play to them - which they will outgrow eventually - like everything else. I haven't had a cat hang from the curtains in a long time - my next youngest cat is almost 7. Drives me crazy, but, you understand, she's so darn cute when she does it.
My advice, enjoy the craziness that is kitty hood while it lasts. They're also the best, and loudest purrers!

2006-09-28 16:36:58 · answer #3 · answered by kids and cats 5 · 1 1

It is normal.I have a 6mo old kitty. His eyes are crazy when he gets into those moods.His pupils get real big and the light makes them reflect red! Your kitten is wanting to play with the other cats, but they aren't as active as she is. She just wants to do all she can to play.As far as her growling when you pick her up, she just may not like that kind of attention. Try cat toys that you can dangle so you can give her attention and she can wear out some energy. Also, kittens teethe. So the biting will eventually become chewing/gnawing. She is still very young and exploring her limits. I suggest going to Purina Pet Pages. They answer a lot of questions with vet info. And keep in mind that cats are very broad when it comes to personality...no two are alike. And she IS a female afterall....I know I AM moody.

2006-09-28 16:42:54 · answer #4 · answered by emeraldlily_82 2 · 0 1

first of all shes a kitty shes very playfull , cats just like dogs like to bite and chew on things this is normal behavor , get her some lil toys like mice ,, balls etc for her to bat around and play with , get her a scratching post , even a cardboard box with the lid closed adn a hole cut in the center so she can run hide and even play in there , the attention that shes getting from the older cats is that she wants to play and they dont want to so they start fighting , theyll come around in time , as for when u pick her up sme animals just dont like to be held they feel like there traped so theyll bite claw scratch nip etc to get away , and sence u just got her fixed her lil belly is tender it can take a week or 2 for her to heal completly , u may try some cat nip to help mello he r out , but a active kitty is a sine of a healthy kitty , but if her hyper ness gets to concern u after tryin gwhat i and others sugested , maybe changing her food , and most importantly a visit to the vet theyll be abl e to help u more , heres a lil advice though if your kitty or cats are keeping u up at night try feeding them at night , cats will go to sleep shortly after feedings

2006-09-28 17:01:40 · answer #5 · answered by dale621 5 · 0 1

i had a male can like that and the vet had me get him fixed and that did not work so i got him a play mate that seemed to help. he is just a very hyper cat mine still is .. you just have to play with him more than the others... try to get toys that have a long string on the with a toy mine seemed to like that and in time he will see

2006-09-29 08:01:34 · answer #6 · answered by lorettamike_perion 1 · 0 1

female cats usually don't get along with other cats...and if your bring other cat in to move in it take 1 to 2 weeks for the cats to get along...

but if you fixed your cat and is bring other cats in ...that isn't a wise move...your cat can still be healing and she would need her rest ..and right now i think you might be stressing her out

and i wouldn't pick her up so much after the surgery as well ..she could still feel tender

and her being active is good and normal

2006-09-28 16:39:25 · answer #7 · answered by purpleskunk77 3 · 1 1

Separate her for now until her surgery wound is healed, perhaps for even a few weeks after that since she is so fiesty.

2006-09-28 16:39:46 · answer #8 · answered by Suze 2 · 0 1

when she starts to bite you when you play with her, ignore her she will eventually get the hint and stop biting you. or buy her some toys to bite. she maybe teething.

2006-09-29 15:10:22 · answer #9 · answered by pamijo_1980 2 · 0 1

Try catnip. It will put her in a happy mood. seriously. Its like kitty pot.

2006-09-28 16:35:25 · answer #10 · answered by Starry 4 · 0 1

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