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I mean come on christians leave other peoples lives alone.

FACT: Abortion is a LEGAL and Safe Medical procedure in the United States of America. Meaning it is a LAW.

If you hate American Law then why dont you leave America??? get out?

You cant pick and chose the laws you have to follow.

I have a ZERO Tolerance for Anti Choice people. They want to control people.

My Wife gets her abortion tomorrow morning. IT will cost about $450 but it will only last a few minutes. The fetus is removed, and we go home and live out life. We prefer to live our lives without christian extremsits interfering in it

2006-09-28 16:23:22 · 44 answers · asked by ast5792 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

44 answers

Your wife is having an abortion tomorrow and you are ranting on the internet this evening. Hmmm... Maybe the Holy Spirit is trying to reach you. I grieve for your child. I grieve for your wife, who will have issues, so get ready for them. Please be kind to her. I grieve for you as well, as you will have second thoughts from time to time about American Law as your highest moral authority. I will be praying for you, but you won't have to listen. You didn't have to write your question, or read this either. I'm so sorry about your anger and intolerance. In any event, may God grant you both the peace that passes all understanding.

Don't click on the link below if you must live in the apathy of ignorance. But if you seek the responsibility that knowledge brings, (and have a strong stomach) then click on.


2006-09-28 16:38:32 · answer #1 · answered by Nick â?  5 · 15 2

Go ahead and kill your baby that the two of you created together.
Fact: It goes against bible teachings.
Fact:America is a free country where one has there own opinion and can voice their opinions. If you don't like it get out.
Fact: You will live to regret this decision. Your wife more so than you. Weather you regret it in your life time or upon Jesus' return, either way you will regret it.
Have you two even talked about the possibility of adoption? You two are married and don't want children, then why don't you, or your wife have a procedure done where you can't reproduce, then you won't have to worry about ever having to go through this dilemma again.
And last, as you can see, I am totally against abortion. But, I do not butt into others peoples lives. I know that it is their choice and nothing I can say to them will make them change their minds. Free will. But you posted this question and I replied with a answer. If you hadn't posted, no one would have known. Now tomorrow, I will be sadden to know that a baby was purposely taken, for that tiny little baby had no say of it's future, cause mommy and daddy were careless one nite and made the choice for it.

2006-09-28 16:46:17 · answer #2 · answered by GraycieLee 6 · 4 0

I know you didn't care everyone thinks, and want people to leave you alone; then why post this question? Look, yes it's legal, but so are many other things I'm sure you wouldn't do? Yes, People have a right to choose, that's not the issue. The issue the people like me have is that your taking a life. It doesn't matter when a fetus becomes "alive", the point is it will be unless you kill it. I'm sorry, you're all about choice, which is fine but what about the choice of the life your wife is carrying. I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but when you have sex what do you expect to happen? last time I checked it is for having children. Sure it feels good, But if you really didn't want that child then why didn't you do something to prevent the pregnancy in the first place? Well. I won't go any further because I'm sure you've heard all this before and I'm not going to change your mind. Good luck to you, and I hope the life you're about to take doesn't haunt you.

2006-09-28 16:26:11 · answer #3 · answered by Coool 4 · 8 0

Fact:abortion is illegal--to God.Is it safe? I have two close friends who had abortions in their younger days...and they've never gotten over it.We don't hate American law. Most of us are as red-white and blue as you can get.We just love Gods laws more.You obviously can pick up and choose the laws you want to follow,when a pregnant woman has some special right to kill her baby but a passing stranger accidently trips her,causing a miscarriage is call involentary(misspelled) manslaughter.Have you ever seen pictures of an abortion?It's horrible.This isnt't about conttrolling people.It's about upholding the law.By the way..whos paying the $450?Please don't say the government.Thats every tax payer.The leaders in the pro choiceres would have our baby girls getting abortions without our knowing a thing.Those are just the facts.We'll mind our own businesses.Not a soul knew when either one of my friends was going through it.No one had a chance to put them down for it.I notice that the only christians that get called extremist are the christians that are doing His word.What is it that makes a christian anyway?Have a good life.

2006-09-29 19:09:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

t moral authority. I will be praying for you, but you won't have to listen. You didn't have to write your question, or read this either. I'm so sorry about your anger and intolerance. In any event, may God grant you both the peace that passes all understanding.

Don't click on the link below if you must live in the apathy of ignorance. But if you seek the responsibility that knowledge brings, (and have a strong stomach) then

2014-09-19 09:35:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why are we as Christians so against abortion???? Because it's murder of an innocent life. Besides, using abortion as birth control is wrong. Do you even know what happens to the baby when it's being aborted?

Just because it's a law, don't mean that it's right. I seriously disagree with it being a safe medical practice because of the damage that it does to a woman's utererus. I can't imagine why anyone would be in favor of a procedure where they go in and pull the arms and legs off the the fetus and then crush the skull of the fetus and then suck it out of the woman's body. How can you be proud of doing that to a living being?

It saddens me that you and your wife want to throw away such a Gift from God like that. I'm a father of 3 children, and they are all blessings in my life, and couldn't even begin to imagine how I would have felt if my wife would have aborted them. I don't think it would be a pain I could ever get over.

I pray that you and your wife will choose against it, and decide to keep the baby. Besides if you don't want the baby, there are many people out there who are unable to have children who would make great parents, why not put the baby up for adoption.

I know this may sound insensitive, but stop thinking of yourselves and think of the well being of that baby growing in your wife's womb.

2006-09-28 16:32:48 · answer #6 · answered by Bryan M 5 · 10 2

An abortion will leave permanent psychological scars and also a much greater risk of breast cancer for your wife.

I don't really understand why you are asking if you want people to mind their own business but I feel strongly about this issue and feel that unborn children who would have lived if it wasn't for intervention by the people who should love them most have no voice.

Plenty of things are legal but are they all good? and governments don't always get it right. If we all based our moral standards on politicians the world would be an even worse place to live.

The practice of abortion is the murdering of innocent unborn children and no-one will change my mind on this.

One day maybe we will learn to value the precious gift of life rather than putting finances or pathetic excuses in front of the right to life. Whats wrong with adoption into a loving family. There are many people who would provide a loving family to a child out there.

I have met people who have had abortions and then tried to conceive later in life and haven't been able to. Then they feel the heartache and the waste in what they have done in the past.

When I see people killing their children for their own convenience it makes me really feel sad. All this talk about the mothers rights - what about the baby - they should have rights too.

2006-09-28 16:34:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

If you don't want people butting in, then don't go announcing it on the internet!!
Reading your previous questions, I doubt this is even real. But if it is, I want to tell you that you and your wife are both murderers who will probably die a painful death yourselves as punishment for what you're doing to an innocent life who has no choice but to trust your wife for their air, food, water and housing right now. You're worse than Jeffrey Dahmer. As bad as Hitler. You're killing a baby by ripping it apart. It will feel every bit of it until it dies, and I surely hope you're ready to face your judgment for that. If, heaven forbid, you ever DO decide to have children, your wife's fertility will be greatly affected by an abortion. Her female cancer risks go up. If you are both willing to take those chances, then go for it.........but know that God is watching, whether you believe in Him or not.
It's not a choice if it's murder. Choices are good as long as they don't hurt others. A choice to abort DOES hurt someone....the most innocent someone of all.
If you are married and don't want to have babies, you should use birth control (the lesser of the two evils) or just stop having sex. Someone as heartless as you couldn't possibly feel any real emotional reaction from sex. Just take care of your own needs somehow, because you obviously can't feel anything for another person.
I'll pray that if this is real, God saves your baby somehow and delivers him or her from a life with you as parents. If it's not real, I pray that you will stop being such an immature lying jerk.
I feel badly for saying bad things about you, but sometimes even a Christian just can't resist. God forgive me.

2006-09-28 17:00:04 · answer #8 · answered by married_so_leave_me_alone1999 4 · 3 0

I agree with those who said, why post this if you don't want the opinion of those who come to this section.
Yes abortion is legal, but have you ever seen exactly what they do to what you call a fetus.
It IS a child, your child, your wife's child, your flesh & blood. Before you go through this watch a video on an abortion, if you don't your a coward & deep down inside you know it's wrong & it may change your mind & you & your wife want to be selfish. I promise you if you do this you will regret it later.
My heart truly aches for you, I wish I could have had more children, but couldn't. Please don't do this, you will never forget it, you will think, I wonder who our baby would have looked like, first time they called you daddy, first christmas. Children are such a joy, please don't destroy this chance to be loved by this gift from God, please!

2006-09-28 19:20:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

1) if you didn't want the child then why didn't use birth control?
2)This country was found on freedom to free religion so don' you say you have zero tolerance for it because if that is the way you feel then you don't you and you wife leave the country and go to a country that tells you what you do all 24 hours of you day.
3) You do have your right to say and feel the way that you do but don't try and tell others what to believe or to say . and don' asked question you don' want to hear some other answer then what you want to hear.

2006-09-28 16:30:58 · answer #10 · answered by dac39jjc 2 · 5 0

First there is no burning hell. It is an invention by men. The word 'hell' is simply an english translation of the greek and hebrew words for the common burial place of all humans when they die. As for God 'beating' us for not doing what he says. The opposite is true. We as a human race are beating 'ourselves' for not doing what he says. Jehovah, the God of the Bible, says at Isaiah 48:17,18 "This is what Jehovah has said, your repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: I Jehovah am your God, the one teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk, O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea". Nor force implied or intended. We stand to gain a great deal by living in harmony with Jehovah's moral guidelines. You are right of course that christians should never try and 'shove their religion down other people's throats' as Jesus himself never did that. People have the right to choose. On the other hand christians will preach. It is a command from Jesus himself (Mathew 28:19,20) But it is NEVER with the intention of condemning anyone.

2016-03-26 22:11:28 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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