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by the media and all branches of news outlets, and all coments pointing the finger at mexican people, do any of you realize how many cubans came here in boats and for how many years they have done it, please don't be mad but i really feel that if the press wishes for everyone to be made as hell about a issue then you are,news always travels fast from person to person as well, do you really think all mexicans just woak up one day and said lets go to america ? if they did it was because they where being asked to come and fill jobs they told where open,no one would walk that far without a plan and information to go on, some one out their wants you to hait mexicans and now look how so many are showing how meen they can be to other cultures, because why? maybe mexicans want to earn money yes but live here forever i don't think so, if you could work in canada would you go forever NO. think about what is real and what is political, and then tell us what you think is going on. thanks

2006-09-28 15:43:22 · 15 answers · asked by JALISCO 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

I also think if you are married to an american,immigration should work for the two people in need of help to be together,without long waits,like years, if you are here to earn money you should have the long wait not the married people, this is where the immigration problem could be fixed,only citizen ship for wife and kids of U.S. citizens not all others,just to come here to be a street outlaws and steal and be a bad person, send them home today''''thats the problem as i see it with immigration numbers.

2006-09-28 16:36:28 · update #1

most mexican people are very nice people but their are some in every crowed that are bad to the bone,no matter what country you are in.

2006-09-28 16:41:57 · update #2

15 answers

I have noticed. Although I am completely against the media doing so (I'm for immigration), I would agree that the media and their political and economic interests are doing a very good job at scaring people into thinking what they think and giving them money. Of course the immigrants are doing the jobs that many people won't do (because they're lazy) and are doing it for less. And it is obvious that they are putting mor money into our economy (try finding an obituary for somebody that says "illegal Mexican immigrant"). And you can't doubt that the reason they haven't sent them back yet is because rich white conservatives need them to wash their dishes. But if they let them stay without making a big fuss about it, then how are we supposed to forget about Iraq?

2006-09-28 15:54:07 · answer #1 · answered by desert_falcon932 2 · 2 5

Mexicans are the largest group of ILLEGALS there are in the USA. Having a Mexican wife and or kids from a Mexican doesnt make the laws any different. Wrong is wrong and if one marries a illegal to get her a legal status then so be it but it is still aginst the law. Illegals are breaking the law by entering ILLEGALLY and so nothing is getting blown out of proportion. If you think the Mexicans are willing to go back after earning the money then you are so wrong. I understand that you want to fight for the Mexicans came hell or high water but you are doing so to protect your Mexican wife and your half breed kids(not that there is anything wrong with half breed kids). You are doing what you feel is right but the nations laws are the natios laws and the ILLEGALS Are breaking it by entering the USA nd then demanding RIGHT. The illegals do have rights in the USA... The RIGHT to BE arrested, finger printed, held without trial and the right to be DEPORTED.

2006-09-30 19:43:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem with the immigration issue is people have trouble recognizing that ideally free trade applys to labour as well. If borders that stop workers are such a good idea, then why not extrapolate and have more of them??? Lets start with stopping people from switching states, then cities. Makes no sense.

People should just admit that the only reason to have borders is xenophobia.

The average Canadian is indistinguishable from an American, so I'd find it hard to believe an American would miss his culture in Canada. Anyways, according to Statistics Canada, out of 250 000 immigrants to Canada each year, only 6500 are American, which given the boom in Alberta, is extremely strong evidence that indeed borders severely distort labour markets.

2006-09-28 16:42:47 · answer #3 · answered by cptcanuck2 4 · 0 0

Yes it seems that the dems are trying with all their might to get the vote to illegals and the reps are doing everything they can to not piss off the moderates who want the laws upheld and not piss off the hispanic citizens. It really is quite funny.

I think if Americans told the dems with their votes that we want the laws enforced by removing some of them from office the republicans might worry less about losing some hispanic votes.

A very interesting point, most hispanic citizens are not for the illegals getting a free ride to citizenship.

2006-10-03 10:27:37 · answer #4 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 0

I don't think that most people hate Mexicans and other immigrants, but we DO need to find a way to allow ONLY immigrants who are legal. Is it so much to ask that non-citizens are required to follow our laws, just like citzens are? It seems reasonable to me.

I do think that the media tend to report on extreme cases, whether it be immigration or any other subject. That's just he nature of the media--they get ratings with drama.

2006-09-28 15:59:37 · answer #5 · answered by Mike N 2 · 1 0

You are a redneck, not like me, I am a prime specimen. At least I can spell.

The mexicans are a problem because there are so many streaming in every day adding to the millions here already and sucking up billions of taxpayer dollars and destroying the American standard of living. Get enough mexicans over here and this place will be a garbage dump just like mehiho city. Wake up and smell the coffee and learn to spell more betterer.

2006-09-28 15:49:10 · answer #6 · answered by Kokopelli 7 · 5 1

Outta proportion my EYE. Our government allowing this continue is like horking a loogy in our faces.

Our national security is at stake and the likes of you are downplaying my concerns?

Any pro illegal alien supportors have their heads way up their holes including some Republicans

2006-09-28 16:05:34 · answer #7 · answered by bconehead 5 · 4 1

Smoke and mirrors. While people are off complaining about one issue the politicians are hiding the others.

Our jobs are being sent overseas faster than than you think. In my occupation we went from 12,000 technicians to just over 5,000 of them in 5 years. My work was outsourced to China since even they do work cheaper than illegals. Everything is being outsourced now. The next time you buy something look at the tag where it was made in, sure as hell aint gonna say USA.

2006-09-28 15:52:15 · answer #8 · answered by Tegeras 4 · 5 3

Not all Hispanics are rude. Not all are illegal. It is the rude, illegal ones we want OUTTA here. We have tapes showing their demands for right s they don't have. We have tapes of them saying they are going to be the majority. We have tapes and speeches by important Hispanic leaders in our own southwest telling the Hispanic community they will take back land the USA won in war. They stand on our streets and grab themselves, shoot us the finger, call us filthy names (and in front of their children!), try to get violent with us. WE are the CITIZENS!! ...NOT THEM!!
THEY are here ILLEGALLY! They should stay in their country and work there. If they are smart, have a strong work ethic and the stamina we and our ancestors had to make the USA what it is today, they could make Mexico better. Running away won't make it better.

2006-09-28 16:04:27 · answer #9 · answered by «»RUBY«» 4 · 4 4

You can't see this issue through rose colored glasses,
illegal immigration is a huge problem, They should come here legally, Everyone else has to do it if they want to go anywhere and its insulting to people who take the appropriate channels to get to their destination.

How the HELL did i get thumbs down? Do you think illegal immigration is OK? i wasn't even being racist,

2006-09-28 15:46:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 5

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